Chapter 5 Zayn, I love you just as much.

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Zayn's pov
Niall has been clung to Harry ever since we got here. I admit I'm jealous. He calls him dada. He gives him kisses. Niall has his full attention all the time. I just want to be noticed. Even Louis and Liam have more of his attention than I do. Everyone hates me. I don't blame them I guess. I don't even look like them at all. Harry just walked in to wake us up. He went to Louis first. Shocker. "Zaynie bubba it's time to wake up." He said softly. I didn't move. I kept my back to him so he couldn't see that my eyes were open. "Zee Bub you need to wake up so you can eat." He sighed. I started to tear up. I don't think I can stand another day seeing him ignore me. He moved my body to see the tears streaming down my face. "Oh Zaynie whats wrong?" He asked. I glared at him before wiping my tears away roughly. I ran out of the room away from him. He ran after me. He grabbed my arm and turned me to face him. "Did I do something?" He asked. I nodded before ripping my arm out of his grasp. "Zayn baby wait. I'm sorry. I don't know what I did but I'm sorry. I love you bubba." He told me. I turned red out of anger. "You'll never be able to love me." I glared at him. "You might not realize it. I love all of you more than I thought I would be able to love anything. That includes you." He told me. I scoffed and walked away from him. "Zayn. You have to eat." He told me sternly. "No I don't." I glared. "Yes you do. I told you that you have to." He raised an eyebrow. "Fuck off." I scoffed. "Zayn! Now!" He slightly raised his voice. "No. Go fuck yourself. I hate you. The feeling is mutual though isn't it?" I sassed. "No Zayn. Sit down and eat. Now. If I have to ask again you'll be getting your ass spanked after breakfast." He warned. "I won't eat. You can't force me." I glared. "I can. You have 40 spanks. Want to add 10 onto it?" He asked. "Stop. Fuck off." I scoffed. "50. Want to have 60? Keep cursing me out and disobeying me and I'll make sure you'll be sitting on my lap for meals for a while." Harry warned. I rolled my eyes. I wouldn't sit on his lap in a million years. "You probably spank like a girl. I'm not scared. FUCK YOU YOU DIRTY FUCKER!" I yelled. "That's 60 and a mouth washing. Curse one more time and you'll be getting 80 right now." He remained calm. "Fuck." I said testing him. "Alright bubba. Let's go." He sighed. He grabbed my arm and dragged me to his room. "Nose in the corner." He ordered me. I I walked right out as soon as he sat on the bed. "Zayn back to the corner. Now. Before I freeze a wet wooden spoon." He warned. I gulped and ran back to the corner. I could feel his smirk. Dirty fucker. As I stood in the corner u began to think. I've been really rude to Harry today even after he said he loved me. I began to feel guilty. "Zayn bubba come here please." He called me. "I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad at me daddy." I sobbed. "I'm not mad bubba. Please come here." He told me. I ran to him. He held me close to him for a while. "I'm going to give you 60 okay?" He asked. He took 20 off. I nodded into his chest and then pulled away. I took a deep breath. "Alright bubba, pants down." He ordered but softly. I obeyed of course not wanting to get in any more trouble than I already was. He helped me over his lap. He tapped my bum gently to tell me he was starting. I gripped his jeans in my fists and shut my eyes tightly. The first smack was a total surprise. He can spank hard. Really hard. By 20 I was already crying. I'm a wuss. He's going to think I'm a weeny. By 40 I had to bite my lip to prevent myself from begging him to stop. I was already sobbing pathetically. At 50 I couldn't hold it in any longer. "Please! I'm so sorry! I'll never be bad ever again!" I sobbed as the smacks kept coming down. "Almost done bubba. You're doing so good bubba." He told me. I tried to take a deep breath failing to do so. I ended up choking on a sob. He landed the last few really hard. "Owwwwwie." I sobbed. He picked me up and held me in close to him. I gripped his shirt in my fists. "So sorry. Please don't be angry." I sobbed. "Shh bubba. It's alright. I'm not angry. I never was." He soothed running his fingers through my hair. "I love you daddy." I sobbed. My eyes widened when I realized what I said. "I love you so much bubba." He replied making me relax into him again. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to call you that." I hid my face in his chest out of embarrassment. "It's okay bubba. You can call me daddy if you want to. It doesn't bother me." He told me. He's so much better than him. Its amazing how much different Harry is when he's his first son. He should be like him right? That's what we all thought anyway. I snuggled deeper into his chest so that there was absolutely no space in between us at all. He rubbed my back gently. "I'm going to wash your mouth out with soap now okay?" He asked. I sighed but nodded defeated. "Only one minute bubba." He told me kissing my head. He got a new bar of soap and rinsed it under water. "Open your mouth babe." He told me. I really didn't want to. I did though. He timed it in his phone. "Go ahead and rinse." He told me. I quickly took the bar of soap out and rinsed my mouth. He chuckled ruffling my hair. "Okay bubba. You ready to eat?" He asked. I nodded. He picked me up and carried me downstairs. He finished breakfast with me on his hip. I ate breakfast sitting on his lap just like I said I wouldn't do. "So Zayn, do I spank like a girl?" He asked. "No. Not at all." I answered quickly. He laughed and kissed my temple. "Not at all eh?" He asked teasing me. "No Harry! You don't spank like a girl you hurt really bad." I whined. He pulled me into his chest and I sighed deeply and laid my head on his chest. "I love you bubba. So much." He whispered. "I love you too, thank you for being the best thing to happen to us." I replied before falling asleep on his chest to the sound of his steady heartbeat.

Harry's pov
It's literally unbelievable how much I love these boys already. I'd die for any of my boys. After Zayn fell asleep on my chest I realized just how much I love them. I'd give them the world if they asked. I kissed his head softly. It's natural for me. I didn't learn how to do any of this. It just kind of happened. Zayn and I were the only ones still at the table. Maybe he just needed a nap that's probably why he was acting the way he was this morning. I lifted him up while I stood. I carried him to his room but when I tried to lay him down he held onto my shirt. "Lay with me please daddy?" He asked. I walked back to my room and laid with him. I watched him sleep as creepy as that sounds. He looked so peaceful. Not at all like when I first met him. Scared and nervous. They trust me now and I'll do anything to not break that trust.

A/N: soooo? Tell me how I did?

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