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Riley ; hoes
Yashvi : were da hoe
Riley ; i need to stop saying that
Tegan : its funny
Yashvi ; carry on
Riley : ok
Yashvi ; what we doin today
Tegan : i wanna ice skat
Riley : lets do that
Yashvi : I'll invite Ned
Riley : and I'll invite james
Tegan : and I'll 5 wheel
Riley : invite one of your hock ups
Tegan ; which one
Yashvi ; invite one or 5th wheel
Tegan ; screw it I'll invite Jessie
Riley : message him in the car lets go

We walk out the door getting in the car and i message jessie while Riley drives to the skatting rink .

James : hey 3some unholy
Riley : when are u gonna stop with that name
James : never
Ned : its a good name
Yashvi ; its old
Ned : we an't stopping
Tegan : your lame
Ned : suck a dick

They all start laughing

Yashvi : whens jessie getting here i want to skate
Tegan ; go get your skates I'll message him
James : see u in a minute

They walk away and i wait for a few minutes

Jessie : sorry traffic
Tegan ; its fine come on
Jessie : ok

We get our skatting shoes and we go on the ice joining everyone else

Jessie ; why did u invite me here i thoght u don't do relationships
Tegan : oh i don't but i didn't want to 5th wheel
Jessie : well an't complaing but will i get something out of this seeing as im being used
Tegan : were just see how things go
Jessie ; ok
Riley ; yo race
Tegan : let's go

We all skat to the back of the rink and we race to the other side and we skat around for ages and then we get kicked off because time was up  

Ned : where to next
Riley : how about the karaoke bar and have a few drinks
James ; its 5
Riley ; it's 7 oclcok some where .
Jessie ; i gotta go
Tegan : bye
Ned : see u bro
Jessie : bye

He goes

Riley ; so karaoke bar
Yashvi : yh
Ned : please no one getting drunk
Tegan ; i won't be
Riley : we're see
James ; maybe later i will
Riley : plus were all fun when were drunk
Tegan ; well I'm not drinking so I'll look after u all
Ned : unless u meet a guy
Tegan : yh that
Yashvi : well im gonna get pissed u live once make the most of that
Ned : unless u go to prison
Yashvi ; shut up
Tegan : i have a song us girls can sing
Riley : existing
Yashvi : Can't wait
James : i have the prefect song
Riley : what
James : just wait
Tegan : im intreged
Ned : me to
James ; u will have to wait
Yashvi : come on guys move it your all slow
Ned : ok jeez

We carry on walking until we get to karaoke bar and they all order there drinks .

Yashvi : right song did u have in mind for us
Tegan ; come on
Riley : ok

We get up and i tell the man the song we want to sing and we on stage

James : thoeses movies
Riley : it was a good song choice
Tegan ; hell it is
Ned ; u done that so all the guys would look at u
Yashvi : its a bit of fun plus im taken
Ned : hell yh u are no one elses apart from mine
Yashvi : got that right
Tegan ; gag
James : it is a bit
Ned : i do not give to shits
Riley : right are u gonna sing your song
James : not yet
Ned ; I'll go up
Tegan ; go on ned
Yashvi : wooo

happy with you / Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now