Dad : hey
Tegan ; hi sorry need to run
Dad ; i was gonna say your gonna be late
Tegan : yh bye

I walk out the door

Tegan ; sorry i over slept
Blake ; mug
Jonah ; heard of alarms
Tegan : i slept throw it ok and i was messaging your brother he said u didn't come home last night
Blake : yh
Tegan : where did u go
Blake : girls house
Tegan : spill
Blake : secret
Jonah ; leave her in suspense and me
Blake ; not saying early days
Tegan ; hate u
Blake : love u too
Tegan : hate u
Blake ; ok
Jonah : don't say that something could happend and your last words could be i hate u
Tegan : itd all jokes
Blake ; yh fam
Tegan : don't say that again
Blake : I'm not
Jonah : kinda cringe
Blake ; its full cringe
Tegan ; to the max
Blake : by the way sorry about my brother messaging u
Tegan ; its fine
Blake ; so its beckets birthday u coming for the birthday meal Saturday
Tegan : yes woudent miss it
Blake : good
Jonah : Becket your brother
Blake : sì

We get into school

Blake ; right see ya
Tegan : love and miss u
Blake : u too

He goes

Jonah : ready for maths
Tegan : give me a sec .

I go to the bathroom stall throwing up and i take a minute and i go throw my bag finding gum and i walk out

Tegan ; sorry
Jonah : its ok but maths

We walk to maths class

Jonah ; someones populer
Tegan : im turning it off
Jonah : who is messaging u
Tegan ; its insta messages from guys at this school
Jonah ; like any of them
Tegan : no i told u this personality and i red some of the messages defantly not pg

He starts laughing

Jonah : its funny
Tegan : dose becoming a cheerleader really change your social status that much
Jonah : it dose
Tegan : im still the same person tho just wearing a cheer out fit
Jonah : and everyone guy wants to date a cheerleader
Tegan ; u included
Jonah ; eh like I've been with a cheerleader its not a big thing im better frineds with them then dating them . Because if u mess with one u mess with the whole lot and i don't want that
Tegan : fair enough life is better with no drama
Jonah : it is but hey if i fall for a cheerleader im not gonna stop myself going for them just because they are a cheerleader .
Tegan : nothing should stop u i guess just don't mess with them
Jonah : never
Tegan : anyway im pretty sure most of the cheerleaderd are taken so not unless u want to be knowen at the relationship Rewiner
Jonah ; i would never thats wrong
Tegan : ok
Jonah : i mean that
Tegan : good
Jonah : so u never been in a relationship
Tegan : never
Jonah : never
Tegan : yep im sad
Jonah : no your not sad
Tegan : i am
Jonah : your not

I look at him

Tegan : i am and fine with it now shut
Jonah : your not but ok I'll shut up
Tegan : thank u
Jonah : so dose that mean your virgin
Tegan : i don't think thats any of your bussnies
Jonah : sorry
Tegan ; tut tut personal shit
Jonah : well sorry if to personal
Tegan : its ok
Jonah : i won't ask again
Tegan : good
Jonah : because its none of my bussnies
Tegan : that is right but i know u aren't a virgin
Jonah : and how do u know that
Tegan : one u have girls throwing themselfs at u at lunch I've seen that and we may not have spoke like ever till a few days ago.  But i hear stuff being quiet and unpopular in the changing rooms theres gossip
Jonah : lovely so let me guess u think of me as a fuck boy
Tegan : no i don't
Jonah : really
Tegan : yh
Jonah : because u know the real me
Tegan : i know parts of u mean for all i know u could be a fuck boy u just haven't showen your real side yet . Or your just not a fuck boy i don't know
Jonah ; u will see im not a fuck boy like I've had fun I've dated all of that but i don't think im a fuck boy . And i haven't been with anyone since summer and that was 3 months ago
Tegan : ok
Jonah : am i a fuck boy
Tegan : ok lets see how many girls u been with
Jonah ; 5
Tegan : and your 17 right
Jonah ; yh
Tegan ; eh i think its ok its not massively high
Jonah : so not a fuck boy
Tegan ; not my eyes your not maybe for others u are
Jonah : aww
Tegan : shut up
Jonah : your going soft
Tegan ; don't say that again because i will push u off this chair
Jonah ; feisty
Tegan : can be
Jonah : who knew migets were feisty
Tegan : oi leave my height out of this
Jonah ; what your so small
Tegan ; i mean it i will push u
Jonah : how small are u
Tegan ; i am 4,10 and im not small

He starts laughing

Jonah ; 4,10 jeuse Christ your small

I push him

Jonah : nice try but im not on the floor
Tegan: u will be next time
Jonah ; sure midget

I shake my head

Jonah ; im 6,1 and your 4,10 im giant compared to u
Tegan : im done don't talk to me
Jonah : oh come on

I shake my head

Jonah : I'll stop

I shake my head again

Jonah : talk to me...come on please
Tegan : hate u
Jonah : u have a thing with hate u today
Tegan : i know
Mr keem : u can go
Tegan : see ya
Jonah : bye

Skip rest of the day

Tegan ; i feel like crap
Blake : have u told your dad
Tegan : well duh
Blake ; ok
Tegan ; i already wanna quiet cheer
Blake ; no
Tegan ; yes
Blake : u will stay in cheer or i will exspose your piture
Tegan ; black mail
Blake : don't care
Tegan ; any way where is Becket having his birthday meal
Blake : can't rember the name but the place next to library
Tegan ; fancy
Blake : hes bring his mystery girl
Tegan ; can i hear about your girl
Blake ; nope
Tegan ; please
Blake : no early days im gonna wait and see what happens then I'll tell u
Tegan ; pain in my ass
Blake ; same with u
Tegan ; but u love me
Blake : and u love me
Tegan ; sadly
Blake : oi
Tegan ; ha right see ya
Blake : bye

I walk inside

Tegan : omg

I walk back covering my eyes

Tegan : omg

This girl walks out the door

Romeo : hey
Tegan ; u are disgusting sex on the sofa
Romeo : sorry
Tegan ; Romeo
Romeo : i didn't realise what the time was
Tegan : I'm never sitting there again
Romeo : it cleans
Tegan : no just ew

I walk inside going to the bathroom removing my makeup and i walk out going to my room and i get in my pjs and i get in bed grabbing my laptop and i watch YouTube for a bit . And then i hear Romeo being sick so i get out of bed going to the bathroom

Tegan : u ok
Romeo : yh
Tegan : I'll make u tea
Romeo : no I'm going to bed im gonna sleep
Tegan : food
Romeo ; no sleep I'll eat later by the way thanks for getting me ill
Tegan : your welcome

He walks past me and i head back to my room getting in bed and i watch more YouTube

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