Chapter 9

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Camila's P.O.V

Its funny how we all dream of being in movies, and how we imagine what it'd be like to be in a particular scene at a particular time, and you can almost picture yourself playing a part perfectly, but then your life becomes a movie, and you wonder why you wanted it to begin with.

The silence that followed my entrance was almost unbearable. I felt my parent's burning holes through me, with their confused but relentless stares and it made me want to run back upstairs, and then I looked over at Sofia.

It's strange how much comfort can come from even a smile, but as a smile spread across her face, and her cheeks lifted in delight, I couldn't stop myself from mirroring her action.

She jumped out of her seat, and ran over to me.It felt like slow motion as she ran towards me. I bent over preparing myself to engulf her in my arms, and once she arrived, I picked her up and hugged her tightly against my chest, and twirled us around.

I didn't want to let go because for once, I wasn't hugging a sleeping body, I was finally in the arms of my biggest pride and joy, and her laugh rang in my ears and it sounded so beautiful. I finally put her down, but got on my knees to level with her,

''Hey pal.'' I said with a wide smile and tears in my eyes. She smiled and hugged my neck, and whispered in my ear,

''don't cry, princesses don't cry.'' I wrapped her in my arms again, and planted a kiss on her forehead before standing up to face the rain.

I tore my gaze away from Sofia, and looked over at my parents. My dad had put the newspaper down, and was looking at me as he sipped his coffee, and my mom looked at me with pursued lips, but neither of them looked mad.

I released a breath I didn't know I was holding, and raised my eyebrows at them, awaiting anything they could possibly tell me. Maybe this could be a turning point, or maybe they'd scowl at me for interacting with Sofia, but when

I saw my mom's eyes scan my body, a tear fell from her eyes. My jaw tightened, and I walked over to her. We stood in front of each other for a few seconds, and I could see all the questions in her eyes, even behind the sadness. It was the same look she had just before she lost all hope in me.

When I couldn't take it anymore, I threw my bag on the floor and pulled her in for a hug. I wrapped my arms around her and almost broke my strong façade when her arms clutched onto me for dear life, but I pulled away and kissed her forehead just as I had for Sofia, and told her in a voice only she could hear,

''Don't worry, it will all make sense sooner than you think.''

With that, I picked my bag up and put a hand on my Dad's shoulder to which he responded by putting his over mine and giving it a small squeeze before i walked out the door.

I sat in my car for a few minutes as I gripped onto the steering wheel, my nerves already building up inside my stomach but I shook it off when I remembered that I'd have Miss Lovato to give me strength and with God's blessing of a friend, Ally too.

I put the car on drive and made way to the school. It didn't take long to arrive since I lived close, but I wanted to take as much time as I possibly could but to my dismay, I was in the parking lot far too soon. I was somewhat early, but for once, I came after Lauren's usual arrival.

I wanted her to see my entrance, not the other way around, so I took a deep breath, before grabbing my bag, and exiting.

I was so nervous, I felt like it was my first day of freshman year all over again, but even worse. I got to the front doors and felt so suffocated but no, I couldn't back down now. I opened the door, and it felt normal for two seconds until the first head turned, and gasps started resonating off the walls.

I felt my face turning red, but I reminded myself, ''Don't back down. '' I slowly started moving my feet, and finally arrived at my locker.

The hallway was still in silence, and all eyes were on me. Lauren's and her friends were nowhere to be found, and I found it odd to say the least.

The bell rang, but nobody moved. Something about this was odd, and I soon found out what it was.

As I impatiently turned the lock to the corresponding combination, I felt worry struck over me, and when the door opened, a bunch of packets fell out of my locker. It was filled, entirely filled, with...condoms.

My face turned bright red, and I felt far more embarrassed than I had in a while, especially when laughter erupted all around me, and finally everyone began to walk away. I stood still though.

I couldn't tear my eyes away from the mess in front of me but something did catch my attention, it was a red note under a few of the condom packets that were still left inside my locker, and when I reached over and opened it, my jaw clenched, and my nostrils flared.

I hope I gave you enough, slut. xoxo

I put my hands behind my head and contemplated on what I should do, as much as I wanted to hide and cry, I instructed myself otherwise. She couldn't win. I grabbed as many condoms as I could and stuffed them in my bag, and stormed towards first period.

I walked in as Miss Lovato was taking row. I must have impeccable timing because when I entered, she said aloud,

''Camila Cabello?''


Her eyes averted to me, and her smile grew when she took in my appearance, and I looked towards the class, spotting my one and only. A few of the people who didn't see the spectacle this morning, or me, all gave me the same reactions that the rest of my peers did when I first walked in, one being Lauren.

I saw her look up at the sound of my voice, and she took a double take. Her mouth opened agape, and she looked me up and down as I walked over to her desk.

Her eyes showed confusion, before they turned into a smirk when I stood in front of her.

''Did you like my little gift, Camzi?''

A few students around us snickered, but for the majority part, it was still silence once again. My eyes narrowed at her before I smiled sweetly at her. I grabbed my bag from my back, and opened it.

I pulled it over Lauren's head, and dumped all the condoms that were able to fit onto her, to which she gasped. I had opened all those packets, so she sat in a pile of condoms.

''I wanted you to know what a condom looks like. I mean, I'm pretty sure you've never seen one considering your choice of preference...''

"Don't you even dare.''

''Or, what?''

''Just trust me when I say that you'll regret it.''

I smirked, and leaned over and looked at her lips and then straight into her eyes,

''I've got nothing to lose, babe. But you do.''

Her eyes narrowed at me, and I could tell she was about to explode, so just to grind her gears, I picked at the strand of hair falling in her face and placed it behind her ears.

She slapped my hand off, and I smiled before heading towards my seat. I looked up at Miss Lovato, and saw the small smile playing on her lips before she cleared her throat, and turned to write today's lesson on the board.

One point for me.

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