Chapter 15, returning to the gym.

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Harry's Pov

Since the boys have been here I haven't gone to the gym. At all. So today I decided I was gonna get back to the gym. It's about 7 pm and we just finished supper and I bathed Niall already. "Boys I'm heading off to the gym, be good. I love you boys." I told them walking out the door.

Zayn's pov

I've always wanted to know what Daddy would do if one of us bigger kids wet the bed. Liam not to long ago had a problem with it but got it under control. Imma get Louis to help me get Liam to drink a lot right before bed. Seeing as Harry said he won't be back till 9:30 which is 30 minutes past our bed time tonight is perfect. We made lemonade which Liam cannot resist. He walked into the kitchen at 8:30 looking for a snack or something. Perfect. "Lemonade?!" He said excitedly. "Yeah Li. Help yourself." I smiled. He drank 12 cups. He's gonna piss himself. I know it. He went to bed right after that leaving me to get Niall up to pee and go back to sleep before getting into bed myself. As expected Liam was soaked in the morning.

Harry's pov

Liam wet the bed last night. I don't know what I should do. He's 16! He shouldn't be wetting himself. "You should spank him daddy." Zayn told me. "Zayn no. It was an accident." I think. What if he did it on purpose? "Daddy he hasn't ever wet the bed until now. It can't be an accident." Zayn told me. "I'll talk to him Zayn." I sighed. He walked away and i woke up the soaked child. "Liam." I said gently. He opened his eyes wide. "I'm sorry. I drank too much last night. It's my fault." He cried. "Only one cup before bed or next time I'll spank you. You're too old for this Li." I said sternly. "Yes sir." He whispered guiltily. "Come on baby. Let's get you cleaned up." I told him smiling a little. "I don't need help dad. I can shower by myself." He huffed. "I know." I sighed. "Dad?" He asked suddenly turning around. "Yes baby?" I answered. "Do you still love me the same? I mean do I embarrass you?" He asked. "Liam come here." I told him. He did. He fell into my arms and cried into my chest. "You could never embarrass me. I will always love you. You're my baby boy." I told him. "Thanks daddy." He sniffled. I grinned proudly. He's never called me daddy before. I kissed his cheek before tapping his bum to get him to get moving. His cheeks blushed with embarrassment because he had just hugged me being all wet. I didn't mind obviously though. I walked out of his room and to the kitchen to make breakfast. "Did you spank him?" Zayn asked. "No Zayn. Stop asking or I'll spank you." I warned. "He deserves to be spanked!" He declared. "Turn over." I ordered. His eyes grew wide. "No." He stuttered. "Yes. Do as I say." I told him. He slowly turned around. "Place your palms on the counter and bend over." I ordered. "Daddy please." He begged. "Don't beg. I don't like beggars." I snapped. He obeyed after that. I gave him 10 quick spanks. "Don't tell me how to do my job Zayn Styles." I said landing a spank with each word. "Yes sir." He sniffled. "Come here." I told him. He immediately put his face into my stomach and continued to sniffle. "I love you Zayn." I told him kissing his hair. "I love you too daddy." He replied. "Daddy I'm cold." He said once he let go. "Are you sick?" I asked. "I don't know." He shrugged. I put my hand over his forehead and yes he was hot as hell. "Yeah you've got a fever. Go back to sleep baby. I'll bring you breakfast and medicine in a while." I told him. "No school?" He asked. "No not while you're sick baby." I told him. "Really?!" He asked excited. "Yes now go." I told him. "Yes sir." He said quieting down. Louis came down the stairs a little while later frowning. "What's wrong." I asked. "Why is Zayn not going to school?" He asked. "He's sick." I answered. "So?" He asked. "So he's staying home with me." I told him. "I'm sick too." He lied. "Do not lie Louis Styles." I warned. "Fine." He huffed. "Here's breakfast." I said walking off to make sure Niall was awake and getting ready. I walked in and Niall was all ready, playing with his toys. "Niall lets go eat." I told him and he nodded and got excited. I shook my head and laughed. After he ran down the stairs Liam came down too. I drove them all to school then went back home to tend to Zayn. I got his breakfast ready and grabbed some medicine and brought it up to him. "Hey baby. How you feeling?" I asked. "Cold." He replied. "Sorry bubba." I said handing him his food. "After I eat will you cuddle with me?" He asked looking at me with wide innocent eyes. "Yes baby." I smiled. "Thanks." He said taking a bite of his eggs. Soon he ate and took his medicine and we went to my room to watch movies and cuddle all day.

A/N: short update I know but should I have Liam continue to wet the bed or nah

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