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Yuuki's POV

   "Yuuki... Yuuki... Yuuki! Wake up already! "

   I opened my eyes to see Tatsuya and a lady looking at me. "Finally... it's been hours,"He said.  

   "Where am I and why am I wearing these clothes?"I asked. The clothes consisted of a navy blue skirt, gray sleeveless vest, white button down sleeveless shirt, black tie, combat boots, and an aqua green long sleeve shoulder less crop jacket.

   The lady said,"This is Senshi Academy, where people like you go. You can't go back to the life you used to live. Everything's changed now."

   "I looked around and asked,"Where are my clothes and what am I doing here?"

   "You are wearing a school uniform because your clothes were soaked in blood, so we had to throw it away. Here at Senshi Academy, we will teach you how to control your powers and hide your transformation. After you graduate, you'll be able to live with normal people or if you choose, you can join the Occuli Sisu army. By the way, hello I'm the school nurse, Nurse Sachi. If you ever need anything you can ask me." I nodded.

    "Yuuki... I need to give you something," said Tatsuya, " Miko told me to hold onto it, just in case something were to happen to her."

   He rummaged through his pocket and pulled out a small box. He handed it to me. I opened the box and inside was an aqua green necklace.

    "She told me to give it to you. She said it reminded her of your eyes."

    My eyes started tearing up. How did he know her...how were they related?

    "I know what you're thinking, how do we know each other. She is the head master's daughter. Her mother got turned into one of our kind the 'Oculi Sisu', Don't worry, Miko is a human. She and I knew each other because it was headmaster who found me and trained me. I was alone at first until they found me, then I was put into school in 4th grade. Miko and I were appointed to keep and eye out for more of our kind, to find them and take them to the academy and teach them to control their powers. Is that enough?" He asked. I nodded then stared at the necklace.

    "Tatsuya, can you help me put it on?" I asked and handed him the necklace. He carefully wrapped the necklace around my neck and closed the clasp. I gently lifted up the blue gem. In my mind, it was a representation of my weakness. My inadequate power that caused Miko... To die. My eyes once again stung as tears formed... threatening to release it's hold on my feelings. I was about to explode.

   "Tatsuya?....." I asked quietly as my voice wavered.

   "I know," he said. He softly pulled my head to his chest. He stayed still while I buried my face in his chest and cried. I'm so pathetic, he must think I'm so annoying... He put his hand on my shoulders and tried to comfort me,and we stayed like that until I calmed down.

   I'm so weak.

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