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Jonah : hey
Tegan : hi
Joanh : want coffee

I shake my head

Tegan ; whats the time
Jonah : 11
Tegan : wow i slept late
Jonah : u must of been tired
Tegan ; i was
Jonah : how did u sleep
Tegan ; so well u
Jonah : it was good and my moms made us breakfast and the family has gone out
Tegan : ok

I sit up and i kiss him and he kisses me back and he pulls me ontop swiping his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins . And i start kissing his neck making sure i leave marks he flips us over so hes on top and starts kissing my neck finding  my sweet spot. i wrap my arms around his neck and tugging on his hair . I try to pull his shirt off and he stops me

Jonah : what are u doing
Tegan : I'm ready
Jonah : are u sure

I nod my head

Tegan ; yh
Jonah ; u sure
Tegan : yes

He kisses me and i pull his shirt off and he pulls my shirt off

And u know what happend

Tegan : wow that was
Jonah ; i know are u ok
Tegan ; I'm fine i feel fine and people say it hurts like a bitch it barley hurt
Jonah : everyone has diffrent pain tolerances
Tegan : yh why didn't i do this sooner

He starts laughing

Jonah ; we do it again
Tegan : no
Jonah ; ok are hungry
Tegan : easterly
Jonah : lets eat

I get dressed and i quickly brush my hair and teeth and i we head down stairs eating .

Tegan : your house so nice
Jonah ; it is come look at the back yard
Tegan : ok

We get up walking to the back yard

Tegan : u have chickens
Jonah : chickens and hens
Tegan : and your yard is huge
Jonah : yh its is i played baseball out here with my dad and zeb
Tegan : doesn't having woods there scare u like anyone could come throw
Jonah : no its all fenced we have a few animals come throw but not people
Tegan : ok
Jonah : it can be scarey because u look out the window and u see darkness
Tegan ; i would hate it
Jonah : yh but all safe
Tegan ; good

I kiss him

Tegan : so i need to tell u something
Jonah : ok but i don't like the sound of it
Tegan : so a few days after my transplant my dad said something about us moving to Toronto . And me romeo said that was mad but my dads carried on going on about it . And my uncles just fallen ill
Jonah : your moving out there aren't u
Tegan : i think so
Jonah : when
Tegan : my dad wants to get out there asoon as possible he wants to help my moms side of the family with my uncle being ill and all of that. 
Jonah : ok

We both quiet

Jonah : if u do move do u want to break up with me
Tegan : no i want to stay with u
Jonah : so long dictence
Tegan ; do u want to do long dictence
Jonah ; if we can carry on being togther then yes I'll do long dictence
Tegan ; i will be coming back here a lot i have u and blake
Jonah ; i will for sure be coming to Toronto a lot I've always wanted to go out there . Plus the flight is only 2 hours so we could fly out to see each other on weekends
Tegan ; yh alest its not the other side of the world
Jonah : thank god

We walk back inside sitting down

Jonah : can we promise no making any mistakes
Tegan ; u mean cheating
Jonah : yh not saying we would cheat just i want us to promise
Tegan ; well i promise
Jonah : i do aswell
Tegan : ok
Jonah : i hope your uncle gets better
Tegan : me to
Jonah : what's wrong with him
Tegan : hes a drug user so he had drug overdose he was fine and then he had a heart attack .
Jonah ; is he ok now
Tegan : we don't really know the extent of the damage the heart attack caused
Jonah : hope he gets better
Tegan : me to
Jonah ; is this why u aren't going back to school
Tegan ; yes and no my dad offerd me to be homeschooped so I'm gonna be home schooled.  Because there is no point me joning a new school for only a few weeks
Jonah : what i would do to get home schooled
Tegan : yh
Jonah : i hate school enough and now your not even going back with me I'm gonna hate it even more now
Tegan : just think a few weeks
Jonah : i know and then never have to go back to school again no collage im free . I will finally get to start my dream to become a singer
Tegan ; yh so rember that
Jonah ; i will

I cuddle into him

Tegan : i should go
Jonah ; ok

He kisses me and i kiss him back

Jonah : see u
Tegan : bye

I get up walking out the door and i walk home

Romeo ; have u lost your mind
Dad : no i haven't
Tegan ; what is happening
Romeo : him hes lost it
Tegan : why
Romeo : hes put the house up for sale and booked plane tickets to Toronto for next week he expects us to move in a week hes atchally lost it
Dad ; i haven't i just want to get out of here this town i want a fresh start to much has happend
Tegan : but a week
Dad : we can do it i brought boxs today and were start sending them off to your grans come on
Romeo ; omg u have lost it
Dad : pack now
Tegan ; i agree with ro
Dad : tegan Romeo pack please
Tegan : fine

I take a few boxs heading to my room and i start packing things and i make pile of things i should get rid of . It was stressful and i hated packing i hated this .

Blake ; hey i got your message
Tegan ; hi
Blake ; a week
Tegan ; a god damn week its mad
Blake : yh it is but your bestfriend is here to help
Tegan : thank u
Blake : dose jonah know
Tegan : he knows that my dad was thinking about it but I'll talk to him tomrrow about it all .
Blake ; ok
Tegan ; i hate this i don't wanna move i don't want to move away from here u jonah . But i don't wanna stay here alone away from dad and romeo
Blake : you'll be coming back enough it feel like your never gone
Tegan : ok
Blake : plus your gonna be with your 3some unholy

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : yh
Blake ; im atchally jelouse i want to get away from here
Tegan : why
Blake : this town is to small for me i want somewhere bigger
Tegan : fair enough
Blake : so when i turn 18 im out of here I'll only come here for my family
Tegan : u wanna leave i wanna stay
Blake ; yh trade lifes
Tegan : sure
Blake : im tegan cooper
Tegan ; and im blake langly

We both start laughing

Blake ; we need to make the most of this week
Tegan ; i need to go with a bang
Blake ; hell yh u do
Tegan : nah its joke but i do wanna make the most of this week no mopping around.  So if i mop i give u permission to hit me
Blake : yes
Tegan : so im gonna try not mop around
Blake ; i hope u do i wanna hit
Tegan ; rude
Dad : kiddos food
Blake : yes

We get up walking out and we eat and we talk for ages

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