「Kick Butt」

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Yuuki's POV

    "Hey Newbie! Come'ere!" The man yelled. I walked slowly towards the scary looking man in the coach jacket.  "Can you do head to head combat?"he asked. I nodded and waited for what he was going to say next. To be honest, I never actually fought anyone before...Just watched karate shows. "Okay then. Newbie let's see what you got. Everybody already knows each other, so no need for introductions. I'm Coach Arai, "He said as he held out his hand to shake, I shook it with caution. "So which one of you want to go against newbie here, no need to hold back" he said while pointing at me. A guy stepped forward and said,"I'll go." Okay Hatori, you're up," said coach. Hatori walked up to me and said,"I won't go easy on your just because you're a girl. I am the second best in class. It won't be easy to beat me."

    Ugh..he was obviously bragging.....

   "No need, just fight with your all,"I said. We stood at the center of the gym in our positions. "READY SET... GO!"

  Hatori came charging towards me at full speed. I dodged then punched him at the stomach. He crumpled then said,"You...win..."

   That was fast..wow....it ended faster than I thought. I would of thought he would put up much more of a fight considering he was, quote, "second best in class." I turned around to see the crowd stare at me with mouths open and faces filled with shock.

    "O-Okay...,"said Coach then quickly shook his head. "Who's up next?Tatsuya want to give it a try?"

    Tatsuya walked towards me then said,"Sure." We stood in our positions. "Good luck," said Tatsuya.

   "Good luck to you too,"I said


  He suddenly was in front of me, before I could even blink. He threw punches aimed at my face. I dodged each and every one of them. I tried to throw a punch at him, but he ducked down. He then side kicked my legs, and I dodged by doing a backflip. I stood there trying to catch my breath. I charged towards him as fast as I could. I threw lightning fast punches aimed for his face, but he dodged each and every one. I was seriously getting frustrated, but I had to hand it to him, that's impressive. I have to try harder. I threw my punches even faster. We kept exchanging fist,and dodging every one. I'm running out of stamina. Suddenly at the corner of my eye I see him do a low spinning sweep kick. I try to dodge but I was too late. I fall backwards onto the mat with Tatsuya on top of me. His hand pinned my arms above my head, while his knees were next to me on each side. I blush.

   "I win,"Tatsuya said,"It's very rare for an opponent to actually last this long with me.Good job. "

   I try to look him in the eye.Finally when I managed to give eye contact I said,"You too... Congrats." He stood up and held out his hand. I grabbed it and pulled myself up. The crowd was silent.

  They stared at us intensely,smirking at each other. As Tatsuya walked past the guys they glared at him. I smiled as I chuckled. Suddenly, I was surrounded by a group of girls."Yuuki, are you guys dating?!?!?" They asked in unison . "Oh...I'm sorry, we're not dating. I literally just met him. He's just showing me around,"I said. "Oh! Since you guys aren't dating, can you set me up with him?He seems cold but.....he's kind of hot, in a cool way! Please! Can you try setting me up with him? You guys seem pretty close,"the girl said. "Me too, me too!"some girls said. I looked at them then said,"Sorry...I...can't,"I said as I turned around and walked away. It felt as if their glares were like dagger, as I felt a stinging sensation
... I can't support them since I want to be the one by his side...

  Wait what?

   When have I ever thought like this....Is it possible...that I like Tatsuya? No! That can't be. I wouldn't like someone like..b-but what if...I do like him... I just met him though... Though I did know him back then,but we never talked... Do I li-" My face hit something hard and warm. I look up to see that I had hit Tatsuya's chest. I suddenly back away quickly and scream,"I-I'm sorry!" I trip on my own foot and fall backwards. Tatsuya grabbed my hand and used his other hand to hold my back before I fell. He looked surprised, but he then asked,"Are you okay? You're not acting like yourself."

   "Y-yeah,I'm f-fine,"I said as I quickly stepped away from him and walked quickly towards the door. I walked through the double doors and ran for the restroom. Once inside I leaned on the wall and slowly slid down.

   That was so embarrassing...

   I buried my face in my arms and knees. I peeked from between my arms and looked into the mirror to see that my face was red; it's that idiot, Tatsuya's, fault...

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