Chapter 2 don't make Harry mad

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Harry's pov
So all the boys slept through the night. I was grateful for that. Niall started crying at 10 or so. I walked in and sat of the bed. "What's wrong buddy?" I asked. "Don't wanna sleep anymore. Wanna play!" He sniffled. "You can play. It's morning it's time to wake up anyways." I smiled when he grinned really big. "Hey I have a job for you. Can you go into your brothers rooms and wake them up? I asked. "Yes!" He said excitedly. "No jumping, hitting, screaming, or yelling." I said sternly. "Okay." he said grumpily. "Thanks Bub." I told him going downstairs to start on breakfast. Niall ran down the stairs about 2 minutes later. "Wake them up?" I asked. "Yes I did." He said proudly. "Good boy." I smiled ruffling his hair. Liam came down showered and dressed. "Good morning Li." I smiled still cooking. "Morning." He grinned. "You're happy this morning." I commented. "I could finally sleep heavily for once." He admitted. "You can get used to that you know." I said and he nodded. Zayn and Louis came down soon after Zayn showered. "He took all the fucking hot water!" Louis whined. "It's okay Lou. You can get a shower after breakfast and I'll get mine after you. No problem." I shrugged. "You're taking his side?!" He yelled. "No Louis I'm not taking a side I'm being logical." I sighed. "Fucking hell. I was always the least favorite guess I am here too huh?!" He yelled. I turned off the stove and turned toward him. "Louis. I'm not taking a side. I'm not picking favorites. I would love it if you'd quit yelling and throwing a fit though." I said calmly. Liam looked shocked. "What?" I asked. "He would've been beaten to a pulp by now if this was yesterday." Liam explained. I shook my head. "I fucking hate you. You should've let me die. You're a fake. You're going to be just like him. I hate him and I hate you." Louis then spit on me. He missed my face and it landed on my bare chest. I grabbed a paper towel and wiped it off me. "Louis. You don't want to make me mad. I suggest you calm down. It's not a big deal." I said still calm. Everyone but Louis was looking at me shocked. Louis said nothing but spit on me again. This time he got my cheek. I wiped it off again. "Looks like you have a bit of a spitting problem. Would you like me to fix that?" I asked. He looked at me weirdly. I grabbed his arm and took him to my room. Still pretty calm, getting angry but not there yet. "Take me to him. Let me die. It's better than living with a fake bastard." He said with rage. "Damn it Louis do you ever know when to stop?" I asked. "Do you know how to be real?"He asked and spit on me again. "FUCKING GET YOUR SORRY ASS INTO THAT CORNER BEFORE I BELT YOUR ASS!" I yelled with rage. He just crossed the line. He looked up at me with scared eyes. "Is this the real you?" He asked after he recovered from my yelling. You can't beat a child Harry. I took a deep breath. "Get to the corner." I said calming down. He finally obeyed. I sat on my bed and rubbed my temples. Damn I need to watch my temper. after 10 minutes I was calm and was going to spank him. Yeah I know they just met me but he already tested me. I gave Niall a couple spanks last night. He didn't seem too fazed. "Louis come here please." I called him over. When he turned around I noticed he had cried a little bit. He walked over to me. "Are you scared of me?" I asked. "When you yelled I was." He admitted. "Yeah I know I need to watch that I'm sorry I yelled okay?" I asked. He nodded. "Have you been spanked before?" I asked. "Not a full one. A few spanks every now and then but nothing big." He told me. "I'm going to spank you. It won't be too bad since you just got here and you've never had a real spanking before." I told him. He nodded sadly. "You understand why right?" I asked. "Yes sir." He sighed. "Okay. Pants down." I ordered. He blushed and pulled them down. I helped him over my lap. "I'm starting." I warned before landing a sharp smack to his ass. He gripped my jeans. I continued and made a pattern out of it. At 25 I stopped. "Louis have you learned?" I asked. "Yes sir." He cried. I lifted him up and put him on my lap careful of his ass. He threw his arms around my neck and cried into my still bare chest. "So sorry." he cried. "It's okay Bub. You're okay." I tried to soothe. I have no fucking idea what I'm doing with any of this. I went from drinking every night to letting a 12 year old cry into my chest after I finished spanking him. What the actual fuck. I walked downstairs with Louis in my arms. Liam had finished breakfast. "Thanks Li." I told him. "How'd you do that?" He asked. "Do what?" I questioned. "Get him to stop throwing a fit and be cuddly right after. His tantrums are the worst and you just met