Romeo : hey dad said hurry and leave
Tegan ; yes im done

I walk out the bathroom

Tegan ; I'm off
Dad ; ok bye
Tegan : bye

I walk out the door

Blake : wow that is skirt
Tegan : short i know
Blake : turn
Tegan ; fuck off
Blake ; so what did u do after i got ditched
Tegan : sorry
Blake : its ok so
Tegan ; we got milkshakes
Blake ; ah ok
Jonah ; hey
Tegan ; hi
Jonah : hi
Blake : hi
Jonah ; is it ok if we walk with u two
Tegan ; guess so
Blake : oh yh by the way cause i got ditched yesterday i proposed to my bed

I burst out laughing

Tegan ; no now could u i was gonna marry my bed
Blake : we can both marry our beds
Tegan ; no
Jonah : marry beds whats happening
Tegan : wiredness
Jonah : im down with weirdness
Blake : what have u ever spoke about marrying beds
Jonah ; I've spoke about marrying coffee so some what close to bed
Tegan : coffee
Jonah : yes coffee i love it its the first thing i drink and last thing i drink its my life and i could not live with out
Tegan : u are at level or weirdness
Jonah : I'm down witb the cool kids
Blake ; cool kids
Jonah ; don't worry

We walk into school

Blake ; see ya
Tegan : see u at lunch

He goes

Jonah ; u said yesterday u didn't like anyone
Tegan ; i don't
Jonah : him
Tegan : blake
Jonah : yh
Tegan : litrally gag no we are just friends have been since birth
Jonah : birth
Tegan : our moms were frineds we were born on the same day
Jonah ; so quiet litrally birth
Tegan : litrally
Jonah : so i defantly got the idea there
Tegan ; 110% 
Jonah ; ok
Tegan : why is everyone looking
Jonah : its the skirt its short so guys are instrested
Tegan : good for them

We walk in maths

Tegan ; since when u in here
Jonah ; im at the back and your joining me
Tegan : am i
Jonah : yes

He grabs my arm taking us to the back and i look at Leah shrugging my shoulders  

Jonah : hey stop looking
Tegan : what are u doing
Jonah : its so clear your unconfterble i thought I'd help
Tegan : u made it even worse
Jonah : oh well
Tegan : why are u being so nice
Jonah : sara is like a sister to me and she likes i mean in a friends way so any friends of saras there my friends aswell.  So that means i look after them
Tegan ; well thanks i guess
Jonah : no problem

Our teacher hands us work sheets

Jonah : u any good at maths
Tegan : im ok at it
Jonah : help
Tegan : I'll try my best
Jonah : u help me with maths I'll keep looking after u sound like a deal
Tegan ; u got your self a deal

We shake on it and i help him with a few questions

Tegan : so how long have u knowen sara
Jonah : since i was 5 we've had our ups and downs but we've been throw a lot tougher . I was the first person to know she was gay and she was the first friend i told about my mom having cancer
Tegan : wow is your mom ok
Jonah ; shes much better now she beat it
Tegan : good it must of been horrible for your mom and your family
Jonah : it was hard but we were all there for each other we helped each other
Tegan : yh
Jonah : right u know something sad of my life tell me something sad of your life

I let out a little laugh

Tegan ; my mom died in that hotel explosion that happend a few years ago
Jonah : ok u beat me
Tegan : i don't beat u and its not a competition
Jonah ; yep sorry about your mom
Tegan ; it's fine I've had my time to be sad i now look to the future and im only going up
Jonah : very postive i like it
Tegan : I've got big plans for when i graduate from here i need be positive
Jonah ; and what are theses big plans
Tegan ; to become a singer
Jonah : we got the same plans
Tegan : u wanna be a singer
Jonah : either a singer or something to do with baseball either one im happy with but more the singing because it helped a lot while my mom was ill
Tegan ; big dreamers
Jonah ; we are
Tegan : i intend on it happening
Jonah : me to
Tegan ; but were just see what the future holds
Jonah ; the future hold us a massive plack
Tegan ; mmm yh and much more

We both start laughing

Jonah : never knew u sang
Tegan ; u didn't knew who i was till yesterday
Jonah : yet again sorry
Tegan : i said its fine
Jonah ; i feel bad tho your atchally so nice and i totally ignored u for years
Tegan ; im just as bad i ignored u
Jonah ; eh im worse tho
Tegan : u think that
Jonah : i will because its true

I nudge him

Tegan : stop
Jonah : ok fine
Tegan : thank u
Jonah : so with u not liking anyone how like there so many guys
Tegan ; i barley talk to guys and i don't go off looks its personality
Jonah ; ah ok and what dose this guy need to have to win your heart
Tegan ; i don't know probley have to be nice and sweet and accept my crazy hectic family
Jonah : trust me my family is worse
Tegan : u haven't met my family
Jonah : u haven't met mine so basically to win your heart they have to be nice and sweet and accept your family or there out
Tegan ; yh but family is main one they come first
Jonah ; yh
Mr keem ; u can go
Tegan : see u
Jonah : bye

I get my stuff walking out

Skip rest of the day and cheer practice

Blake ; hey
Tegan : hi thanks for waiting for me
Blake ; of course
Tegan ; ugh im so tired
Blake ; me to i can't wait for my warm bed
Tegan ; yh

I put my hand on my stomah

Blake ; u ok
Tegan : no im gonna be sick

I go over to a bush and i throwing up

Blake ; ok ok u done

I nod my head

Tegan : omg
Blake : u ok
Tegan : fine i think I've got a bug
Blake : u sure its a bug and not your kidneys
Tegan ; blake don't
Blake ; what u had a kidney transplant 6 weeks ago it could be u rejecting them or an infection
Tegan ; its a bug
Blake ; u better be right about it
Tegan : i am
Blake ; ok
Tegan ; I'm just gonna sleep it off
Blake ; tell your dad
Tegan : i will u dummy
Blake : good
Tegan : right see u
Blake ; bye

I walk inside

Tegan ; hey
Romeo : hi
Tegan ; u good
Romeo : yh how was school
Tegan ; fine is dad working
Romeo : yh got called in
Tegan : ok I'll be back
Romeo : ok

I go to the bathroom turning on the shower and i have my shower i get in my pjs and i brush my hair and i walk out

Tegan ; its cold
Romeo : its not that cold but ok
Tegan ; what u watching
Romeo : our old time favorite movie fast and furious
Tegan ; leg
Romeo : i know now sit your ass down  so we can watch it

I sit down and we watch fast and furious

Romeo ; im gonna order pizza do u want your usual
Tegan ; I'm not hungry ro
Romeo : woah u not hungry shock
Tegan ; i know but I've got a stupid bug
Romeo ; go lay down sleep it off
Tegan ; ok call me in a bit
Romeo ; ok

I get up going to my room and i get in bed

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