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Hi im tegan merrel cooper im 17 years old from minnastoa i have an older brother named romeo and thats all u need to know for now

Hi im tegan merrel cooper im 17 years old from minnastoa i have an older brother named romeo and thats all u need to know for now

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Dad : come on kiddo u need to leave for school
Tegan : yep see ya
Dad : bye

I walk out the door and im met with blake like always

Blake : another day another day to Excel
Tegan : shut up
Blake : no
Tegan : u annoy me
Blake : i know
Tegan ; how was your weekend
Blake : slept the whole time
Tegan ; shocker
Blake ; i know right what did u do
Tegan : chilled ate u know the usual
Blake : i know
Tegan ; i hope today goes quick
Blake : yh me and u both
Tegan ; i already miss my bed
Blake : bruh i will marry my bed
Tegan ; same like honest to god same
Blake ; the thing is u Probley would tho
Tegan : as soon as im 18 im gonna tell my dad im getting married to my bed so grandkids for u unless by any chance Romeo gets a girlfriend
Blake : dout that but knowing romeo hes probley got kids
Tegan : the way he fucks and chucks girls probley
Blake : could be an auntie for all u know
Tegan : pretty sick i guess
Blake : how dose he get so many girls
Tegan : litrally no clue hes like honey and girls are bees and im a fly and guys are fly repellent keeping me away

He burst out laughing

Blake : i love u for u saying that
Tegan : true tho
Blake ; yh

We walk into school cheaking the boreds

Tegan : i have no clue what i want to do for this bloody extracurricular
Blake : same
Tegan : i like singing but do i really wanna take choir
Blake : its bull i hate all of it
Tegan ; yh
Blake ; I'll just take extra math
Sara : do cheer try outs it will get u out of extracurricular
Tegan ; don't cheer
Sara ; u can tho u got body for it
Tegan : um
Sara : just try out its easy an easy try out dance and now that queen bee is gone I'm in change and i want everyone to try so come on
Tegan : i don't know
Sara ; your doing it

She signs my name up

Sara : see u at 4

She walks away and i look at blake

Tegan : what the hell just happend
Blake : looks like your trying out
Tegan : ugh
Blake : it will be funny to watch so your trying out
Tegan : what ever im heading to class
Blake : see ya

I walk up to maths class sitting down

Leah ; hi
Tegan ; ello how u been
Leah ; pretty good u
Tegan ; not to bad
Leah : good
Tegan : i wanna sleep
Leah ; me to chase was
Tegan ; i don't wanna know
Leah : yh thank u for shutting me up
Tegan : its for my safety last time u said chase was round u went full detail
Leah ; yh i tend to do that
Tegan ; i know I've knowen u to long
Leah : i know and u love me
Tegan : no i hate u

We both start laughing

Tegan ; nah jk love u too

Skip rest of the day

Tegan : lets go
Blake : no try outs
Tegan : no
Blake : yes because if u don't go I'll post that picture of u with the noodles coming out your nose.
Tegan ; i will kill u
Blake ; come on

We head to baseball filed

Sara : u came
Tegan : yh
Sara : come on then it's about to begin
Tegan ; ok

I drop my bag off and i warm up with the rest of the girls and then sara starts showing us the routine . And then once we got it we did individual dances

Sara : right if your name is called u are on the team if u are not called out i am sorry but u haven't made it and there is alway next year ....names piper pagie ellie tegan Sonya lily Camila abi stef and peri well done u are on the team if u would like to come to me and i will give u your cheer out fits

We walk up to her getting our out fits

Sara : Tegan come join me piper pagie and jonah for milkshakes
Tegan ; i don't know
Sara : not taking no for an answer come on were meeting them there

She garbs my arm and i mouth to blake sorry and i follow sara to the milkshake shop .

Sara : newest meber of the team
Piper ; good luck its hard training but its fun
Tegan ; ok
Jonah : are u new
Tegan : nope been going same school to 3rd grade
Pagie : nice one dim wit
Tegan : its ok
Sara : they already know key rule of cheer
Tegan ; what is it

She points to my legs

Sara ; your legs don't open for anyone they stay shut u kiss people but u do not sleep with anyone . Us cheerleaders need to keep our reputation good
Pagie : and that's u can be a tease all u want to anyone but they don't open
Tegan : not like there open anyway

They all start laughing

Jonah ; trust me now your a cheer leader guys will be all over u
Tegan : dout it very much

This women comes over taking our orders

Sara : by the way hair up tomrrow and full uniform
Tegan : ok
Piper ; never expected u to be a cheerleader
Tegan : me neither
Sara : i may have forced her
Jonah ; why
Sara ; she's got a good body shes cute sorry i might have a tad crush on u

I nod my head

Pagie : u better surport the lgbtq
Tegan ; i do very much so
Sara : good
Jonah : so u like girls aswell
Tegan : stright
Sara : darn
Piper : theres other girls
Sara : i know like i said tad crush
Tegan : well im honoured no one's ever liked me
Jonah : wait how
Tegan ; its me
Pagie : shes quiet
Piper : yh were in the same English class she never talks
Pagie : no one can get a word in with u around

Our drinks arrive

Piper ; ok your rude
Pagie : i can be rude I'm your twin
Piper : fuck off
Jonah : just get along by the way they do this all the time
Tegan : nice to know
Sara ; no like they argue a lot all u have to say is shut the fuck up
Tegan ; ok
Piper : mom wants us back
Pagie : see u
Jonah : bye

They go

Sara ; so do u like anyone

I shake my head

Jonah ; surley someone
Tegan ; nope
Sara ; ok celeb crush
Tegan ; don't know nolan from modern family
Sara : don't know who is but ok
Tegan : who are your celeb crushs
Jonah : easy Camila Capello
Sara : like her but Vanessa Hudgens
Tegan : um i should go
Sara : ok yh lets go
Tegan ; bye

I get up walking out and i message Blake saying sorry

Jonah ; can i walk with u

I nod my head

Jonah : sorry for being a dim bat earlier
Tegan : what
Jonah : asking if u were new
Tegan ; oh its ok 
Jonah ; u sure
Tegan ; yh
Jonah : start over
Tegan ; ok
Jonah : hi im Jonah frantzich
Tegan : Tegan cooper
Jonah : are you related to Bradley Cooper
Tegan : sadly not
Jonah : darn
Tegan ; i know sad
Jonah : very
Tegan ; well this is me
Jonah : u don't live far from the milkshake shack
Tegan : i know
Jonah ; right see ya

I nod my head and i walk inside

Tegan ; hi
Dad : your home late
Tegan : yh i tryed out for cheer and i got in so i went for a milkshake
Dad : cheer since when
Tegan ; its gets me out of extracurricular
Dad ; which u didn't want to do
Tegan : yh so im out of that
Dad : well proud of u
Tegan : thanks
Dad ; dinner done
Tegan ; I'm not hungry im going bed
Dad ; oh ok

I go to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in my pjs and i get in bed

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