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Dad : hey your awake
Tegan : yh i coudent sleep much but merry Christmas
Dad ; merry Christmas today we think of nothing of what happend today
Tegan ; wheres Romeo
Dad ; he said he had to do something he'll be here soon
Tegan ; ok and why did u rush off yesterday
Dad : i got someone to look on the blanket market for me
Tegan : dad
Dad ; im not letting u die
Tegan ; the black market dad u can lose your medical licence
Dad ; i don't care i will go to prison if i have to im gonna do eveything i can to make sure u get this kidney .
Tegan ; yh and if i do get a kidney and u go to prison who will look after me
Dad ; plenty of people will
Tegan : no and stop with the black market stuff u are not going to prison or loseing your medical licences
Dad ; im not stopping
Sam : David joes here he said hes gonna do the transplant
Dad : what
Sam ; tegans getting her kidney
Tegan : really
Sam ; yh were gonna get u prepped in a minute david come with me
Dad ; I'll see u in a minute
Tegan : yh

He goes and romeo comes in

Romeo ; i found joe i convinced him to go throw with the surgey Tegan its happening
Tegan ; what if he dose it again
Romeo : there make sure he atchally swollow the pill this time its happening
Dad : right u ready
Tegan ; yh can u please call telling blake and Jonah
Dad ; of course
Romeo : good luck

I get taken out the room to the Theatre getting the anaesthetic

Skip a few hours

Tegan ; please tell it happen
Romeo : hey it happend
Dad ; it went well the kidneys are doing good and so are u

I cover my face

Tegan ; it happend
Jonah ; now no rejecting theses
Tegan : no it better not
Romeo : Blake was here but he had to go
Tegan : its fine
Dad : how do u feel
Tegan : sore but i feel better then what I've felt
Dad : that's good
Romeo : take it easy
Tegan : oh i will and i can't wait to get out of here i need fresh air and a  proper bed
Jonah ; the bed don't look confterble at all
Romeo : oh they really are not comfterble
Tegan ; yh
Dad : well u do need to stay here a bit longer make sure the kidneys are fine and for u need to recover
Tegan ; i know
Jonah : but now u have something to look foward to
Tegan : i know anyway how your morning
Jonah ; it was good and so hetic the whole family was there but we opened precents and we went skating on the lake near my house . Its was good
Tegan ; good please say u have the precents
Romeo : we have them
Tegan : open them

My dad and romeo open there precents from me

Romeo : fuck off did u get us Viking tickets
Tegan : Jonah helped
Jonah ; big fan myself so it pretty easy
Dad : thank u
Tegan ; enjoy do u have Jonahs precent
Dad ; yes
Jonah ; i said i didn't want anything
Tegan : and i don't care
Romeo : dad lets get food give them space
Dad : ok

They go

Tegan ; open it
Jonah ; ok

He opens it

Jonah : no way how did u get this singed
Tegan :u said u liked baseball so i looked online for a singed ball by Joe Mauer . I found one made sure it was legit it is and yh
Jonah ; thank u so much
Tegan : your welcome
Jonah ; i got u something
Tegan ; u didn't have to
Jonah ; well i did so here

He hands it to me and i open it and it was necklace with his name on it

Tegan ; this is so cute
Jonah ; not cringe
Tegan : defantly not cringe help me put it on

I sit up and he puts it on for me

Tegan : thank u
Jonah ; no problem

I kiss him and he kisses me back

Jonah : today has litrally been the best day
Tegan ; it has im so happy
Jonah : me to and happy for u prtically 3 months you've waited for this kidney and u finally got it
Tegan ; yh but i litrally beg my body dose not reject it because i can't go throw this a 3rd time . I felt like i was dying well i was dying
Jonah : i know
Tegan : just thank u for being here for me
Jonah : of course and i hope it never happens to me but if were to ever be in hospital u would see me
Tegan : of course i would
Jonah : good
Tegan : but please do not end up here
Jonah ; i will try my damn best to stay away from here
Tegan : good
Jonah ; when u get out of here i plan on cuddling u and never letting go
Tegan : id like that a lot
Jonah : good
Tegan ; just know i won't let go back
Jonah ; good and your gonna be well enough for prom
Tegan ; ugh
Jonah ; i don't care what u say i am taking u to prom
Tegan ; proms 4 months away
Jonah : and
Tegan : its just a long time away and your already asking
Jonah : well i don't plan on going with anyone else other then my girlfriend so yh i am
Tegan ; ok
Jonah ; don't worry your get a prom posal
Tegan ; no they are
Jonah ; cringe i know but i wanna do it , it will be funny
Tegan : ok
Romeo ; we are back bitchs

I let out a little laugh

Dad : Jonah got u food
Jonah ; not hungry but thank u
Romeo ; did he like the ball
Jonah : loved it
Dad : when u get out of here were have a proper Christmas just a little ok
Tegan : ok
Romeo ; did u get anything
Tegan : he got my necklace is so cute
Dad ; it is lets just hope no one thinks your names jonah

We all start laughing

Romeo : that would be pretty funny
Jonah ; it would
Tegan : I'll be like no its my boyfriends name
Dad ; alway knew u would be in a relationship before him
Romeo : i alway thought she liked girls mean hes her first boyfriend and hey why did u think she would date someone before me .
Dad : you've been screwing girls since u were 15 i knew since then your gonna be a fuck boy

I burst out laughing

Jonah ; u were right tho and 15 how
Romeo ; i don't know just look at me
Tegan ; i don't see what girls see in u
Dad ; well u got your dads looks so i see why
Romeo : ew
Tegan ; yh
Jonah ; be nice
Dad ; thank u
Tegan ; still gotta ask Romeo do u have any kids
Romeo : none im awear of
Dad ; u better not have any kids
Romeo : im alway safe so
Dad : better stay like that
Romeo : well yh
Dad ; good
Jonah : could u image Romeo being a dad
Romeo ; I'd be the best dad
Tegan : would u now
Romeo : yh
Dad : stop about kid talk no kids
Romeo ; ok
Jonah : right I'm gonna go u get rest
Tegan ; ok

He kisses my head

Tegan : bye

He goes

Romeo ; i never thought id like any boys your dating but i like him hes been here prtically since u become ill again . And i like that i like him
Dad : i though the same but i do like him and he makes u happy
Tegan ; he dose and im scared of how much i atcahlly like him
Dad : first loves are always the scariest
Tegan ; woah don't say love
Dad ; ok i think i hit something there
Romeo : me to
Tegan : shut up
Dad : u love him
Tegan : no shut up go away i wanna sleep and u both look tired go
Romeo ; ok but u love him
Tegan : go
Dad : love u
Tegan : love u to

They go

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