Chapter 14, tantrums lead to sore bums

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Harry's pov

It's Sunday and I'm ready for a peaceful day today. I hope. Probably not going to happen but that's okay, they're worth it. I was just about to get up when Zayn walked in. "Daddy wake up!" He said louder than necessary but had a huge smile on his face making me smile as well. "I'm already awake silly." I told him earning a giggle in response. "Let's go get breakfast shall we?" I asked standing up. "I like it better when you sit because we're the same size. When you're standing you're really tall." He rambled as we walked down the stairs. "You'll grow Zee." I told him ruffling his hair. "I don't think I'll ever be as tall as you." He said sadly. "We have the same father Zayn. It's possible for you to be as tall or taller than I." I told him making him smile really big again. "If I get taller than you then you can't spank me anymore." He said continuing to smile. "Oh yes I can. I can spank you till the day I die." I told him making him pout. "I can cuddle you until the second I die though. And I'll use my last breath to say I love you to all you boys." I told him. "I love you daddy." He said smiling. "I love you too baby boy." I told him. He smiled up at me and I returned it. These boys are just so freakin cute. Halfway through making breakfast Liam trotted down the stairs. "Morning babe." I told him smiling. "Morning." He replied. "Morning Zee." He said waving at him. "Morning Li." Zayn smiled. "Hey can one of you go wake up Louis? I'll get Niall here in a second." I told them. Zayn ran up the stairs to go wake up his roommate. Poor Louis. Louis and Zayn soon both ran down the stairs. "No running in the house." I told them and they both immediately stopped. Thank goodness. "Liam watch the pancakes while I go get Niall." He nodded and I jogged up the stairs. I walked into Niall's room to see him sleeping heavily and sucking on his thumb. I've never seen him do that. It's going to ruin his teeth. "Niall baby wake up." I told him shaking him gently. "Dada I don't want to." He whined. He still has his cast on poor baby. "You have to babe." I told him picking him up. "Need sleep so I can grow." he told me. "Where did you get that from?" I asked laughing lightly. "My teacher." He said giggling. "It only works from 8:30 at night to 8 in the morning and it's 9:30! You've overslept!" I said dramatically. "Dada I don't care if I'm growing I just want to sleep." He laughed at me. "No little boys should be in bed at this hour. It's just downright wrong! They should be eating pancakes!" I told him. "PANCAKES!" He yelled excitedly. "Shh Ni inside voice." I said putting my finger to my lips. He did the same thing saying a quick "shh" needless to say it was adorable. I carried him down the stairs and to his highchair. He sat there happily clapping his hands waiting for his pancakes. He's definitely my little pig. Once he got his food he started eating way too fast. "Niall slow down. You're gonna throw up if you keep eating like that." I warned. "Shut up. I'll eat like I want to eat." He said shoving more food in his face. "Niall James listen to me." I told him sternly. "Nooooooo! I wanna eat fast!" He whined. "It's not good to eat fast. You need to slow down." I told him. "Daddy you're mean! You need a spankin." He yelled. "I don't think I'm the one who needs a spanking." I said raising an eyebrow. He glared at me. "Fix your attitude before I do." I warned. "I hate you daddy. You're mean." He screamed. "Niall James Styles." I said sternly. He threw a piece of pancake on my face. Then another fell on my bare chest. "If you're going to throw a tantrum then I think you need your bum spanked don't you think?" I asked. "No. Fuck you." He cursed. "We don't say that word." I told him sternly. "Fuck fuckity fuck fuck." He said folding his little arms across his chest. "Are you done eating?" I asked. "Yes." He answered. I got him out of his highchair and carried him up to my room. "Sit in the corner." I told him putting him down on the chair in the corner of my room. I usually make them stand but since he has a broken leg I would feel terrible making him stand. After about five minutes I picked him up and carried him over to my bed. "You have been very naughty haven't you?" I asked. "Yes daddy." He sniffled. "30 with my hand baby boy." I told him pulling his sweats and boxers down. He was wearing his favorite boxers which had batman on them. I smiled slightly. The only reason he likes batman is because I do. "I'm starting baby." I warned. I landed 10 smacks before he started to cry. After 5 more he was begging me to stop. "Daddy I'm sorry! I'll be a good boy! I promise! Stop please!" He cried. "Halfway done baby boy." I soothed. He just continued to cry into my sweats. I sighed but continued. At about 27 he was sobbing. "Daddy I'm so sorry!" He sobbed. I landed the last few quickly. I landed the last two on his thighs like always. I picked him up and held him close to my chest. "I'm sorry daddy so sorry." He cried. "I know baby boy. You're forgiven. It's all over now." I soothed. He calmed down after about 5 minutes just letting out a deep breath and sniffling every now and then. "Daddy, I'll never be a bad boy ever again." He said laying his head on my shoulder. "Oh yes you will, but it's okay." I told him kissing his head. He smiled and drifted off to sleep. My babies sure do have me wrapped around their little finger. I wouldn't want it any other way. I laid him down and covered him up then lightly kissed his forehead before walking away. Once I got downstairs I smiled at my other boys watching tv. I sat down in a recliner and Louis ran up to me, climbing onto my lap. "I love you baby." I told him making him smile. "I love you too." He replied before snuggling into my chest. He soon fell asleep on me and I carried him to his bed. I laid him down and covered him up before kissing his forehead and walking out. "Want to help me with lunch?" I asked Liam and Zayn. They both nodded and helped me cook homemade pizza. After lunch we all went outside and played soccer for a bit. Niall got bored and went inside to play because he couldn't get around very well. Soon after we all headed in as well and watched frozen for the 100th time. All and all it was a great day with my boys.

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