Chapter 12, hospitals and sore bums

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Harry's pov
I woke up with Louis jumping on my bed yelling. "Daddy wake up!" He shouted over and over again. "I'm up." I groaned. Louis and I made breakfast together then I sent him up to wake everyone else up. They all ran down the stairs happily. All except Niall. He was moping. Who knows why. I set him in his high chair. "Better fix that attitude." I told him sternly. He just continued to look down at his little lap. "Look at me." I told him. He raised his eyes to look into mine. "Behave. I'll spank your little bum." I warned. "I know." He said. I walked away and chatted with Zayn a little bit. Liam helped me clean up breakfast and Louis got Niall out of his high chair for me. I thanked him kissing his head. "No problem dad." He answered. After breakfast I had a few things I had to do today. Honestly it was stressing me out. I couldn't figure it out. I sat down at my desk in my room and began working. About an hour into me working I was frustrated because I hadn't gotten anywhere. Niall walked in. "Dada play with me!" He said. "I'm busy leave." I spoke harshly. "Dada you never play with me anymore. Please come play with me?" He asked. "LEAVE!" I shouted at the boy. He got tears in his eyes and ran out I followed him feeling bad. He ran all the way out the front door. He ran straight into the street. "NIALL!" I yelled but it was too late. The car hit him breaking his leg. "DADA!" He screamed. I ran to him cradling his head in my arms. "My baby." I chocked on a sob. "Hey keep your kid out of the street." The old guy grumbled. "He was upset. Watch where your going." I spoke back just as harsh. I carried my baby to the car and began driving to the hospital. I called Liam with my Bluetooth. "Dad? Where are you? What happened?" He answered. "Niall's leg is broken in taking him to the hospital. You're in charge." I told him. "Tell Niall I hope he feels better soon and I love him." Liam said sadly. "I will Li. I'll see you before tonight." I said hanging up. "You'll be okay baby boy." I soothed looking at him through the rear view mirror. "Hurts dada." He cried. "I know baby." I told him. We made it to the hospital and I carried Niall inside. "Oh goodness!" the receptionist said once she saw Niall's leg. "Doctor. Broken leg. Needs surgery." She said through the wall call thing. "Teddy!" He sobbed. "Okay bubba I'll get him." I told Niall. "I love you dada." He said kissing my cheek. "I love you too baby boy. So much." I cuddled him into my chest. "Are you single?" The nurse asked. "Yes but I'm going to stay that way." I told the nurse. "Oh come on. I love kids. He's such a cutie." She said. "I have 3 other boys at home." I told her. "Maybe your not that hot." She awkwardly laughed. "Fix my sons leg before I request another nurse." I told her. "Sweetie this might hurt a little. "No dada she's gonna hurt me!" He cried into me. "Where's the doctor?" I asked. "Right here." She said as a nice looking man walked in. "You may go home. You're fired." The doctor spoke. "Hey buddy! Want a lollipop?" He asked Niall. "Yes please." Niall said cutely. "Here you are." The doctor smiled. "Okay dad. He's going to have to have surgery, I want to keep him here tonight to keep an eye on him since he's so little." He told me. "That's fine." I nodded. "Alright. So it's okay to put him out?" He asked. "Yes." I answered. "Good deal. Ready for the IV?" He asked Niall. "Sure." He answered not knowing what that was. He hates needles. "Look at me baby." I told him. He looked at me and I began talking to him. "Dada what does he mean by saying put me out?" Niall asked. "He's going to give you something to go to sleep. You're going to take a nap, I'll be here when you wake up and your leg will be in a cast." I told him. "Okay dada. I trust you." He told me. I kissed his forehead. His IV has been in for a while. He didn't even notice. "You're a great dad." The doctor told me. "Thanks." I smiled at him. "Especially for being so young." He said. I just smiled again. He didn't need to know our life story. Niall was getting drowsy. I kissed his forehead again. "I love you." I whispered. "Lobe you." He slurred. I cracked a smile. I stepped out and waited in the waiting room for my baby boy to be fixed up. I sat in the waiting room and cried realizing this is my fault. I shouldn't have yelled at him. He's sensitive. My poor baby boy is all broken because of me. After about 15 minutes of crying I called Liam to let him know I had to stay the night here with Niall. He said he understood. Soon after they said Niall was awake and asking for me. I practically ran into the room. "Dada." He said groggily. "How are you feeling baby?" I asked. "I'm tired and I want teddy." He told me. "Want me to go get teddy in a little bit?" I asked. "Yes dada." He answered. "Okay bubba." I replied. He. Fell asleep after we got him in a room so I left to go get his teddy. Once I drove up to the house I knew I'd have 3 bums to spank. There were 20 plus cars parked outside my apartment complex and I knew they had something to do with it because of the music and lights going on my apartment. "Damn it Liam." I cursed. I walked through my door and found my stereo turning it off. "EVERYONE BUT LIAM, LOUIS, AND ZAYN GET YOUR ASS OUT OF MY APARTMENT NOW!" I boomed making everyone flinch. They all flooded out of my apartment and my three boys were trembling. "Your little brother is hurt and you go and through a party?! With alcohol! "All of you strip and over the couch." I told them pulling off my belt. I gave them each 60 with the belt HARD. They were all sobbing and gasping for air by the end of it. I held them on my lap and comforted them before driving back to the hospital Niall's teddy in my passengers seat.

A/N: thanks to teeloganroryflanagan for the idea :)

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