Chapter 13, Gay is Okay

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Liam's pov
Some of my friends have been teasing me because my brother is gay and once he had a crush on Hayden. Let's just say I ended up holding Louis while he cried for quite some time after Hayden found out. It's starting to bother me though. Why doesn't he like girls? Guys don't have an ass to hold on to, or boobs! It is weird! It's just not right! I walked out of my room and there he was watching tv. "What's on?" I asked. "Magic mike." he whispered smiling devilishly. "Oh my gosh you're so gross." I spat. "What?" He asked hurt. "You're such a fucking faggot and faggots disgust me." I said in pure disgust. "Li. You don't mean that." He said a tear rolling down his cheek. "I do. Go die fag." I laughed as he ran out of the living room.

Louis pov
What Liam said upset me. A lot. I ran to the bathroom and picked up Harry's razor. I took the blades out and started cutting up my skin. I made cuts on my arms, stomach, and thighs. Once I was finally satisfied I cleaned off the blades and put them back in. "I'm so pathetic. I'm worthless. I should die." I muttered to myself. "What?!" I heard Harry ask from the other side of the door. Shit. "OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" He yelled. I flinched but opened the door anyway. "Oh my goodness Louis. What did you do to yourself?!" He asked. "I'm sorry daddy. I won't do it again. I'm so sorry." I sobbed. "Shh baby come here." He said pulling me into his chest. I buried my face into his chest and cried until I couldn't anymore. "Okay. Tell me what happened. I know for a fact you were perfectly fine an hour ago." He said. "Liam. He said I was disgusting and called me a faggot. He also said I should die." I sniffled. "Okay. I'm going to give you a mild spanking just so you know you can't cut anymore." He explained. I nodded. "That's my good boy." He smiled. "Louis love, gay is okay." He winked at me. I rolled my eyes at him. "Liam doesn't think so." I huffed. "He will." He smirked. "Don't go too hard on him." I said sadly. "Babe, he bullied you and that's definitely not okay. I'm going to set him straight." He told me. "Hey." I whined. "Louis that wasn't a gay joke." He sighed. "I know I'm kidding." I smiled. "Just 20 quick spanks and you'll be done so let's go get it over with alright?" He asked. "Okay." I sighed. "Good boy." He smirked. He lead me to his room then sat on the bed waiting for me. "Just take your jeans off I'll spank you over your boxers." He said. I nodded and obeyed. After I removed the clothing I laid myself over his lap. He was right this spanking was very quick. It did sting a little but not the worst I've had by far. He sat me on his lap and kissed my forehead. "Louis William Styles, I love you just the way you are. Never try to change for anyone because baby you're perfectly made." He told me. "Thank you." I smiled. "Don't thank me for telling the truth." He said. "I love you so much." I told him putting my head on his chest. "I love you so much too baby boy." He said kissing my head. "Well why don't you go cuddle with Zayn and I'll go take care of Liam." He said. "Okay." I agreed going to Zayn's room and knocking. "Come in!" He said. I walked in. "Hey Lou." He smiled. "Can I cuddle with you?" I asked. "Sure Lou." He grinned scooting over on the bed.

Harry's pov
"Liam James Styles. To my room and over the end of the bed right now." I ordered. "Why?" He asked. "You fuckin know why. Now go." I told him. His eyes widened when I cursed. I never curse. Unless I'm really pissed off. He ran to my room and went over the edge of the bed. "Stand up and strip." I said walking in. He obeyed then went back over the bed. I found my thickest belt and doubled it over. "100." I said before pausing a moment then starting. By 20 he was grunting with every spank. By 40 he should be crying at least. He wasn't making any other sound but a grunt. At 60 he should have been sobbing. And still he was just grunting. "Liam baby. Crying is okay. Go ahead and cry." I tried. After I said that he wasn't even letting out a grunt. "Don't make me spank you harder just to get you to cry. I don't wanna have to do that." I said. He still wouldn't make a sound. At 80 be should have been sobbing really hard. Not one sound was heard from him. I slammed the belt against his thighs REALLY hard. He gasped and started bawling his eyes out. At 100 I finally stopped then scooped him up into my arms. "Shh Liam baby shh." I soothed. "Sorry Hazza. So sorry." He sobbed. "Liam next time just cry." I told him. "Yes sir." he agreed. "I know my baby and there's no way you should have been silent at 80 with a thick belt." I said. "I'm sorry. About everything I'm so sorry." He sobbed. "Shh baby I forgive you." I said soothing him. "I love you Liam." I said wiping his tears as he started to calm down. "I love you too." He replied. "I want you to go apologize to Louis right now." I told him. "Yes sir." He complied pulling on his clothing and going to go find Louis. I followed him out the door. "He's with Zayn." I told him. He nodded going to Zayn's room. He knocked lightly. He opened the door after hearing Zayn's voice say "come in." "Louis I am so sorry. I love you so much Lou. You're perfect. Not gross or disgusting. I never hope you die. I hope that you live forever. I'm so sorry." Liam gushed to Louis. "Liam mate calm down I forgive you and I love you too." Louis smiled. "Thank goodness." Liam said running to Louis hugging him tightly. That night before going to bed as I was checking my boys I found Liam asleep in Louis room both of them cuddled up together. I took a picture then kissed both their foreheads before checking on Zayn and Niall before heading to bed.

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