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Blake ; i drove so god damn fast this better go good news because i can't handle anymore bad news...it's bad your on the feeding tube
Dad : jeuse Christ blake u scared me
Blake : sorry what's happend
Romeo : u gonna tell him
Tegan : we found my a match
Blake : what no way
Dad : yes way
Blake ; who
Dad : joe
Blake ; wait u went and saw joe
Romeo : i saw him a few days he took a test hes passed the first 2 and he said he would only take the 3rd of dad saw him . So me and him sae him today he took the 3rd test asoon as we left and he passed .
Romeo : when the transplant happening then when are thoeses kidneys coming
Tegan ; i have it tonight joes getting here in a bit
Blake : yes

He starts jumping around

Romeo : be careful
Dad : todays a good day
Tegan : it is but i want Jonah to hurry i want to tell him
Jonah ; i heard my name what is it

I tell him about the match

Jonah ; no fucking way
Dad ; its happening
Tegan ; this time tomrrow i will have working kidneys
Romeo : just in good time your body was shutting down
Blake : bitch it won't be tomrrow
Jonah : she had an infection with that cause any problems
Dad ; no she'll get the kidney carry on with taking medication for the infection but it shoudent affect her
Jonah ; its Christmas miracle
Romeo ; it really is
Tegan : i swear my body better not reject these kidneys if they do im gonna give up
Dad : your body won't amd if they did no way are u giving up
Blake : no one would allow that
Dad : and i choose what happens to u because u are a minnor so it all goes throw me what happens
Tegan : ok
Jonah : but nothing will happen
Romeo : yh
Tegan : ok
Jonah : are u existed
Tegan : extremely
Jonah : good
Sam ; hey so joe is here and he said before anything happens he talks to Tegan alone none of u here just her and the grads will be with him and hes hand cuffed

My dad looks at me

Tegan ; u guys go
Jonah ; is that a good idea
Romeo ; shell be fine
Blake : were be out side
Tegan ; ok

They go and joe comes in

Joe ; im never thoght id get to see u
Tegan : wish we could of met for diffrent circumstances
Joe ; well id prefer this then in a prison
Tegan ; yh
Joe ; no need to be scared of me
Tegan ; I'm not
Joe : i can sence fear no need to worry im cuffed and theses 2 are here so not like id try anything
Tegan ; mhm
Joe ; u know u ow me for this im giving u my kidney im gonna be recovering in prison hospital after the surgey i won't be getting special treatment . Like u I'll get crap no one will care if i hurt
Tegan ; im sorry
Joe ; u will ow me for the rest of your life
Tegan : yh
Joe ; your dad not who u think he is hes awful terrible man
Tegan : im sorry u hate him but hes the best man
Joe : to u yes me no hes horrible before u were even born he was horrible to me im like this because of him
Tegan : ok
Joe ; i want to go

The gards take him out

Dad ; u ok
Tegan ; yh fine it was all fine
Jonah ; swear
Tegan ; swear hes just a bit creepy
Blake ; he looks creepy
Romeo : oh he is
Dad : but you'll never see him again romeo never see him again
Romeo ; i won't it was purely to help her and your luckey i went and saw him because if i hadent she would still be waiting getting worse
Blake : but she won't be now
Tegan : can i talk to jonah alone
Dad : sure

They go out

Tegan : if something happens with the surgey
Jonah : don't
Tegan ; let me finish if something happens and say i don't make it thank u for making me happy and dealing with me throw all of this . It really means a lot and im so happy i met u because u have lighten up my world im happy with u
Jonah : be my girlfriend because i am happiest with u aswell
Tegan ; i guess i have my first boyfriend

He kisses me

Sam ; sorry
Tegan : no its ok
Sam ; were about to take u in u ready
Tegan ; yh
Sam : ok
Jonah : good luck and see u in a few hours
Tegan : yh

Everyone comes in and said bye and i get taken to tester and put under anaesthetic

Skip a few hours

Romeo : shes awake
Jonah : hey
Tegan ; how did it go
Dad : tegan

He has a sad look on his face they all do

Tegan : what
Dad : it didn't happen joes missing
Romeo : he never swallowed the pill which is meant to put u under the anaesthetic. He faked being asleep so everyone belived he was under they had to take his handcuffs off so he could get sterilized . They took them off he then got up strangling the gard and he got out of the hospital
Tegan ; hes escaped
Blake ; security are looking for him the police have doubled up so your gonna have someone with u all the time
Dad ; aswell as me and romeo for safety
Tegan : I'm gonna die 
Jonah : no your not
Blake; trust me u are not
Romeo : someone will come up
Dad ; i have an idea Romeo come on were be back
Tegan : no don't go
Dad : were be back in a few hours tomrrow morning tops
Romeo : i guess were see u tomrrow call me
Tegan : yh

They go

Blake : what's that about
Jonah ; i don't know
Tegan : can u guys just go i want to be on my own
Blake ; tegan
Tegan ; go please
Blake ; fine

He goes

Tegan : that means u aswell
Jonah : no
Tegan ; leave me alone
Jonah : nope im saying here
Tegan : its Christmas eve u need to be with your family
Jonah ; I'll go when i want to go and i don't want to go right now i want to be here with u . Because its a sad time u had your hopes up for this kidney and that dick head has taken it away from u . So i want to be with my girlfriend throw this hard time so we can throw it togther

I nod my head

Tegan : i can't belive hes escaped tho
Jonah ; he knew what he was doing he planned but hes so stupid because he will be found
Tegan : how do u know
Jonah : i just know im sure of it
Tegan : ok
Jonah : can i ask something
Tegan ; yh
Jonah : when u get a kidney and your better will u meet my preants because they really want to meet u
Tegan : yh if i get a kidney
Jonah : when u get a kidney
Tegan ; if
Jonah : when ok
Tegan ; ok

He looks away from me and i put my hand on his face and he looks at me amd i wips his tears

Jonah ; i don't want u to see me like this
Tegan : what cry
Jonah ; sorry im a guy who dose have his feels
Tegan ; not many guys would cry and i like u even more because u are in your feels
Jonah ; it makes me less of a man
Tegan ; ok thats bullshit if u cry it makes u even more of a man your human everyone has feelings .
Jonah : ok
Tegan ; it dose
Jonah ; i said ok
Tegan : if u ever feel crying cry it don't matter I've had my fair share of crying theses past few weeks. Just let it out
Jonah ; i will
Tegan : good
Jonah : surprised u haven't cried today
Tegan : i balled when i found joe was a match and now im just to tried to even cry. 
Jonah : go to sleep
Tegan : not until u go
Jonah : I'll leave when u fall asleep
Tegan : go home
Jonah ; not untill u fall asleep
Tegan : go now u look shatterd and plus i want to know if u get home safe so u either stay here for the rest of the night.  Or u go now
Jonah : fine I'll see u
Tegan : bye

He kisses me and i kiss him back

Jonah : bye

He goes

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