「Race to the end」

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Yuuki's POV

   Tatsuya and I met in front of the cafe we ate at, and walked back to the building. Inside you could hear the whispers and tension. I could make out from the crowd of people that they were in favor of team 1 winning..I'll show them.We strolled past the crowd to the stadium,eyes were on us, silently sizing us up. We silently walked to our competition. His partner glaring at us, but for Hideki I couldn't tell what he was thinking, he had a poker face.

   "We will start the round since all participants are here. The final round is different, We have set up an obstacle course maze and the first team to finish wins. Rules are no tripping, no sabotaging, no cheating. Each team will receive a map. It will help you if you get of course. Do the teams have any questions? None? Before we begin all participants must stand behind this white line,"the man said. We all stepped behind the line. "The obstacle course starts after you make it out the door. No using speed power, this is a race after all. All other powers are permitted.The race begins....NOW!!"

  All the teams ran as fast as they could towards the exit. Once we were outside, we could see the obstacles, they looked pretty easy, but behind it was a huge maze, that's the problem. Were we really outside? I followed Tatsuya to the first obstacle which was just a rock climbing wall...luckily I wore shorts under my skirt..."What's taking you so long?"I looked up to see that Tatsuya was already at the top, so I quickly climbed up. "Get ready to jump,"Said Tatsuya. I nod, and look down, at the bottom was trampoline. So I needed to land on the trampoline and bounce from it and land on the target..."Are you ready?,"I nod. He jumped, bounced off and landed on the mat. He made a thumbs up gesture at me. I jumped holding my skirt. I bounced then did a front flip. I landed on the mat standing. I silently praise myself. Up ahead was a long road. Where we were supposed to run? I ran but it was actually pretty hard to with the uniform. While running, I attempted to unbutton the vest that was attached to the coattail thing. Finally I unbuttoned it, I took it off and folded it. I still had on my white button down shirt and tie under at least. I held the folded vest and coattail under my arms. I didn't have a hair tie so I got a ribbon from my pocket and quickly tied my hair. It was so much easier to run. I ran faster and even passed Tatsuya. I saw up ahead was a refreshment stand. I look behind and see that the other team was catching up. I ran faster as Tatsuya followed. We stop by the stand and were surprised, It was coach Arai!"Wazzup kids! Here,"he said handing us a water bottle. The team had caught up to us, they grabbed a water bottle and kept running. I should have thought of that! I hand Coach Arai my folded vest."Hold it and give it to me later!"I said as I ran holding the water bottle, which was still pretty full. Tatsuya caught up to me in a jog. We were right next to the other team. Their eyes full of determination. Up ahead I could see the maze. It looked a lot scarier up close. When all of us made it up to the maze at the same time,"So you have made it to the maze. No cheating, no use of cell phones. Good luck!" The maze opened and we stepped inside. "Tatsuya which way should we go?" The other team went to the left side so we went to the right. Up ahead there was a screen. It asked,"What is yours but people use more?" What? Is that supposed to be a riddle? What could it be? ..my life?..no..face? no... identity no....wait! "Tatsuya I think I know it."I say.  "Go ahead, I can't think of anything anyway,"he said. "The answer is my name,"I answer proudly"Correct!" the door opened and we passed through. He then patted my head and gave a little praise. Ahead of us was a dark hall way like passage. We silently walked down the hallway, I stepped forward but a part of the floor went down and suddenly I fell down a tunnel. My fall was lightened as I landed on something squishy. I could barely see anything, there was only enough light for me to barely see my surroundings. I look down to see the thing I landed on squirming. I panic and jump off. As the thing came into view, I see that it was Mitsuki. I suddenly felt very guilty sitting on her like that,"I'm s-so sorry. I didn't know you were there. Are you okay?"I say.  "I'm fine,"she said as she patted her uniform. I sat down too. I look around and see that the tunnel I came from disappeared. I scan the surroundings, I could barely see anything. Only If we had more light..*Stomach growl* I blushed..I just ate a while ago...Oh yeah! I still had that sushi in my pocket. I took it out and unwrapped it, I glance at Mitsuki, and see that she was staring at the sushi."Mitsuki,do you want some?"

   "No I don't need any of your foo--*growwwl* "

   I smile and laugh.I tear the tofu sushi in half and hand her some."Thanks..."She said as she bit the sushi while I ate mine too, and I drank my water bottle. I noticed that she didn't have her water bottle anymore. I held out my bottle and asked,"Do you want some? You must be thirsty."

   "Why are you sharing your supply with your competition?"she asked.

   "I don't know...It's just because I want to...I guess."

   "But you need that for yourself,"she said.

   "And you need it too,"I said. She became quiet and accepted the bottle. She drank it and handed it back. "I'm sorry.." she said.

   "Why? Did you poison the water or something?"I said jokingly."N-No! I mean..I'm sorry....I glared at you during the beginning..I'm sorry that I believed the rumors.."She said. "What rumors?"I asked."I heard some girls talking about you, saying that you were a slut..and that you stole all the guys...kind of like a boyfriend stealer..I thought you would take away Hideki....but I know now that you're very kind."She said. "Thanks. I wouldn't ever do something like that!I already like someone,"I say blushing. "Wait...Are you and Hideki dating?"I smirk. I hold in my laugh, she's blushing! "N-No we aren't!....I wish though..."she whispered. I get it..."Oh well I'm not going to ask any farther. Good luck with that though.Do you have a flashlight or anything like that?"I asked. "I don't have a flashlight..but one of my magic powers is fire...its close to light"she said."How come you didn't use it earlier?"I ask. She had a painful expression."Nevermind you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."I said."N-No...I will.. since... we're..friends...right?"She said. I smile and answer ,"Yeah." I looked around to check if there were any camera droids. Once we knew it was safe we sat down."When I was little I was kidnapped and injected with a virus from the Kira clan. Even though I didn't know about it until later on, since I was returned home in my bed. So I thought it was a nightmare. Luckily I somehow controlled the virus. I continued life normally."
《Younger Mitsuki's POV》
   One night...I woke up to the sound of screams. The house was on fire...my face filled with terror. I look down and saw that fire was coming from my entire body. My bed sheets were scorched but I was unharmed. I ran throughout the house yelling for mom and dad. I made it to their bedroom, and I opened the door. Inside they were dead on the floor as the fire engulfed their bodies. I fell to my knees and cried, I sweared to myself to only use this power as little as I could. A boy came running into my house, his face filled with terror as he saw my parents bodies, but he grabbed my hand and tried to pull me out. I was just like a lifeless doll. He pulled me onto his back and carried me to his house. When I was inside, I cried and cried saying that I no longer had a home. He offered me a place in the magic academy I go to now. That was how I met Hideki, I known him before, but he was always in the back of the class and never stood out. We were neighbors though every time my parents visited no one answered. We figured his parents just worked a lot, but that wasn't the case. He lived alone in the big house.
『Yuuki's POV』
   "So you had to go through so much..,"I said as I pulled her into a hug. "You don't have to use it now if you don't want to."

"No I want to. It'll help us find our way out,"She said.

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