「Who 」

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『Yuuki's POV』

   "If I knew this mission would be this serious, I wouldn't have sent my students...."said Principle Inoue.

   "It's okay Principle...We made it out safely...at least,"Tatsuya said.

   "Still.....I should have sent people who had more experience for a mission like this. Without thinking of the consequences, I shoved a big task on you two, even though this was your first real mission. I had put both your lives at risk," she said.

   "It's okay, because of this, I found out about my dad,"I said.

   "Hanada is still alive?"

   I nodded,"He told me to ask you about the back story of the Kira Clan. Why is your husband the leader?"

    She glanced down at her desk as she said,"He wasn't always like this. Back then, a rare disease developed after I gave birth to Miko. Still, I didn't let it get in the way of my family. Slowly that disease became worse. I struggled to breath and I had lost the use of my legs. My husband became determined to find a cure. He was a great scientist who's curiosity sometimes got out of hand. He collaborated with your father, who was a intelligent doctor. Together, they create a 'cure'. They injected it in me and it cured my disease. Word got out and a man in a wheelchair contacted him. Of course, my husband agreed to help for free. So he injected the cure.... However the effects were different. The man turned into a monster. My husband was shocked at this development. He ran to check up on me the exact moment I discovered my power, telekinesis. Unfortunately, it is not as strong as those with essences. My husband began to research why two people had different results to his formula. How a mixture of chemical elements created a monster and a power. However, he couldn't recreate the formula. He regretted accidentally throwing away the documents. He continued to try and create a formula for humans to have powers. Sadly, each attempt was still a failure."

   I asked,"How did he get the essences of Gods and monsters?"

   She frowned as she said,"A suspicious man... He showed up one day offering what he claimed to be essences of monsters, demons, and Gods. My husband didn't believe such unbelievable words. The man still left the suitcase full of essence claiming it was necessary for him to succeed. My husband still didn't believe him. However, one day as he was playing around with the essences and combining it with his formula, he had a breakthrough. Powers showed up on his test subject, corresponding with the type of essence he put in. However, still results varied. Some developing powers and some turning to monsters. He soon became obsessed with his work. Your father saw this and decided it would be best to cut off ties, so he left.  My husband sunk deeper and deeper. The man who had given him the essence started to manipulate my husband. His mind became twisted and corrupted. He left the house taking my older son who was just a boy. The man's ambitions were to create an army of mindless controllable monsters to take over the world."

   I asked,"How dis my dad end up back in the Kira Clan."

   She explained,"He lived a normal life with his family for a while. However,one day he was approached by a man. He warned your father that he must go back and join them. He didn't agree at first, since he wanted to stay with his family. He changed his mind when the man revealed himself to be a monster. He threatened you father by using his family. In the end, he agreed on a condition. His family would not be involved. Before leaving, he told your mom everything."

    That's why mom never got a boyfriend after that. She knew dad was protecting us. That was why she worked so much day and night....

   Tatsuya asked," Why did you create Senshi Academy?"

    She smiled and said,"There were those who escaped from the lab. They still had their minds and could control their powers. I took them in and decided to help them. One of those who escaped was you, Tatsuya. However, as time passed, more people became victims. I decided that I would need an army to defeat him and the organization. I built Senshi Academy in order to train those who's lives were affected. I would train them to control their transformations and powers. Then after graduating, they would be able to live normally or join our army to prevent anymore victims. Over time, more schools were built. The army's supporters also grew. I feel like we'll actually be able to stop my husband."

   My heart ached as I thought about what everyone went through. I decided that a normal life was far behind. I want to join the army and destroy the Kira Clan.

    Throughout the day,I felt as if someone was watching me.I could feel eyes staring directly at me,but everytime I turned around there was no one.I know it can't just be my imagination,because I feel something dark lurking behind me,watching my moves.I became more cautious and paranoid.

   I had told Nurse Sachi what I felt today, but she told me it was my imagination. It was probably caused by the stress of the mission. She is a professional so should believe her and listen, but still...what if it isn't. She said that the feeling would disappear with time, so I should relax....

《Unknown POV》

   "How much longer will it take for you to make the damn injection!Dammit!"yelled a voice.

   "Only ten more days, sir. We only need one more ingredient and time to make the injection fool proof,"said a soft voice.

   Ten more days until the plan happens....

『Yuuki's POV』

   I had stayed late helping Nurse Sachi with cleaning her office. I walked outside and noticed that it was already night. The sky was dark with little bits of stars shining in the sky. I quickly made my way towards the front gates, occasionally turning around quickly just in case someone was following me. The darkness made me even more paranoid. Suddenly, something grabbed my wrist and with force, my back was pushed against the wall of bricks. With the light from the moon I made out the face of an unknown boy.

   The mysterious boy held my chin firmly and whispered,"You're prettier than I expected, God." 

   He smiled looking directly at me. I stood stiff as my heart beat rapidly. The boy himself was breathtakingly handsome. His pale skin glowed in the moonlight. His black hair was as dark as night, and his eyes were red like rubies. 

    "I have been watching you all day,"he whispered in my ear. I turned to the side, because his face was too close.

   "W-Who are you?...."I asked.

   "I am Akira."

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