Chapter 11, fighting stops now

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Harrys pov
It's 6 am, why am I up at 6 am on a Saturday? Because my boss is an asshole. It pays extremely well though so I'm not complaining, well not too much. I took a shower and made breakfast. I ran up the stairs to wake up my children. I ran into Liam's room. "Liam babe wake up, I'm going to work you're in charge you can't give spankings! Call me if anything happens. I'll come home and deal with them understand?" I asked him. "Yes dad." He yawned. "Wake up your brothers, breakfast is downstairs. Love you." I finished with a kiss to his forehead. "Love you too." He said getting out of bed. I drove my 65 fastback to work praying that everything would be okay.

Liam's Pov
I woke up Louis and Zayn first. Louis was already being sassy and Zayn isn't a morning person so he was grumpy. Great. I walked into Niall's room to wake him up and he was sitting up in his toddler bed silently crying. Joy. "Ni baby boy what's wrong?" I asked gently. "I want dada and I heard him leave!" He cried. "He'll be back later baby it'll be okay." I soothed. "Okay." He sniffled. I signed in relief. I picked him up and sat him on my hip. "I love you lee yum." He said and gave me a slobbery kiss to my cheek. "Love you too Ni." I replied returning his kiss. I walked downstairs to Zayn and Louis bickering and eating breakfast. "Guys I can still call dad." I warned sitting Niall in his high chair. "Yeah but you won't." Louis sassed. He's actually right. I don't wanna bother him at work. "I will so shape up." I said firmly. "No." He laughed in my face. I just sighed and gave Niall his plate of potatoes and sausage. He smiled happily and dug in. I sat down with my plate of food and started eating too. Louis and Zayn both got up without being excused and left their dirty dishes for me to rinse and put in the dish washer. I finished eating and got Niall out of his high chair. He ran into the living room as soon as his feet touched the ground. The bad thing is, I haven't dressed him for the day yet and when he starts playing he doesn't want to stop. I rinsed the dishes and put them into the dish washer before going upstairs and dressing myself. I jogged down the stairs and to the living room to grab Niall. "Niall baby lets get you dressed okay?" I asked. "Okay." He agreed with a smile. He stood up and grabbed my hand. We walked up the stairs and into his nursery type room. I grabbed Spider-Man boxers and a pair of jeans along with a long sleeve shirt. I put them on the bed and started dressing him. "Thank you Li." He grinned. "No problem babe." I replied letting him run off. I honestly miss Harry right now too. We only get to see him on the weekends and he's not here because of work. I know he has to work but I just wish he didn't. I went downstairs to see Zayn and Louis bickering again. This time over what video game to play. "I know you both like Mario kart just play that." I suggested. "Okay." They both agreed eventually. They played that while I played blocks with Niall until lunch time. "Zayn will you help me with lunch?" I asked. "Sure." He agreed. He's usually a good boy. He can get a little difficult when he's with Louis though. Before you say it's weird that I'm talking like this about my little brothers, I did take care of them for 15 years. We made ham and turkey sandwiches for lunch. We called Louis and Niall into the kitchen to eat and I put Niall into his high chair of which he hates. After lunch I cleaned it up again and then Zayn and Louis were arguing over if they should watch tv or play video games. "Guys please calm down." I sighed. "Shut the fuck up Liam." Louis spat at me. "Fine." I sighed. "I'm gonna go play upstairs Li." Niall told me before running past me and up the stairs. I got my phone out and started playing temple run 2 and listened to them bicker. I've had enough of them today. Zayn pushed Louis onto the floor and they started rolling around fighting. "Guys! Harry is gonna have your ass." I sighed. They ignored me and kept fighting so I decided to do the same. I'll just ignore them. All of sudden Louis hits Zayn's head against the coffee table and Zayn stops fighting and starts crying holding his bruising head. "Shit." I cursed. As if on cue Harry walked through the door. "What happened?" He asked rushing to Zayn's side. "Zayn and Louis were fighting and Louis hit his head on the coffee table." I explained. "You both have one HELL of a spanking coming to you." He told them. They both whimpered. "Why didn't you call me?" Harry asked me. "I uh kinda tried to ignore them." I admitted. "Your irresponsibility got your little brother hurt. Go stand in the corner." He ordered. Damn he knows how to make you feel guilty. I obeyed and stood in the corner like a 3 year old. He ordered Louis to go to his room and wait for him. He calmed Zayn down and sent him to his room too. He went upstairs to check on Niall then came back down to give me my spanking. "Liam come here." He said sitting in the middle of the couch. I walked over to him. He took down my jeans and boxers then helped me over his lap. "Just a few Li." He told me. "How many?" I asked. "30. " He said making me go wide eyed. That's a few? That's a full on spanking to me. He picked up a wooden spoon making me regret this spanking even more. I hate this. I hate spankings period. He lifted the spoon up and brought it down onto my bum. He spanks hard. Damn. After 15 spanks with that he switched to a brush. The first one with the brush made me gasp. The next few made me start silently cry. It's just a few Liam. You can't cry from just a few. After 10 with the brush I was ready to give up and just cry. "Liam bubba you can cry." He told me. I decided then that I was going to try not to cry. The next one he was trying to get me to cry. He smacked my thigh hard. Let's just say by the last two I was crying. "Don't try to be tough Li." He told me picking me up and setting me on his lap. "Sorry." I cried. "Shh it's alright baby." He soothed. I leaned into his chest. He wrapped his protective arms around me and I started falling asleep in his arms. "I love you Liam." He whispered as I fell asleep.

