Tegan : can u guys go jonah will be here soon and u will probley scare him
Romeo ; no
Dad : she dose have a point
Blake : yh like time u thought we were having sex u tryed beating me up
Tegan : that was funny tho
Blake : i was sacred for my life
Dad : right come Romeo let her and her "frined" have there time

He puts in air quotes

Tegan : he is a friend who just had a hospital date
Romeo : sounds fun but ok
Blake ; see u tomorrow
Tegan : bye
Dad : good luck
Tegan : i don't need luck were talking
Romeo ; that's all it better be
Tegan ; omg

I cover my face

Tegan ; go
Jonah ; hi
Blake ; were just going
Dad ; were see u
Tegan : bye
Romeo : bye

They go

Jonah ; so i may have snuck u in a milkshake shh
Tehan ; u fricking lengend your amazing

I sit up slowly

Tegan ; ah
Jonah : take it easy
Tegan ; i am
Jonah ; so i did my research on kidney failure transplants dialysis
Tegan ; really
Jonah ; i wanted to know everything i may not rember it all but i rember some things
Tegan : cute
Jonah ; i know

He grabs my hand

Tegan : this is a good milkshake
Jonah ; i know blake said chocolate with extra chocolate and extra whipped cream
Tegan ; i like my chocolate and cream
Jonah ; me to its good shit
Tegan : u can say that again
Jonah ; so any news on a new kidney
Tegan ; more family is coming back negative so no
Jonah : its bullshit
Tegan : i know
Jonah ; so i told sara about u being ill and she's 18 she said she would get tested
Tegan ; that's sweet
Jonah ; she is sweet and sorry for telling sara your ill but shes my best friend
Tegan : its ok
Jonah ; she wants to know if she can see u
Tegan : she can come when ever
Jonah ; good
Tegan : but don't tell anyone else im ill
Jonah : lips are sealed
Tegan : good
Jonah : i may have also told my mom
Tegan ; your moms fine aleast gossip won't happen
Jonah : yh
Tegan : why tho
Jonah : tell my mom
Tegan : yh
Jonah ; well i tell my mom everything plus i was worried because if u go to long with out a kidney your liver dose all the work that your kidney dose . Then your liver gets tired and then your whole body starts to shut down
Tegan ; wow u were not joking when u said u done your research
Jonah : yh told u
Tegan : has anyone told u your amzing
Jonah : yh you've said it twice now thanks
Tegan : your welcome but true u bring me and milkshake and do your research
Jonah : i know how to win hearts

We both start laughing

Tegan ; u will end up stealing my heart if u carry on
Jonah : that's what i wanna do
Tegan : take then break it
Jonah ; no
Tegan ; its a joke chill
Jonah ; i know but i would never
Tegan ; I'll take your word for it
Jonah : hope u do

I lay back down and he puts his hand on my face and i hold his arm looking at each other .

Jonah ; I'll go sleep
Tegan : no stay for a bit longer
Jonah ; u sure
Tegan : yh
Jonah : ok
Tegan : how was school
Jonah : boring as fuck i had no one to talk to in maths or any help your mean for getting Ill
Tegan ; never thought id say this but i wish i was at school then here
Jonah : wow never thoght id hear someone say it
Tegan ; i think i would prefer going to school for the rest of my life
Jonah : don't go that far
Tegan ; its the honest to god truth i have 12 hour dialysis most days I'm nauseous . I feel dizzy a lot trust me i would go to school forever then be here
Jonah : jeuse
Tegan ; i know any way i need to tell sara i quiet cheer
Jonah ; that means your legs can open

I slap him

Jonah ; I'm joking
Tegan ; disgusting
Jonah : yh you've said even when we were in class
Tegan ; yh u got boner it was funny
Jonah : yh thanks to u and your sedative voice saying daddy

I start laughing

Tegan : still can't belive that its funny
Jonah : u said disgusting
Tegan : its both
Jonah ; ok still can't belive it myself of all my life never have i ever got a boner in class

He starts laughing covering his face

Tegan : well theres a first for everything
Jonah : true
Tegan : your so warm
Jonah : u cold
Tegan : freezing
Jonah : I'll be back
Tegan : no don't go
Jonah ; I'll be a second

He goes and i cuddle into a pillow looking at the wall and he comes back in with a blanket

Jonah ; here
Tegan ; thank u
Jonah ; your very welcome and I'll hug u to keep u warmer
Tegan : come here

He gets in next to me and hugs me

Tegan ; u are warm
Jonah : and something tells me u have fever
Tegan ; its normal
Jonah ; u sure
Tegan : yes I've had a fever all day I've got medication im Probley due my next lot
Jonah : should i get someone
Tegan : someone will do it there bussie lifes to save and all that
Jonah : i know just seeing if u did want me to get someone but u don't so ok

I cuddle into him more

Jonah : i know we've knowen each other not to long but i really like u its crazy how much i atcahlly like u .
Tegan : the feelings mutual but seeing as I've never been in a relationship i don't know wither things are moving to quick or quiet what
Jonah ; its a little fast but im not complaing and no one else is and i know people who get into relationships just days of them knowing each other .
Tegan ; are we going to fast
Jonah : nope
Tegan ; ok 
Jonah : mean a lot of people would sleep togther by the first date we never done that so we aren't super fast. 
Tegan ; well a few things even we were to sleep togther on the first date we can't cause like in a hospital and . 2 its gonna be a while before i even think about sleeping with someone
Jonah : i know but don't say someone it will be me if things carry on the way they are

I let out a little laugh

Tegan ; were see because i am most likely gonna be here for ages and i don't expect u to wait
Jonah : trust me i will be waiting not just for sex but for u to get better then we can go on proper dates . Have fun and everything
Tegan : but i don't want u waiting around for me
Jonah ; that's up to me wether i wait or not

I nod my head

Jonah : and i do plan on waiting
Tegan ; but im saying u don't have to
Jonah ; and i get that but i am so shut up

I let out a little laugh

Jonah : right i better go its getting late
Tegan : ok

He leans down and kisses me and get gets up

Jonah : see u
Tegan : byeee

He goes

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