「New Mission」

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《Unknown POV》

    "Your wound seems to have healed. Now our experiment can be tested with the full results! We'll start the preparations soon,"the voice chuckled. "This time it'll be fool proof.  No more of those Ocuili Sisus. I'll create an army and destroy them once and for all."

   I gasped at his words,"S-Senshi Academy?" What did Senshi have to do with any of this?! What is he after there?! I have to warn them! I struggled against the bounds, but it was no use.

『Yuuki's POV』

    "Yuuki? Can you go to the principle's office for a second?Principle Inoue has something to discuss with you ,"Said Nurse Sachi. I have never seen Miko's mom in person before, but now I'm too scared to meet her. My guilt over Miko's death made it even harder to see her.
I slowly walked towards the two big doors. Each standing 6 feet with the words, PRINCIPLE'S OFFICE. I turned the knob and walked in cautiously. At her desk, sat Principle Inoue. I bowed down and said,"G-Good morning Principle!"

    She chuckled then warmly said,"No need for that, Yuuki. Miko has talked a lot about you." 

   Why is she being so nice to me... Doesn't she know Miko is dead?...

    "Okay, back to the main topic... I had already told Tatsuya the details, but I want to send my two best students on a mission to infiltrate the Kira clan headquarters. They are the one's who created monsters and destroyed our normal lives. All you have to do is gather as much information about the organisation. You will receive help from one adult whose specialty is transporting. However, I must tell you something. Adults, who are Occuli Sisu, have unstable powers. I don't know the reason, but those who are older can't use their powers too much. If they do, the risk to lose their minds is high. In other words, they become monsters. I wanted to warn you not to rely on the transporter too much. Are you prepared? Oh, and don't worry. You'll receive compensation for the mission,"she said. I slowly nodded. I should at least do this as part of my redemption. "

    Okay here is the information,"She said as she handed me a small piece of paper.  "You and Tatsuya shall start the mission tomorrow."

   We stood outside of the building, which was said to be the Kira clan's headquarters. It looked just like any normal factory and was surrounded by metal fences. The man beside us was known as the 'Transporter'. He looked very well built, but also very kind.   "Okay kids, I will transport you inside. We have a tracking device on the bracelet you're wearing. If there is any big trouble press the button, and I will find you as fast as I can and transport you out. Got it?"said the transporter. We nodded. He grabbed us and suddenly we were inside. It looked more like a laboratory than a factory.   "Okay kids, I'll take my leave. Be careful." Suddenly he disappeared into a mist. We were left alone in the building of hallways. Who knew what we would see next...

   "HEY YOU TWO!! YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE!"Yelled a man in a lab coat as he ran towards us. We ran, not knowing where we were going. We ran for so long... In the quiet hallways I could hear the distant footsteps of the man. He's going to catch up! Suddenly, I was pulled to my right. The person's hand was clamped over my mouth. "Be quiet,"The voice said. The voice sounded oddly familiar...a guy's voice...With my back I could feel the warmness of his chest and his fast heart beat. I froze as the foot steps came closer. The person pulled me closer and I could hear his breathing. My heart raced. The foot steps became louder and louder as it came closer. I stared at the direction the man would run...Will he find us, hidden in the darkness?

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