Dad : move it
Tegan ; dad
Dad : last day move it
Tegan : fine

I walk out the door

Jonah : hey wheres blake
Tegan ; ill his mom let him have the day off
Jonah : luckey
Tegan : i know hes luckey
Jonah ; that he is
Tegan : weekend hurry
Jonah ; with ya there's a party tonight and then tomrrow im with my sister's watching film im existed about that
Tegan : aww brother sisters bounding time
Jonah : were close so yh
Tegan : cute
Jonah : come to the party tonight
Tegan : yh no I'm good
Jonah ; oh come on
Tegan ; i don't party
Jonah : one time
Tegan ; im not going partys are not my thing so its a hard no
Jonah ; fine
Tegan ; plus your surrounded by drunk hormonal teenagers
Jonah ; ok true there
Tegan : plus most people go there to hock up with someone
Jonah ; yet again true
Tegan : so who u gonna hock up with then
Jonah : no one
Tegan : mhm
Jonah ; i mean it
Tegan ; see i just belive that
Jonah ; don't belive me but Monday I'll see u and I'll be like i didn't sleep with anyone
Tegan : well were just see
Jonah ; why do u think i will
Tegan ; i don't know
Jonah : well i won't i like someone
Tegan ; ok

We walk into school

Leah ; hey
Tegan ; hi
Jonah : I'll meet u up there
Tegan ; ok

He goes

Leah ; i miss sitting next to u in math
Tegan : just move seats
Leah : no move back to your seat
Tegan ; i atchally like sitting at the back
Leah ; no u like sitting there u got Jonah
Tegan ; hes fun to talk to
Leah ; there more to it
Tegan : what do u mean
Leah : u like him
Tegan ; no i don't
Leah : yes u do and u just saying no makes it more clear u do
Tegan : i don't
Leah : don't belive u
Tegan : well do
Leah ; i don't
Tegan : what ever
Leah ; bye

I sit down

Jonah ; hey
Tegan ; hi again
Jonah ; u ok

He puts his hands on my forehead

Jonah : your burning up
Tegan ; I'm fine
Jonah ; go to the nurse go home

I shake my head

Tegan : no its only a few hours
Jonah : no offence u look like crap
Tegan ; none taken i know i do
Jonah : go home
Tegan : no now stop
Jonah : from theses past few days i can tell your stubborn
Tegan : i am
Jonah : u need to learn to stop being stubborn
Tegan : shut up no
Jonah : yes 
Tegan : u will have to make me
Jonah : i will

I lean my head on the table

Jonah : don't fall asleep
Tegan ; i could fall aswell my head is banging and i just wanna sleep
Jonah : go home
Tegan ; shut up

I sit back up and we get given work sheets

Jonah : help

I let out a little laugh and i help him with a few questions

Jonah : thanks
Tegan : no problem
Jonah : your annoying me so much
Tegan ; same with u
Jonah ; I've done nothing
Tegan ; niether have i
Jonah ; your annoying me because u need to go home
Tegan : omg

I hit him

Jonah : hey

I hit him again

Jonah : stop
Tegan : u stop going on then
Jonah : fine
Tegan ; and if u say one more word i hit u again
Jonah ; I'm trying to help u but ok

I nod my head

Jonah ; just after cheers done go home and rest
Tegan : yes Dad
Jonah : wow

happy with you / Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now