Chapter 10

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camila's POV:

I sat in my seat trying to contain myself from squealing like a middle school girl, but it was getting harder and harder every time Lauren turned back to look at me-a gaze I never returned. She was plotting, I know she was, and it reminded me that I had to be on guard all day as soon as this class was over.

The following two periods dragged on and I got the same responses that I got in the morning, and I had to admit it was boosting up my confidence, but underneath the confidence, fear was creeping out at me, but another part of me told me that whatever Lauren had in mind couldn't be that bad, I'm assuming I already faced her toughest rainfall.

Nobody's POV:

Lunch came around, and the silence that Camila's entrance drew in was not missed by her or Lauren. Lauren kept her gaze on the brown-haired girl with each and every step she took, but she made sure to keep a menacing glare all while doing so.

Camila didn't bother looking towards her, and it was starting to frustrate the other girl. She was accustomed to getting under Camila's skin not the other way around. She wanted to do something-anything to regain her upper hand but nothing came to mind, every torturous comment or abuse had already been thrown at the girl, not all the time by her, but nonetheless she had already felt so much pain that she couldn't think of something that could even make her flinch.

Everyone in the cafeteria watched as Camila grabbed a plate of food for the first time, not that they noticed it was her first, and saw her bite her lip as her eyes wandered around in search for someone.

It spooked some people out of their stares when they heard a voice abrupt the silence with a friendly yell, ''Hey Camila! Over here!'' Some people turned their heads to the direction of the voice and recognized it to belong to none other than Saint Ally herself.

It was almost heart-warming to witness the smile of relief that spread across Camila's face, and there was something different in her presence today besides her wardrobe, and not many were able to decipher what it was, but someone in particular was able to admit it to themselves; Lauren Jauregui knew what was different, the girl's beauty was shining in an almost ''in your face'' kind of way, and it upset her to say the least.

The girl's nostrils flared, and she rolled her eyes and scowled at herself for staring so long. She turned to her food, and tried to get their friends' attention in attempt to get everyone to stop gawking at Camila.

She wasn't jealous, she was just mad that the girl was indeed beautiful and it only made what was supposed to be ignored, harder to do so.

Camila sat across from Ally and shot her a thankful smile, to which Ally beamed in excitement as she gave the girl a once-over. Camila waited in anticipation and a face-eating smile spread across her face when Ally hummed in approval.

The two girls enjoyed their lunch, as they chatted away about nothing in particular, and they ignored the people who continued to watch them like they were putting on a show for them.

Lunch was uneventful, and Camila finished a bit before the hour was over, so she told Ally she'd see her later on in class, and got up to leave. She threw her things and walked what looked like a confident stride down the middle corridor to get to the exit, but in reality, she walked with so much anxiety inside of her.

Just before she reached the door, a boy stood up. Camila's breath hitched as she noticed it was a regular and when she tried to go around him, he made it a mission impossible. She looked up at his face that wore a mischievous smirk and Camila watched as he lifted one of his arms and pushed her hair out of her face. His hand continued to move past her ear, to her shoulder, down her arm, and just before it could get any further, she let out a shaky, but loud, ''STOP.'' He snickered, and shook his head.

Lauren's attention snapped over to the yell and she balled her fist under the table. She didn't know why she was reacting the way she was, but her breathing quickened, and she tapped her foot impatiently to stop herself from standing up and walking over there.

Her thoughts became clouded with schizophrenic yells that all said the same thing; hypocrite. She bit in anticipation and wondered if anyone was going to do anything, but then her eyes snapped towards the boy who walked up to the two that stood in the middle of the cafeteria.

''She told you to stop.'' A deep voice said, that caused Camila to freeze.

She knew that voice. It belonged to her former best friend, Harry. She looked at him confused but grateful none the less. The boy who wore the smug grin, turned to meet Harry's gaze.

''Since when do you care? You yourself called her a slut not more than two days ago.'' Harry's eyes averted to Camila then to the ground.

''Just leave her alone, alright?'' Camila took the opportunity to sneak away before the other boy could take ahold of her again, and she once again felt suffocated.

As much as she wanted a hero, the idea of the heroes that were now rising up for her, made it all seem so pathetic. She too, wanted to inquire Harry a ''Why now?'' but she realized just as she had so many unanswered questions, so did he, as well as everyone else, and had to let go of all the grudges she held on to not only him, but Dinah, Marielle, and Sandra too.

They were just a few of the people who walked out on the girl at first glance of who she had become and Camila began to wonder if now that she was ''normal'' again, if they'd come crawling back, and as much as she wanted them to, a part of her didn't.

Camila walked out into the hallway and realized her breathing was labored, and just before she could try to control herself, she looked up.

There stood none other than Lauren Jauregui. She was leaning against Camila's locker, and this time, alone. Camila then relaxed her shoulders, and smoothed her dress before walking over.

''May I help you?'' she sassed. The darker-haired brunette brought her gaze up from the floor to meet with the brown orbs. There was no pity in them, nothing really that could help Camila read her as she so often tried to, but she was still drawn in by the emeralds that took residence in the girl's eyes. Lauren took a few moments of contemplation before she answered the girl,

''Why are you dressed like that?'' She almost scowled at herself for the lame question but she didn't know what the girl's intentions were by her change in wardrobe.Camila turned her head to the side and bit her lip before responding, ''Why, don't you like it?''

Lauren's eyes snapped from the girl's lips to her eyes and narrowed her own, ''Does it matter what I think?''
''Do you want it to?'' Lauren's breath caught in her throat, and she looked around the hallway.

''Nobody's here.'' Camila challenged. Lauren brought her gaze back to Camila and she looked undecided. ''You look beautiful.'' She whispered.

The way her voice quivered sent chills down Camila's back, and it compelled her to start to lean in. Lauren looked at her nervously, and just before their lips met, ''But you'll always be a slut.'' Lauren hissed before pushing Camila away and walking back into the cafeteria.

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