us. How'd you do that?" He asked again. "Liam I spanked him." I said. His eyes grew wide. Louis buried his face into my neck embarrassed. "Don't worry though okay Li? He's okay." I said rubbing Louis back gently. Liam nodded. I think he's just glad he doesn't have to take care of them anymore. He shouldn't have to. We all sat down to eat Louis on my lap so he didn't have to sit on the hard chair. After he was done he cuddled into me again. "He likes you." Liam mouthed. I looked down at him and smiled. I nodded at Liam. "We all do." He smiled. "I like you guys too." I mouthed. Liam grinned. After breakfast Louis and I got showers. "Let's go buy you guys clothes and stuff." I said. They all agreed. Once we got there we stood at the doors of the mall. "Okay Louis and Niall with me and Zayn you can go with Liam. Call me if you see anything suspicious." I told Liam. I gave him a track phone that I had on hand. He has minutes and the three oldest will be getting on my plan and getting iPhones or whatever they want. "Yes sir." He said and the walked off. "Stay in my sight and stay close. If you run off I'll take you to the bathroom." I warned. I already explained going to the bathroom. Such as taking them in there and spanking their ass. They both nodded Niall faster than necessary. After two stores Niall already wanted me to carry him around. I did though. People looked at me weirdly but I didn't care. Eventually I was holding Louis hand a few sacks and Niall walking through the mall. I got many weird looks then but I still didn't care. I gave Liam and Zayn 100 dollars each so they should be good I got Niall some pjs and jeans sweaters and shoes and underwear and socks. Same for Louis. Then I got them a few tshirts too, then cause I'm a nice person I got them all a bag of candy. I called Liam and I saw that they both got the essentials and we headed to AT&T for phones. They all wanted one like mine so that's what they got. We went home and they started putting stuff up while I helped Niall. I got him a bed rail too so he doesn't roll off. After that it was supper time. We had eaten lunch at the mall. I made cheese burgers because we were all getting hungry. We ate then I decided I should bathe Niall and get him ready for bed. I got him a sip cup to put him to sleep with. After his bath I dressed him in pajamas and filled his sip cup with warm milk and took him to the couch. I cradled him in my arms and gave him his sip cup. He was asleep before he was even done drinking his milk. I got up and laid him down in his bed. I kissed his forehead and left. As I walked out I got a call. "Hello?" I answered. "Hey Harry my alcoholic! How's it going?" Tanner asked. "I'm good what about you?" I asked. "Good man. Let's party. No excuses. You're getting drunk tonight." He laughed. "Nah man I can't." I sighed. I'm already missing my old life. "Why not man?! Better be good!" He said. "Got four boys to look after." I sighed. "Why?" He asked. "They're my brothers. I couldn't let them die." I sighed running a hand through my curls. Only Liam has curly hair like me. Liam and I have the same mom Zayn has a different mom and Louis and Niall have the same mom. My real dad is a whore. Like me. "Fuck bro. Have you killed one of them yet?" He asked. "They're my blood relation. No Tanner I'm not going to kill them either." I face palmed. "Damn dude you love them don't you?" he asked. "Yes I do. Once again they're family. Of course I love them." I said. "I'm coming over tomorrow. I wanna meet them." Tanner spoke. "Okay. Be careful with your language. Louis has quite the mouth on him." I sighed. "You actually care about that?" He asked. "He's 12!" I said trying to emphasize my worry. "Well I'll let you get back to watching the kids dude. See you tomorrow." He said and hung up. I walked around the corner to see Liam standing there. "I love you too." He said. I smiled and ruffled his hair. "I'm glad you do." I admitted. Liam grinned and hugged me tightly. Soon they were all in bed. I walked into Niall's room. "Bubba you need to get up and go to the bathroom real quick." I said after I woke him up. He lifted his arms for me to pick him up. I did and carried him to the bathroom. He peed and washed his hands. I carried him back to bed. "Harry? Please don't leave me." He whimpered. What? "Why bubba?" I asked. "I'm scared." He said. "Did you have a nightmare before I woke you up?" I asked. "Yes and I'm afraid of the dark." I'll put a night light on my list of things I need to get."Okay." I picked him up and carried him to my room. I laid him down and then got into bed. He cuddled up with me and I sighed deeply. It's a good thing he's cute and small. Soon though he was asleep and shortly after I was too.

A/N: was it okay?

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