Chapter 3 Niall hates strangers

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Harry's pov
I woke up to Niall's wet kisses on my face. "Morning bubba. How'd you sleep?" I asked. "Good." He giggled. "Well good." I replied making him giggle again. I looked at the clock and saw it was 9:30. "Wanna help me start on breakfast?" I asked. "Yes!" He said excitedly clapping his little hands. "I'll teach you how to crack an egg how does that sound?" I asked. His eyes grew wide. I laughed and ruffled his hair. We made eggs and bacon he ran to go wake up Liam I went to wake up Zayn and Louis. I went to Zayn first. "Zayn, it's time to wake up. Breakfast is downstairs." I spoke softly. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. I ruffled his hair and went over to Louis. "Louis, breakfast is downstairs. Get up alright?" I asked. He sat up and stretched along with a yawn. Same way I wake up. We really are related. All of us. It's fucked up but they're my family and I love them. I smiled and walked out. After breakfast Tanner called and told me he was going to be here in an hour or so. Me and Louis got our showers after breakfast just like yesterday. I should get a bigger house. With 2 bathrooms. When Tanner got here I was helping Louis zip zipper up. Yeah big difference then what I would be doing two nights prior,when I didn't even know about these boys. I answered my door. "Hey." I sighed. "Busy morning?" He chuckled. "Yeah you could say that. It started out smooth but last few minutes I was busy." I explained. He took off his jacket and sat on my couch. "I'll go get them I think they're bothering Liam." I told him. He nodded. I ran upstairs and sure enough they were all in Liam's room. "Come downstairs with me. All of you." I said looking at Liam. They all followed me. As soon as Niall saw Tanner he clung to my leg and I picked him up. "Tanner won't hurt you bubba." I told him. "Yes he will. Protect me Harry." He whispered. I chuckled but sat on the other couch to please Niall. Louis was immediately by my side. Liam sat by Tanner and Zayn was in the chair. "Okay so a good place to start would be names. I'm Tanner and you are?" He asked motioning to them all. "I'm Liam." "I'm Zayn." "Louis." "Niall you want to tell him your name bubba?" I asked. "M'Niall." He mumbled into my chest. "Sorry he's a bit shy I guess." I chuckled lightly running my hand through his hair. "Dude Harry where's your asshole self?" Tanner asked. "Left him at the bar." I answered. He nodded like it made sense. "He used a bad word." Niall whispered. "I do too." I said. "Yeah but I love you. I don't know him. He's scary." Niall whispered. I chuckled. "I love you too Nialler." I replied. Everyone in the room looked at me like I was crazy. Except Liam. He heard me last night. "Damn dude. You really do love these kids. I'm proud of you dude." Tanner said making me smirked. No one is going to believe this. "Do you love me too?" Louis asked. "Yes Louis I love you too." I smiled at him. "I love you Harry." Louis replied. "All of us?" Zayn asked. He's usually quiet so I was shocked. "Of course Zee." I chuckled softly. He ran over to me and hugged me. "Never been told that before." He silently cried. "Liam and your brothers?" I asked. "Don't really say it." He said. "Well Zee, I love you. I love all of you." I told him. I stood up so I could hug him properly because he wasn't letting go. Of course Niall was still in my arms. Pretty soon Louis joined in. I looked at Liam a motioned for him to come over with my head. He smiled and joined in. I heard a camera sound and I knew Tanner took a picture. "Fuck you Tanner!" I yelled. Niall jumped. "Sorry bubba. I'm not mad I'm just kidding okay?" I asked. He nodded into my neck. "Ni he really won't hurt you. I won't let him." I told him. "Promise?" He asked. "Always." I answered.

After Tanner left
Niall warmed up to him a little which is great. "Can I talk to you?" Liam asked. I nodded and walked to my room. He closed the door. "Harry are we supposed to treat you like your our father or brother? We won't obey our brother." He sighed. "Well Li, you have to listen to me and I'll spank you, put you in time out, take away things, ect. I'll provide and protect you guys. I'll always love you boys. I'm your brother but what I'm saying is that if you want to look at me as a father figure it would make sense. Especially since I just met you." I explained. "Thanks Harry. I really do appreciate everything you've done for us. It means a lot. I love you." He said smiling at me. "It's my job Bub. I love you too." I replied. "I'll never get used to this. Being able to eat 3 solid meals a day, being warm all the time, being told that I'm loved. It's just such a huge difference." Liam said eyes wide. "And I won't beat you. Ever. That's a promise." I told him. "I know." He grinned. (Don't ask me to write a chapter about him taking a spanking too far I won't do it.) "Liam, you don't have to tell me but, what have you boys been through?" I asked. "I've been beaten to where I had to go to 5 different hospitals to save us from being separated in foster care. I've been sexually assaulted by my father, I've been cut punched slapped kicked anything that can cause pain to a human I've been through. Zayn and Louis were also raped and sexually assaulted. Niall had been knocked out and thrown up because of pain and he's just 4. We've been through hell but you saved us." He finished. "Oh my goodness Li." I said. It felt like I had been shot. Why was I saved from all this and not them? "I'm so sorry bubba." I told him bringing him into my chest. He silently cried. "Harry it hurt so bad." He cried. I knew he was referring to being raped. "Shh baby I won't let you get hurt again. I'll try my best to protect you from anything at all." i soothed. "I know. I just I still have nightmares about it. It wasn't just a once in a lifetime thing it was once every week." He sobbed. He heart just split in two. What a sick fucker. "I'm so sorry baby boy." I whispered kissing his head. The words just slipped right out of my mouth without me thinking about it. "It's okay. Not your fault." He continued to cry. "If you have a nightmare I want you to come wake me up that's an order understand?" I asked. "Yes sir." He answered.

A/N: soooo? What's your feedback?

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