Blake : u ok
Tegan : i don't know i feel like im gonna be sick again
Blake : need the bucket

I shake my head

Tegan : nah
Blake : ok

I close my eyes

Blake : is the pain getting worse
Tegan ; yh but before u arrived i had medication so its just gonna kick in soon
Blake ; ok
Tegan : i hate this the pain is atcahlly getting to the point of where i can barley move because i hurt so much . Ah
Blake : i know
Sara : hello
Tegan ; hi
Jonah ; she forced me to bring her
Tegan ; its ok
Sara : no offence but u look
Tegan : awful i know
Jonah : no u don't
Tegan ; its worst I've ever looked and felt
Blake ; it is
Sam : hi
Tegan ; hey
Sam ; are u sara
Sara : yh is this for me to get tested
Sam : yh if u just come with me I'll get u tested and go over everything
Sara : I'll be back
Tegan ; ok

She goes

Blake ; is she getting tested
Jonah : yh
Blake : thats nice
Jonah ; she'll do anything to help
Blake ; hope shes a match
Jonah : yh me to but still no matchs wirh anyone
Tegan : no one we've gone all throw our family family friends
Blake ; even her brother is going throw all his past hock ups
Tegan : its funny he was with me all morning and afternoon calling every person he had slept with and they were no saying how he messed them around and everything it was funny . But a few girls said they would
Jonah : damn i don't think i could call every person i slept with to see if there a match
Blake ; Romeo don't care he just wants a match for her
Jonah : i do aswell
Tegan : how was school
Jonah ; a fight happend
Blake : i forgot to tell u
Tegan : who was involved
Jonah ; drake and liam apprently they were both sleeping with maddie and now shes preganate . She has no clue who the dad is
Blake : but it was a big fight
Tegan : well shit
Blake ; yh
Jonah : so apart from that it was boring
Tegan : fun
Jonah : u really don't look well
Blake : sorry about this but throw out every time shes been in hospital itd the worst shes looked
Tegan : i know it is I've said
Jonah : still cute and gerogouse tho
Tegan ; shut your mouth cringe
Blake ; what's happening with u two then
Jonah : not in a relationship but dating
Blake ; i swear dating is in a relationship
Jonah : i don't know

I let out a little laugh

Tegan ; confussing af
Blake ; yh
Tegan ; oh shit i forgot to tell u the 3some is reuniting
Blake ; oh god
Jonah : what the hell 3some what
Blake : so basically she has friends called Riley and yashvi they live in Toronto . And u may think shes incent and all that but once the 3 are togther she goes unholy . There litrally called the 3some unholy
Jonah : like how
Tegan : its not unholy
Blake ; oh yh so last year before u got ill me and u went to Toronto to see them . All 3 of u wore theses really short skirts like shorter then the skirts the cheerleaders wear . And this really shirt top that prtically showed half there under boob
Tegan ; that was um....
Blake ; what was it
Jonah ; please say u have a picture

I try to hit him

Jonah : joking
Sara : hey im back it should take a few days to come back
Tegan ; thank u
Jonah : why do u change with these other girls then
Tegan ; i don't know
Blake : its funny tho
Sara : what

Blake explains again

Sara : lovely
Blake : are james and ned coming with them
Tegan ; yh
Blake : yes u have your 3some i have mine
Jonah ; it sounds so wrong
Tegan : its meant to be
Sara : hey make it 4some I'll join cause I'll do anything to be a tease and i like a joke
Tegan : your welcome to join
Jonah ; im just gonna stay out of it
Sara : boring
Jonah : i know
Tegan : leave him alone
Sara : ok
Blake ; when dose the 3some reunite then
Tegan : next week
Blake : existing
Tegan : i wanna be well when they get here i wanna dance with them
Blake ; i dout that tho u can barely walk well u can't really walk at all u need the wheel chair just to get to the bathroom . And that 5 steps away
Sara : u can't even walk
Tegan : not really
Sara ; shit
Jonah ; so anyway have u guys relised blake has hickeys
Blake ; i hate u
Tegan ; come on blake whos this girl its almost been a week
Sara : spill
Blake ; no
Jonah : he told me
Tegan : whay im meant to be your bestfriend
Blake : yet again hate u
Jonah : go on tell her
Blake ; fine Haley from our music class
Tegan : since when did u talk
Sara : shes fit

We all start laughing

Blake ; she is and last week when we got put in pairs i got put with lucy we spoke . And then yh we had sex and been talking and having more sex since
Tegan : lovely happy for u
Blake : thanks
Sara : i see why u like her she is fit and funny
Blake : yh
Jonah ; don't drul to much shes stright and blakes getting with her
Sara : shut up
Tegan : anyone in your love life
Sara : i like both genders but i like rory the in our music class
Tegan : i see it
Jonah : she also like melody
Sara ; and her yh
Blake ; u like 2 people
Sara : yh
Blake : fair enough
Jonah : she can catch feelings for anyone like one minute she'll like this girl by lunch she'll be going on about she likes this other girl its funny .
Sara : i catch feelings so easy
Blake : i do as we
Tegan : i don't cause i don't go for looks its personality
Jonah ; u like my personality and my looks are just are bounc
Tegan : defantly
Sara : u got arm candy

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : yh
Sam : u guys need to go
Blake : ok see u tomrrow
Tegan : bye

Jonah kisses the top my head

Jonah : bye
Sara : get better
Tegan : try to

They go

Sam : how u feeling
Tegan ; not good but its ok
Sam ; take theses it will help with nausea and dizzyness
Tegan : thanks

I take the pills

Sam ; get sleep more dialysis tomrrow
Tegan ; i will

He goes

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