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Skip a few weeks I've been out if hospital for a few days im much better and my body is accepting my kidney and things are good .

Tegan : dad im going to jonahs
Dad : ok be careful
Tegan ; i will
Dad : u need to tell him
Tegan : i will when im ready
Dad : tegan
Tegan : bye

I walk out the door and i walk to Jonahs

Jonah ; hey
Tegan : hi
Jonah ; shes here
Carrie : hi I'm carrie
Jonah : this is my mom thats my dad Tim and my sisters esther and svea
Tegan : hi
Carrie : so happy finally meet u
Tim : and welcome to the family
Jonah : omg don't lisen to him
Esther : hes a lot
Tegan ; its ok and im just want to apologise for taking him away a lot
Esther : u done me favour i love him but hes a pain in our back side
Carrie : its ok he has his priority right and that was to focuse on u we are proud of him
Jonah ; ok be quiet please
Svea : are u better now
Tegan ; i am
Jonah ; thank god
Tim : do u want anything to eat or drink
Tegan : im good but thank u
Jonah : I'll take a coffee
Carrie ; u can do that yourself
Jonah : rude
Tegan ; whos this cutie

I sit on the floor playing with dog

Svea ; that's sawyer
Tegan : hes so cute i want him
Jonah : well u can't have him
Esther : be nice
Carrie ; what do u guys feel like for dinner
Svea : chilli
Tim : yes
Jonah ; u will love her cooking
Tegan ; hes gone on about your cooking for ages im existed to try it
Carrie : u ok with chilli
Tegan : yh fine with anything
Carrie ; good
Tim ; so do u like any sports
Tegan :basketball
Jonah : i will make her like baseball
Tegan : i like baseball aswell but prefer basketball
Jonah ; she was never aloud to play basketball because she was to small she still is
Svea : im small
Jonah ; but shes 17 and 4,10 your 9 u can be small
Tim : dose he bully u about your height
Tegan : he dose
Svea : mean
Jonah : i am not i am very nice
Tegan : he can be nice and then he can be mean but more nice then anything
Jonah ; I'll take that
Esther : I'm going upstairs
Svea : me to
Tim : how do u feel being out of hospital
Tegan : it feels amazing i missed my bed fresh air proper food cause hospital food is disgusting .
Jonah ; it looked like dog sick it looked like sawyers sick
Carrie ; that's lovely but when i worked there the food weren't the best looking
Tim ; do u have any pets your good with sawyer
Tegan : sadly no my brothers allelic to most animals
Jonah ; i didn't know that
Tegan : yh
Tim : that's sad
Carrie : are u close with your family
Tegan : very close there my everything if it wasent for them and jonah i don't think i could of made it throw everything that happend the past few months . Yet again I'm so sorry taking Jonah for months
Carrie ; it is totally fine
Jonah ; stop apologising it was my choice to stay with u
Tim : we see why he stayed your nice and every good thing he ever said of u
Carrie ; he dose care about u
Jonah : stop its atchally embarrassing plus I've told u all this stuff

I let out a little laugh

Carrie : sorry
Tim : so remind me how long have u ofically been togther
Tegan : 5 weeks
Jonah ; its gone so quick
Tegan ; it has
Carrie : before u know its been a year then 5 years marrie kids
Jonah : ok stop there
Tim : jumping a bit there
Tegan : time dose go fast
Carrie : it dose especially when your happy
Jonah: i hope time doesn't go to fast i wanna enjoy being young
Tegan : yh and no longer being ill
Carrie : make most of life
Tim ; its short 
Jonah : we're gonna go upstairs for a bit
Carrie : ok I'll get started on dinner
Jonah : ok

Jonah helps me up and we go upstairs

Tegan : i like them there so nice
Jonah ; they like u i can see it
Tegan ; really
Jonah ; yh
Tegan ; ok
Jonah ; now come lay down with me

I lay down cuddling into him

Jonah : never letting go
Tegan : please don't
Jonah ; i won't
Tegan : you've got so many trophies
Jonah : all baseball and a little bit of singing
Tegan ; i can't wait to see u play baseball
Jonah ; can't wait for u to watch
Tegan ; like I've seen u play when i was cheering but
Jonah ; but that us just messing around and warning up
Tegan ; yh
Jonah : so i have something to ask
Tegan : ok
Jonah : will u stay the night
Tegan ; i have nothing
Jonah ; i have clothes u can wear spear tooth brush and i have com some where in my bathroom please
Tegan : ok I'll stay
Jonah : yess

He kisses me and i kiss him back putting my hand on his jaw he moves and puts his hand on my waist swiping his tonge against my lips and i open up and we fight for denomination and he wins .

Tegan : is it bad i want this to go further
Jonah ; u aren't the only one whos to say we can't go further
Tegan : yh no chance your family's here and i don't think I'm ready
Jonah ; ok fair enough and i understand first times are always scarey trust me . I was 16 with a 19 year old she had experience i wasn't i was terrfied . But everything went well
Tegan : wow older
Jonah ; i know but i was just saying first times are always scarey
Tegan : yh but still no
Jonah : not forcing u im atchally happy to wait because the longer we wait the better...it will be

He wispers

Tegan : be quiet
Jonah ; why because your getting turned on
Tegan : be quiet
Jonah : taking that as a yes

He starts kissing my neck until he finds my sweet spot and i let out a low moan

Tegan : stop

He carrys on 

Tegan ; i won't stay
Jonah : fine
Esther : dinner done
Jonah ; ok

We get up going down stairs and we all eat and get to know each other

Jonah : so tegans gonna stay the night is that ok
Carrie : that's fine
Tim ; your wearing the necklace jonah got u
Tegan : haven't taken it off since i got it
Esther : i though it was cringe but its cute
Svea : i like it
Carrie : me too
Jonah ; right u ready for bed
Tegan : yh thank u for dinner it was nice and much better then i thought
Carrie : glad u enjoyed

We get up going upstairs

Jonah : right here is pjs a tooth brush and a com bathrooms there
Tegan ; thank u

I go to the bathroom changing and i brush my hair and teeth and i walk out getting in bed . And i message my dad telling him i was staying

Jonah ; sleep

He gets in bed cuddling him

Tegan : night
Jonah ; sleep well
Tegan : and u

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