Skip a few days still in hospital no luck with any doners

Dad : hey sleepy head
Tegan : I'm so hungry
Dad : of course thoeses are your first words after a nap
Tegan : starving
Dad : I'll find u some food
Tegan ; thank u

He goes and i sit up grabbing my phone and someone knocks on the door

Tegan ; come in

Jonah then comes in

Jonah ; nice way out the date
Tegan ; how do u know im here
Jonah : well i was walking saw blake and we walked past yours and i was like why aren't we getting u he then says your in hospital . But didn't say why
Tegan ; oh ok
Jonah : nice way out the date tho

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : sorry
Jonah : its ok
Tegan ; take a raincheak
Jonah : yh so can i ask whats wrong with u or to personal
Tegan : last year found out my kidneys were failing i went on the transplant list . Had dialysis after months finally got kidney this was 7 weeks ago found out Friday my body rejected the kidney . So back on dialysis and the list for my kidney
Jonah : shit
Tegan : fun i know
Jonah : how long u here for
Tegan : until i get a new kidney so could be months
Jonah : are u ok
Tegan : fine at the minute feel a bit weak but its normal
Jonah : can poeple get tested to be a match for u
Tegan : yh we've asked a few people so far no ones a match
Jonah : I'll get tested
Tegan : u can't your minnor
Jonah : i wish i could help and u don't desver this
Tegan : a lot of people have said that
Dad ; so u got chick hi i didn't realise someone was here
Tegan : didn't know anyone was seeing me it was a surprise by the way thats Jonah , jonah that's my dad david
Dad : ok
Tegan : why don't u go home for the night you've been with me all weekend
Jonah : mr cooper I'll be here
Tegan : yh he'll keep my company for a bit
Dad ; ok but u call me before u go to sleep
Tegan ; i will
Dad : and eat

He hands me food

Tegan : yh i will
Dad : love u
Tegan ; love u too

He goes

Tegan ; right what to choose chicken salad or chilli
Jonah : I'd got chicken salad
Tegan : ok
Jonah ; im stealing chilli im hungry
Tegan ; all yours
Jonah ; this can be our date
Tegan ; first date in the hospital
Jonah ; yes
Tegan : um ok

We both eat

Jonah: i knew something was wrong with u Friday u should of gone home
Tegan : shut up
Jonah : your annoyed i was right i can see in your face
Tegan : u did call it tho i should of listened
Jonah : im not a doctor so u had a right not to lisen to me
Tegan ; oh well
Jonah ; being here must sucks
Tegan : it dose i spent most of last year here and being backs sucks even more and its depressing af i get sympathy looks. Which u haven't given me yet so u are ofically my new best friend
Jonah ; damn i got frined zoned
Tegan : come on i agreed to go on a date with u i don't think thats friend zoned . And said best friend well i don't know so
Jonah : its a joke
Tegan ; ok
Jonah ; u ok

I nod my head

Tegan ; im tired
Jonah : well stay awake for me don't fall asleep on our date
Tegan : never
Jonah ; good
Tegan ; do u wanna watch a movie i have a dvd player with a few movies
Jonah ; ok what movies u got
Tegan ; clueless jaws rockey Terminator and Greece
Jonah : Greece
Tegan : ok come here
Jonah ; i could hurt u
Tegan : u won't come on
Jonah : ok

I move over and he sits next to me and i set up Greece and we watch it

Jonah : every time i watch that movie the songs get stuck in my head
Tegan : same with mine but its because there goods song
Jonah : they defantly are and very catchie
Tegan : mhm

I lean my head on his cheast and he plays with my hair

Tegan : this really sucks
Jonah : what dose
Tegan : this being here for our first date and were at the hospital on a date
Jonah ; well when your better and out of here were have a better first date but its not bad here . I probley would of just taken u to the diner to eat and then a movie but we've done that here
Tegan : yh but it still sucks
Jonah ; oh well were with each other so it don't matter
Tegan : i guess
Jonah : we have each other thats all that matters

I nod my head

Jonah ;  its ok

He grabs my hand drawing patterns

Tegan ; if u don't like me anymore because im ill i totally unde
Jonah ; don't u dare finish that sentence i still like u Ill or not cheerleader or not i still like u nothings gonna stop me likeing u. So don't finish that sentence
Tegan ; ok
Jonah ; your hands are so soft

I let out a little laugh

Tegan ; ok
Jonah ; its true your hands are soft
Tegan ; moisturiser
Jonah ; u know what's better then moisturiser
Tegan ; i know what your gonna say do not go there

He starts laughing

Jonah ; ok i was just saying
Tegan ; shut up
Jonah ; ok so my birthday is june and if your still ill in june and by some chance were match im gonna give u my kidney
Tegan ; one thing say we get together and say u are my match u give me your kidney and something goes wrong . Im then always attached to u in a way and i might not want to be
Jonah : but aleast u would be better
Tegan ; even if u were a match i would decline
Jonah; ok and say we don't get togther then
Tegan ; then I'd take it
Jonah ; ok
Tegan : anyway how was the party Friday
Jonah ; u were right drunk hormonal teenagers making out and hocking up
Tegan ; i was right
Jonah ; u were
Tegan : was it fun tho
Jonah : yh it was good had a little to much to drink so Sara dragged me home pretty much passed out as soon as i got home
Tegan ; fun
Jonah : i know
Tegan : so no drunken kisses or hock ups
Jonah : no cause i said i liked u and i don't get with people when i like someone . So obviously no
Tegan ; just cheaking
Jonah ; so any fit doctors
Tegan : no i know mostly all the doctors and nurses because my dad works here and i lived here a lot of last year so no
Jonah ; good cause u better keep your eyes ok me
Tegan ; trust me there stay there
Jonah : good but since we are seeing each other in a way are u a virgin or not
Tegan : virgin
Jonah ; ever been in a relationship
Tegan : nope cause like i said no one's liked me and i don't really like many people
Jonah ; apart from me cause u got to know me
Tegan : yh i have but we still got a lot to learn of each other
Jonah ; yh we have but we know enough of each other at the minute
Tegan : yh um can u go fill my jug for me im thirsty
Jonah ; I'll be back
Tegan ; thanks

He goes and i quickly grab the bucket feeling the need to be sick but the feeling quickly passes and i lay down .

Jonah : here
Tegan ; thank u
Jonah ; u look tired sleep I'll see u tomrrow
Tegan ; mhm

He grabs my phone

Tegan ; what are u doing
Jonah : here is my number keep me updated on everything
Tegan ; i will
Jonah ; by the way u need password
Tegan ; i know i do
Jonah : see u tomrrow
Tegan : come here

He comes to me and i lean up kissing him and he kisses me back

Jonah : i wanted to do that
Tegan : u done it Friday just after u done a runner
Jonah ; i know but u still took my idea
Tegan : sorry
Jonah ; better be right I'll see u
Tegan : bye

He goes

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