Chapter 9, Changes.

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Liam's pov
My voice started squeaking. Today in gym I yelled across the gym to my teammate and I squeaked terribly. Most people in my class already went through this. Why am I just now going through it? I swear I saw hair by my balls today in the shower too. What the actual fuck is wrong with me! I've never learned about this type of stuff we never got to go to school much so I wasn't involved with the outside world. Should I ask Harry? My brothers won't know anything about it. They're younger than me. I started thinking about girls a whole lot different too. Like I knew I liked girls and I thought they were pretty but I want to do stuff with them now if you're catching my flow. I need some advice. I'm talking to Harry. As soon as we drove up into the driveway and parked I turned to him. "Harry can I talk to you privately please?" I asked. "Yeah." He smiled locking the car. We went into his room and both sat on the bed. "What's up?" He asked. "Well uh I've noticed some things. I don't know if they're normal or not." I started awkwardly. "What kind of things?" He asked confused. "Like uh I have hair down there. My voice squeaked and I uh want to do things with girls that I never really thought about before." I explained. He busted out laughing. "Oh my gosh. You're going through puberty. It's perfectly normal!" He laughed. "What's that?" He asked. "Well Liam. You're becoming a man. Congragiations." He said trying not to laugh. "What's so funny?" I asked. "You! Mr. I wanna have sex with a girl." He started laughing again. I blushed hard. "Oh my goodness. That's hilarious. I'm sorry Liam. That was mean. You have a lot of hormones going through your body right now. That's why you wanna have sex so badly. " He stifled a laugh. "Okay Harry I get it. I'm funny to laugh at." I groaned hiding my face in his pillow. "I'm sorry Li. I'm done. I'll be mature now. Well I'm going to try to be. Anything else you've noticed?" He asked. "I sweat more. I stink more. I've uh woken up with my penis all hard." I blushed. "Again. Normal. It's called morning wood. Happens when you dream of having sex with girls." He grinned childishly. "Okay Harry enough with the sex!" I groaned. "Aww come here. I'm really sorry this time. I'll stop." He told me. I scooted toward him. He hugged me tightly to his chest. "I'm glad you feel comfortable to tell me all this. The rest of the boys call me dad except you. Why is that?" He asked. "I'm not scared of you. I was scared of my dad. I love you. I don't love my dad." I told him. "Li, a dad is someone who takes care of you. Protects you and most of all listens to you. I hope you know that. If that's the reason you don't want to call me dad, he's not you're real dad when you think about it. I am. Okay?" He asked. I wrapped my arms around his torso. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too Li. Even if you wanna fuck her right in the pussy." He joked. I pulled away. "You make things so awkward!" I blushed. I didn't have anywhere to hide my face so I hid it in his chest. He pet my hair softly. "I'm sorry bubba. I can't resist." He laughed softly. "Is it normal for someone my age to be going through this stuff?" I asked. "Yes. Some people's bodies take longer to mature than others. You're just a late bloomer." He told me kissing my hair. "Is that bad?" I asked. "No not at all." He told me making me relax. Another reason why I love Harry. "Thanks for letting me talk to you uh dad." I blushed. I peaked up at him. "No problem. You can come to me for anything." He grinned. He was genuinely happy that I called him dad. "You look tired. Take a nap yeah?" He asked. "Stay with me?" I asked. "Sure." He smiled and laid down. I felt him kiss my forehead right before I drifted off to sleep. I love him so much. It's great because I know he loves us too. Maybe even more than we love him! I fell asleep with a small smile on my face.

When I woke up I expected him to be gone but he was still laying beside me scrolling through Twitter on his phone. "You didn't leave?" I asked. "Why would I leave when you asked me to stay?" He asked. I smiled and shrugged. "That would be rude." He said in his "white girl voice" I laughed lightly. He has problems. "Like that's something stupid Becky would do!" He continued using the voice. I laughed harder. He needs some serious help. "Okay whatever." I rolled my eyes. He chuckled softly. "Have a good nap?" He asked. I nodded. "That's good." He smiled. "I should go make supper." He groaned. "I'll help." I offered. "It's alright I can get it. Thank you though." He ruffled my hair. I grinned and nodded. "Oh and Li? Don't freak out when you get under arm hair too." He chuckled. I groaned. "Okay." I huffed. "Try not to get too moody either bubba." He said. "I'll be moody?" I asked. "Yup. Relax bubba. Everyone goes through it." He said my eyes widened. "Everyone has gone through this shit?" I asked. "Yes. And watch your mouth." He warned. "Yes sir sorry sir." I sighed. It's hard to believe that everyone has to go through this too. I wonder if Harry was an early bloomer or a late bloomer like me. Probably early. His voice is really deep.

A/N: I hope this is what you wanted. Thanks to Emily_B_luvs_1D for the prompt!

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