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Tegan : morning
Yashvi : hi
Tegan : let me guess rileys at james
Yashvi : she is
Tegan : ah cool did u guys have fun last night
Yashvi : yh we did but we missed u
Tegan ; sorry
Yashvi : how did it go with that guy
Tegan : Jonah pushed him off me and then woudent leave me alone
Yashvi : Jonah got involved
Tegan ; yh 
Yashvi : u ok
Tegan ; fine
Yashvi : ok
Tegan ; here eat i made breakfast
Yashvi : thanks

We both eat

Tegan : oh yh what was that bang last night
Yashvi : uh yh i may have tripped up the stairs

I burst out laughing

Tegan ; are u ok
Yashvi : i hurt my leg
Tegan : aww
Yashvi : i know but oh well all good
Tegan : good
Yashvi : can't belive i tripped up the stairs
Tegan : your clumsy
Yashvi ; true
Tegan ; right i need a shower
Yashvi : ok

I get up heading upstairs going to the bathroom turning on the shower and i have my shower i get dressed i brush my hair and i go down stairs .

Jonah : hi
Yashvi ; i tryed telling him to leave but he said not untill he spoke to u
Tegan ; come on

I walk out the door with him following

Jonah : where are we going
Tegan : u said u want to catch up so were going to get food and talk
Jonah : really
Tegan ; yep
Jonah ; good

We keep waking till we get to the cafe

Max ; hi
Tegan ; hi
Max ; u never called me like u said
Tegan : i forgot to mention i don't call back nore do relationships
Max ; so u used me
Tegan ; yh
Max : thanks for the warning
Tegan ; your welcome

Me and Jonah sit down

Jonah ; what was that

I shrug my shoulders

Jonah : what's got into u you've changed
Tegan : people change
Jonah : yh to be nice not to be a bitch
Tegan ; if im such a bitch why did u come to my house
Jonah : because i want to talk
Tegan : then talk
Jonah : what happend to u
Tegan : life happend
Jonah ; what happend
Tegan ; life
Jonah ; yh and what in life happend
Tegan : stuff
Jonah : am i gonna get stright answer from u
Tegan : dunno
Jonah : your hard work
Tegan ; yep so hows your family
Jonah : yh there good esther in collage svea enjoying school and my mom and dad are good
Tegan : cool good
Jonah ; how are your dad and romeo
Tegan : next question
Jonah : are they ok
Tegan : next question
Jonah : i just want to know if there ok
Tegan ; i don't know
Jonah : what do u mean u don't know

This women comes over taking our orders

Jonah : tegan
Tegan : my dad went missing 2 years ago and shortly after my dad went missing Romeo left to be in the army and barley get to talk to him sorry

I get up going to the bathroom stopping myself from crying and i splash water on my face and i take a few minutes and i walk out

Tegan : sorry
Jonah : no its ok
Tegan ; im sorry for being a bitch I'm still trying to figure things out and u bring around and seeing u isent bring back the best of memorys .
Jonah ; no i understand
Tegan ; ugh
Jonah : im sorry about your dad
Tegan ; yh
Jonah ; what happend then with your dad do u know why he went missing
Tegan : no um he left for a night shift me and Romeo went to bed woke up next morning expecting him to be there he wasent . Cheaked to see if his car was out side it weren't we called him nothing  . Called his work got told he didn't arrive for work called police told everything we knew . And there been sign of him or his car phone nothing
Jonah ; they found nothing
Tegan : nothing and then last year the police gave up on looking for him so he now reported as a dead person
Jonah ; thats fucked up

happy with you / Jonah MaraisWhere stories live. Discover now