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Yuuki's POV

   Together, Miko and I walked home.  Suddenly, at the corner of my eye, I saw a dark figure tailing behind us. The figure reminded me of the men in my nightmare yesterday. As he came closer, I could see that his eyes were both red, which was a contrast to the white lab coat he was wearing.

    He was approaching us......quickly. He was holding a sharp object, shining in the light. My eyes widened as he got closer and closer. As he raised his hand that was wrapped around the weapon, I froze in fear.

  "Yuuki!"screamed Miko.

   As the weapon came towards me, I suddenly was pushed to the side. Blood filled my view. I sat still at where I landed, and felt a weight on my legs. I looked down to see a bloody Miko lying helplessly on the ground.

   I grabbed her hand and touched her face,"Miko! Miko!"

She was the only friend that stayed with me, that's always been by my side. I can't lose her....Not....Now! Tears slid down my face and landed on Miko's blood stained face. Leaving a clean trail between the crimson blood.

   Slowly Miko opened her eyes and whispered weakly,"I told you that I was going to protect you... Don't cry.... please.... I'm sorry....You had to protect me at the tree..I'm.....so pathetic, I'm supposed to be .... protecting you, a-and I'm sorry for making you cry ... like.... like this... don't ... cry.... I'm.. sorry..... this.. was..... my... choice....... but..... please.....l-live....on... "

   Miko's breathing stopped, and her face fell to the side.

   "She's.... dead..... dead..," I whispered,"She's...she's.....dead....... because of....me.......I-I-I... ..DESERVE TO DIE!!!" My tears then started falling like rain.

   The dark figure walked towards me at a steady pace. As it got closer I saw his hideous face. Both of his eyes blood shot, his teeth crooked and yellow. He smiled a sinister smile, showing off his shark like teeth. He looked like some type of mutated human.

  He raised his knife, but was stopped when a dark blur of a figure slashed the knife wielding maniac with a katana, he fell to the ground then screeched. His body turned ashy and disintegrated.

   "Get up,"the boy said. Is that Tatsuya?  "I can't get up...Miko's dead...She's dead...because..of me!" I said as tears again fell down my face.  Tatsuya held out his hand then said,"She's dead, but she told you to live on. Don't waste her sacrifice for you." I snuck a glanced at him, to see his face have a pained expression. I grabbed his hand, and stood up. Suddenly he tugged me with more force,urging me to go forward, yelling, "Run!" I turned around to see more dark figures in lab coats running towards us. Quickly he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder then ran. "You're heavier than you look,"he said while trying to run. "You can put me down now,Tatsuya. I'll just end up slowing you down,"I said. "No way, if I put you down, you'll just end up freezing up again, and then get killed,"he said nonchalantly,"and we have to get away from here and get to the academy. "Wait,What about Miko!We can't just leave her!"I screamed while hitting his back attempting to be released.

  He stared straightforward then whispered, "It's either us or a corpse. You choose. "Those words shut me up. Everything disappeared, Miko's body got smaller and smaller as we got farther away. My surroundings became black. I embraced the darkness. Live on, were her last words, but I don't know if I can without her.

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