Tegan ; hey
Dad : stay away don't u dare get me ill Romeo is chucking up and i don't want to be chucking up
Tegan : ok
Dad ; I'm joking
Tegan : right better head to school
Dad : bye
Tegan : bye

I walk out the door

Tegan : hey
Jonah : hey
Blake ; pain in my ass either u or Becket got me ill
Tegan ; i got romeo ill and now my dad scared to be ill
Blake ; pain
Jonah ; u two no getting me ill
Tegan : stay away then I'll sit with Leah
Jonah ; um no u stay with me
Tegan : ok
Jonah : if u guys are so ill why don't u just stay at home
Tegan : had to much time off
Blake : same
Jonah ; oh ok
Tegan : omg u would not belive what i walked in on yesterday
Blake : what
Tegan ; Romeo and some girl having sex om the sofa
Blake : why the sofa
Tegan ; i don't know its romeo fuck boy of the century
Blake ; honestly
Jonah ; that is disgusting
Tegan : its my brother for u biggest fuck boy ever
Jonah : so is this why u said i weren't a fuck boy yesterday because your brothers the biggest one
Tegan : eh
Jonah : ok
Blake ; litrally gonna hurl
Tegan ; bathroom is there

We get into school

Blake ; yh see ya

He goes

Jonah : so miget hows the wether down there

I push him walking away

Jonah : I'm joking don't be feisty missy
Tegan ; stop with the miget thing
Jonah : but come u have to look up at me its funny
Tegan ; leave me alone
Jonah : no miget

I walk into class

Tegan : what offends
Jonah : nothing
Tegan ; my height offends me so i want something that offends u
Jonah : u think I'll tell u that
Tegan : hoenah
Jonah : fuck u
Tegan : yes
Jonah : how
Tegan ; sars said u hated being called that
Jonah : don't u dare call me that again
Tegan : stop with miget then
Jonah : u got it missy
Tegan : yh stop with that aswell
Jonah ; no
Tegan ; so hoenah
Jonah : fine missy no more
Tegan : thank u
Jonah : but hoenah stops
Tegan ; ok
Jonah : what u doing after school and cheer
Tegan : going to sleep with my future husband
Jonah ; and thats your bed
Tegan : yh
Jonah : well can u miss out on sleeping with him for a bit and go get a milkshake with me . I feel like a milkshake
Tegan ; i don't know
Jonah ; please
Tegan ; fine
Jonah : good by the way I'll pay
Tegan : what
Jonah : I'll pay for the drinks im forcing u to come
Tegan : no i can pay for myself
Jonah ; no i got it
Tegan : no
Jonah : yes im forcing u to go and ik a guy and the guy should alway pay
Tegan ; yh for dates but this isn't a date so u don't pay
Jonah ; I'm paying end of story
Tegan ; is it tho
Jonah : yes it is
Tegan : were see about that
Jonah : its the end of it
Tegan ; for now yh
Jonah : ok and im guessing someones hungry your stomah growling
Tegan : straving but i throw eveything i eat up
Jonah : i love my food to much don't u dare and i mean it get me ill
Tegan : stay away from me then
Jonah ; i don't wanna get ill but i don't wanna stay away from u i like u to much your funny and prtically the only frined i have in this class . So no
Tegan ; ok
Jonah : u gonna ignore the fact i said i like u
Tegan : well im assuming frineds so yh
Jonah ; yh
Tegan ; ok

Skip rest of the day

Tegan : hi
Blake : hey
Tegan ; i said u could of gone im meeting Jonah
Blake : i wanted to wait i have nothing better to do
Tegan ; ok
Blake ; so what's happening with u an Jonah
Tegan : what do u mean
Blake ; well u two your getting milkshakes
Tegan ; he asked me i said ok nothing to it
Blake ; your so blind
Tegan : what do u mean
Blake : he likes u
Tegan : that is the most dummiest thing I've heard
Blake : he admited it to me earlier before we got to yours
Tegan : nice joke
Blake ; not joking
Tegan : see u
Blake ; he dose

I walk away going to the milkshske place

Tegan ; hi
Jonah : hey what u ordering
Tegan : chocolate
Jonah : sit i got it
Tegan : ok

I sit down and jonah orders our drinks

Jonah ; should be here in a minute
Tegan ; ok and heres the money
Jonah : nope
Tegan ; yes
Jonah : i said i got it
Tegan ; take it
Jonah : no and we spoke about this i was paying
Tegan : and im refusing for u to pay
Jonah ; im rejecting u to pay
Tegan : omg
Jonah : ha
Tegan : hate u
Jonah : no u don't
Tegan ; i do at the minute
Jonah : sure

Our drinks arrive

Jonah ; u ok your pale
Tegan : fine its really hot
Jonah : are u mad its freezing
Tegan ; I'm ill ok
Jonah ; u need sleep
Tegan ; i was gonna sleep but im here with u
Jonah : u can sleep in a bit
Tegan ; honetly im gonna sleep this weekend just one more day
Jonah : what about blakes brothers birthday meal
Tegan ; I'll go to that and then sleep even more

He starts laughing

Jonah : u lazy
Tegan ; I'm very lazy and now being a cheerleader and finishing at 5 im even more lazy cause i prtically go home and sleep and being ill don't help
Jonah : wow
Tegan : i know lazy
Jonah ; after this weekend i am forcing u out to do stuff
Tegan ; really
Jonah ; yep
Tegan ; if your gonna force me out it has to be something good
Jonah : walks
Tegan : ok but it will be cold
Jonah ; its called jacket and coats
Tegan : ok fine walks
Jonah : good me u nature sounds good
Tegan : yep
Jonah ; i can see on your face u don't look happy about it
Tegan ; I'll miss my bed to much
Jonah ; u have it when u go to sleep at night
Tegan ; oh well mr i keep fit
Jonah ; no i just like being productive
Tegan ; ok mr productive and i should go im sleeping
Jonah ; I'll walk u
Tegan : ok

We get up walking out

Jonah : put your my jacket on its freezing
Tegan ; im boiling your the one cold
Jonah ; i don't care you'll make yourself worse if u don't wear it
Tegan ; and then u will get ill
Jonah : i won't

He puts his jacket on me and i shake my head

Tegan : thanks
Jonah : your welcome
Tegan ; guys are pain in my asses
Jonah ; exscuse me
Tegan ; u and blake pains
Jonah ; shut up im nice
Tegan ; your nice but a pain
Jonah ; but I'm much more then a pain
Tegan ; u are more then that but yh
Jonah : what am i
Tegan : your a human
Jonah : wow
Tegan ; I'll see ya
Jonah : bye

I walk inside going stright to the bathroom throwing up

Tegan ; jeuse fucking crist

I brush my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in my pjs and i go to the front room .

Romeo : fuck u i feel like crap
Tegan : me and u both im so hungry but i can't eat im boiling
Romeo ; im frezzing
Tegan ; ugh
Romeo : yet again fuck u
Tegan : your not the only one ill here
Romeo : i know

I lay down watching the tv

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