「The Beginning」

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Unknown POV~

Yuuki Kurosaki, age 17, in High school A1 for the gifted, is the most popular girl in school. She's athletic, intelligent, social, and beautiful.

She's perfect.

She'll make some interesting research material, don't you think?

She'll be our next target...

Yuuki's POV

"I should stop by the convenience store,"I said, "Dinner isn't going to cook itself. Bye Miko, See you tommorow!"

Miko smiled and waved goodbye, "Be safe, okay Yuuki? Be sure not to get kidnapped, there's been a lot of missing people in news stories."

I nodded then left her side as I walked to the store.

"Should I make some Yakisoba noodles..,"I thought as I turned the corner, "or--"

Suddenly, I felt someone grab me and cover my mouth with their hand. I was pulled toward a dark car. I started panicking as I saw large figures waiting inside. Am I about to be raped?! I struggled to be released, but they were too overpowering. They threw me in the car then pulled something over my head. I gagged at the overbearing smell of sweat. It was so dark and it was getting harder and harder to breathe. No!! I've saved my chastity! A pain seared my skin as they stabbed my arm with what felt like a needle. What was that?...

Slowly I started to feel drowsy, my eyes started to close and my breathing slowed. Then, I fell into total darkness.

I jerked my eyes open and woke up in cold sweat. My breathing was quick.

"It was just a nightmare?...."

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by my stomach. I got up from my bed and walked to the kitchen. It was eleven thirty at night and mom still wasn't home, she shouldn't over work herself for our useless dad. If he didn't leave us, then we wouldn't be stuck with HIS mistakes... Why can't mom just get a boyfriend and forget that useless man.

I walked to the rice cooker and made some rice balls, then placed them on the plate. Again my stomach growled. I picked up one the the rice balls then took a bite.

"Delicious,"I muttered.

The next day, "Hey Yuuki, do you want to have lunch together? It's been a while since we ate lunch in the classroom," said Miko.

"Okay, come sit down, "I said. As she pulled a chair, I got out my bento box. Suddenly an intense pain pulsed through my left eye.

"Miko, y-you can start eating without me, I'll head to the restroom," I said while quickly walking out.

On my way to the restroom, I held my left eye in pain.

"Are you okay, Yuuki? Do you need to go to my office?" asked Nurse Rize.

"I'm not sure Nurse Rize, my left eye hurts," I said.

"Maybe we should have it checked out in my office, your eye could be infected," she said as she led me to her office.

"Here sit down," she said pointing to the chair.

At the corner of my eye, I noticed the fact that she closed the door and locked it. Under her breath she said,"What a catch."

Suddenly, I felt goosebumps and the hair on my neck stood up. I slowly turned to Nurse Rize. Something was wrong...

"It was a good choice acting as a nurse. I never tasted a newborn Oculi Sisu...your flesh shall taste delicious!"

She screamed as she launched herself at me. While mid air she transformed into a sinister demonic looking wolf. Her claws sharp, her fingers long, and both eyes blood shot red.

"You're just like me, a MONSTER!" she yelled.

What does she mean?!

How could I ever be anything sinister like this monster in front of me?


I screamed and punched her in the face. As my fist landed a punch, a bright light filled the room, Nurse Rize screamed. The light was too bright for me to handle so I turned away. I suddenly felt tired. When the light disappeared I turned back to see that Nurse Rize did too.

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