Chapter 18, puberty sucks

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New bae? Thoughts? I think he's a cutie 😅🔥 everyone says he looks like a fuckboy...😅😅 his teeth are my favorite thing 😍😍

Louis pov

Okay so today after P.E. this girl named Jordan told me something that I have no idea about. She asked me why I don't have underarm hair and since I don't have that if I had hair down south?" What is that supposed to mean? If I ask Liam or Zayn they'll laugh at me so that only leaves dad. I hate talking to him about personal stuff because I know he stresses about it. I don't want to cause him any stress. Nothing is wrong with me though right? I mean she asked me why I didn't have hair under my arms but that doesn't mean something is wrong with me...

"Dad!" I screamed. He ran in. "Louis you scared me don't scream like that!" He scolded. "Sorry dad." I spoke sadly. "What is it baby?" He asked. "Do you have hair under your arms?" I asked. "Yeah buddy I do, why?" He asked hiding a smile. "Cause a girl asked me why I don't." I said shyly. "You will, it might be a while until you do but you'll get it." He smiled. "Why don't I have it now?" I asked. "Because you haven't hit puberty yet. It's not a bad thing, but you probably won't like it." He told me. "Why?" I asked. "Well you'll get hair under your arms, on your chest, yes your privates, and eventually your face. Your voice will change and you might be a little irritable." He explained. "I'm scared." I whispered. "Oh baby, I didn't mean to scare you. It's natural. Everyone goes through it." He told me bringing me up into his lap. I hid my face in his shirt. "Are you embarrassed?" He asked with a small chuckle. I just nodded and wrapped my arms around him. "Oh baby boy there's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's completely normal. I promise. I went through it!" He told me trying to get me to be okay with it. "Yeah a long time ago!" I whined. "Ouch." He mocked hurt. "Well? You're kinda old." I giggled. "Damn!" He said putting a hand over his heart. "I'm not even old! I'm only 21!" He whined. "Almost 22." I coughed. He glared at me and lightly tapped my bum. "I'm sorry! You're not old!" I said clenching my cheeks. "Mmhmm. That's what I thought." He smirked. "I don't like you sometimes." I breathed. "What?" He asked laughing but it wasn't a nice laugh it honestly kinda scared me. "Nothing." I said quickly. "I like you!" He whined. "I like you too! I swear!" I begged.

"Oh baby boy you're not in trouble, you're just fun to mess with sometimes." He told me laughing a bit. "You're mean." I whined. "I'm sorry I know that was mean." He said in mock sympathy. I kissed his cheek and snuggled into him. "I love you dad." I whispered. "I love you too." He replied. He wrapped his arms around me and I instantly felt safe. He kissed my forehead and laid me down while laying down next to me. "Please stay." I begged him. "Of course I will." He said making me grin and start to drift off to sleep.

Harry's pov

I laid there and watched how his eyes would flutter and how he'd frown and hold onto me tighter when something troubled him. I know I sound really creepy but I can't help falling in love with these kids the more I'm around them. They're all truly my sons. I love them all so much and it would devastate me if anything were to hurt them. I will always do my best to protect my babies from all harm. I know I can't protect them from everything but I will try my hardest. Oh gosh I'm the overprotective mother aren't I? Shit. Ya know what? I don't care. It never hurts to be a little overprotective. Right? Oh goodness I suck at this. They're gonna be screwed up having me as their father. Especially little Niall. Poor lad. He's got the longest to be with me. Why do I have to be the suckiest father in the world. Louis turned over in his sleep onto his back before opening his eyes. "I love you daddy." He said cuddling into me. "And I love you." I replied. "You're the best dad ever." He told me making all my doubts fade. "You're the best Louis in the world." I said making him grin.

He stayed by my side as I cooked supper and was my own personal taste tester. He sat on my lap for supper too. He's been like a leach on me all day and not that I don't think it's adorable I just really have to pee now and I'm afraid to leave him alone right now. "Liam." I whispered. He turned his attention towards me. "Stay with him." I mouthed. He nodded. I got up and ran to the bathroom so I could be done quickly.

When I returned he was crying. "Dad!" He cried. "What's wrong?" I asked him. "You left me dad!" He cried. "I left to go pee." I groaned. All of a sudden he burst out laughing and high five'ed Liam. "I'm lost." I said skeptically. "I heard you tell Liam to stay with me so we decided to play a prank on you." He giggled. "That's just mean." I told him pouting. "It was funny." He laughed. "It was a little funny." I agreed. I sat down on the couch and Louis attached himself onto me yet again. "I love you, son." I said kissing his head. "I love you too dad." He whispered cuddling further into me. He ended up falling asleep on me and when I tried laying him down in his bed he asked to sleep with me in mine. Who could say no to him? Not me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2016 ⏰

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