Skip a few weeks still ill got worse over time but I've had a lot of company thats about the only thing thats kept me sain

Jonah : hey sleepy head
Tegan : when did u get here
Jonah : about an hour ago
Tegan ; why didn't u wake me
Jonah ; romeo and your dad said u had ruff night
Tegan : u should of woke me still
Jonah : no
Tegan : did my dad tell u what happend

He shakes his head

Jonah : what happend
Tegan : I've got an infection so I've been taken off dialysis
Jonah ; so what's gonna happen
Tegan ; I've been put on New medaction untill the infection goes and then i should be put back on dialysis.
Jonah : i feel there something else
Tegan : I'm just getting worse
Jonah ; if u keep getting worse you'll get put straight up to the list
Tegan : but if i do carry on getting worse and i do get put to the top of list for a new kidney . And i could get a new kidney but i could still reject it
Jonah ; u won't and i know your body's rejected a kidney before but it won't

I nod my head

Jonah : do u want anything
Tegan : no
Jonah : u sure i can get food any drinks anything
Tegan ; I'm good but thanks
Jonah : can i help with anything
Tegan : no im fine
Jonah ; ok but if u need anything just say
Tegan ; i will
Jonah : ok
Tegan ; u should go home you've been with me most days your family must be missing u
Jonah ; i spent the weekend with them and they understand i want to be here with u
Tegan ; but it's boring being stuck in the same room and i can't do anything its got to be boring for u
Jonah ; its not boring I'll tell u what is boring tho and that is being at home aleast here i have u and we can talk . Well lately I've doing a lot of the talking but still
Tegan : mhm
Jonah : but if your jusy saying for me to go home because u want to sleep , sleep i don't mind u need it
Tegan : no so um Christmas is in a few days what do u want
Jonah ; for u to get better
Tegan : no seriously what do u want my dads going Christmas shopping tomrrow for me what do u want
Jonah ; nothing only thing i want is for u to get better i want nothing and tomrrows Christmas eve it will be packed in town
Tegan ; Jonah
Jonah : litrally nothing i want
Tegan : for god sake
Jonah : don't worry about getting me anything
Tegan ; I'll think of something to get u
Jonah : ok
Tegan : u honestly annoy me
Jonah : i know
Tegan : ugh
Dad ; hey kiddo
Tegan ; hi
Romeo ; finally awake
Tegan ; yh
Dad : we got some news but its not good news
Jonah : what
Dad : there gonna have to put u on a feeding tube u haven't been able to eat and when u do u can't keep it down .

I nod my head

Jonah : a feeding tube
Romeo ; yh her not eating isent helping her
Dad : u ok with that
Tegan ; don't mind if it will make me better in any way I'll take it
Dad ; ok I'll tell sam to go ahead with it jonah come out for a minute
Jonah ; see u in minute
Tegan : ok

They go and sam and a few nurses come in giving me the feeding tube

Sam : dose it feel ok

I nod my head

Sam ; ok

He goes and only Romeo comes in

Romeo : i need to tell u something but u cannot and i mean can not tell dad
Tegan ; u got a girl pregnant
Romeo : no
Tegan : what then
Romeo : i went a saw joe
Tegan ; are u mad dad will lose his shit
Romeo ; i know that's why i haven't told him
Tegan ; why
Romeo : your in desperate need of a kidney and he is litrally the last option . So i saw him and i said about u and i asked if he would take the tests
Tegan : what did he say
Romeo : he said he'll get tested
Tegan ; will the prison even allow him to get tested
Romeo ; they agreed so he got the tests done he passed the 2 stages with flying colours . But he said he would only take the 3 match test if dad goes amd sees him
Tegan ; dad would not agree to it he tryed killing dad
Romeo : i know but dad has to its probley the only way of u getting a kidney
Tegan : tell dad if dad says no to seeing him then I'll have to deal with this
Romeo ; ok I'll tell him now
Tegan ; ok

Romeo gets them back in here

Jonah : hi
Tegan ; have u been crying
Jonah ; a little
Dad ; hes scared
Tegan ; don't be
Jonah : i am tho
Romeo : dad i have to tell u something
Dad ; what

Romeo tells him everything

Dad : i can't belive u
Romeo : i had to dad shes dying she needs this kidney now
Dad : i can't see him hes the reason your moms dead he tryed killing me
Romeo ; yes but if u don't go she will die all hes asking is to see u and then he will take the 3rd test . And if hes a match she can have the kidney and then you'll never him again please dad
Tegan : no don't worry about it Dad i understand why u don't want to see him
Romeo : no dad please its 5 minutes
Dad ; fine but make it asoon as possible
Romeo : I'll call now
Dad : we need to talk tegan were be back tomrrow
Tegan ; ok
Dad : love u
Tegan : love u too
Romeo ; i will come back with good news

They go

Jonah ; who's joe
Tegan : before my dad met my mom he had anuther child with someone else . And my dad and this women were never together they co peranted joe then when joe was 10 my dad met my mom . Joe felt left out so joe stopped seeing dad few year later Romeo came and then i did . And when joe was older he hated dad and he wanted to hurt dad so he found out where my mom worked tampered with boiler room . The hotel exploded killing my mom and loads more he then found my dad stabbed him he then got taken to prison .
Jonah ; omg

I nod my head

Tegan : I've never atchally met him to be honest i don't want to but if he is a match and he dose me his kidney then I'll want to see him
Jonah : i don't want u seeing him hes dangerous your weak and what of trys something
Tegan : people would be around jonah its not like he'll be left with me hes in max security prison
Jonah ; i know but he could try something
Tegan ; and people would be around but im not getting my hopes up because it will most likey not be a match.
Jonah ; he passed the first two tests with flying colours he will mostly likely pass the 3rd test . I would be exsited i am existed for u Tegan this could be it
Tegan ; and it might not be
Jonah : don't be negative
Tegan : how can i not be
Jonah : be postive please
Tegan : ok
Jonah : I'm not a person who believes in God but i am praying to him

I nod my head

Jonah : i haven't prayed since i was a kid
Tegan ; wow
Jonah ; intresing i know

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : its cute
Jonah ; i am cute
Tegan ; u are

He kisses me and we both go quiet he puts his hand on my face rubbing his thumb on my cheek . I start to feel sleepy and i fall asleep

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