Harry's pov
I laid Liam down on the couch then went upstairs, checked on Niall then went to spank the two fighters. This stops now. I walked into my room grabbed my big paddle and took off my belt. 20 with the belt 40 with the paddle. I decided. "Both of you over the bed." I ordered. They walked over towards the bed and bent over it. I took down their jeans and started with the belt. One to Zayn one to Louis and so on. After 10 I took down their boxers. "Daddy ouchies!" Zayn cried. "Your gonna think ouchies here in a second." I told him delivering more spanks to him and Louis. After the 20 with the belt I slid my belt back on and picked up the paddle. "Have either of you been paddled?" I asked. "No sir." they answered. "Your about to be." I warned. "Why is there holes?" Louis asked. "So there's no resistance." I answered. He whimpered. "Leave your butt unclenched and do NOT MOVE." I spoke sternly. "Yes sir." they replied. I gave the first one to Zayn and he gasped and whimpered. Louis had the same reaction. "No more fighting you understand me?" I asked spanking the two boys. "Yes sir." The whimpered. "I'm serious about you boys never fighting again. This spanking will be one of the hardest spankings you will ever receive." I told them landing more spanks. I'm pretty sure I'm getting the message across. Their asses are already a bright cherry red and we just got to 20 smacks with the paddle. "Daddy I'm sorry." Zayn sobbed. "I know buddy. 15 more and we'll be done." I rubbed his butt for a little bit and then switched to Louis' for a bit. I landed the next five to each boy fast. They sobbed harder at that. "Ten left boys." I told them. They didn't answer which is understandable. I landed 3 fast ones to Zayn and then three fast ones to Louis. I landed 5 fast ones to Zayn then repeated the process with Louis. Then two to Zayn, then two to Louis. "Last ones boys." I told them gently before landing a hard smack to the curve of Zayn's bum then doing the same with Louis. "Okay boys. Are you EVER going to fight again?" I asked. "No sir." Louis said. "No daddy." Zayn replied. I threw the paddle down and scooped both my boys up into my arms. "I love you so much baby boys." I told them cuddling them to my chest. "Love you too daddy." They both said. "Calm down." I soothed. Eventually they both fell asleep in my arms. I laid them down kissing their foreheads then took Niall downstairs to help me cook supper.

A/N- thanks to AaronMyLove32 for the prompt

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