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Tegan : hello
Romeo : hey
Tegan ; how's the packing
Romeo : a nightmear
Tegan ; i know
Romeo ; i swear hes lost it
Tegan : a lots happend i see why he wants to get out of here
Romeo ; but so quickly mean its barley any time to say bye to friends pack u know all of that .
Tegan : i know
Romeo : i really don't wanna move
Tegan : i don't really want to either but it happeing weither we like it or not .
Romeo ; i know
Tegan ; it will be fun and were come back a lot
Romeo : yh once im financially stable i might move back i don't know were just see how Toronto goes .
Tegan : yh plus we have friends there aswell
Romeo : aleast girls won't know im a fuck boy th ere

I burst out laughing

Tegan ; of course u think of sex
Romeo : its an addiction
Tegan ; u need help
Romeo : you'll under stand once u have sex
Tegan : I've had sex
Romeo : haha funny

I look at him

Romeo : omg u had sex
Tegan : yh
Romeo ; how did u feel
Tegan : yh not getting into this with u just know i felt confterble and i was ready. 
Romeo : ok just know u will be addicted
Tegan : im not u
Romeo ; u will
Tegan ; ok
Romeo : right I've had enough packing for now movie
Tegan ; hell yh
Romeo : avengers
Tegan : yet hell yh
Romeo : come on then

We sit down and he puts on the avengers

Tegan : Chris Hemsworth ugh
Romeo : Scarlett Johansson
Tegan ; of course u like older people
Romeo : of course i do

I shake my head

Tegan ; i swear guys like older women
Romeo ; oh we do but to me girls are girls
Tegan : u treat girls like meat
Romeo : can't help it
Tegan ; well u can
Romeo ; i like girls ok
Tegan : no u like girls parts
Romeo ; shut up
Tegan : only cause it's true
Romeo : what ever
Tegan ; right I'm going for a shower
Romeo ; wondered what the smell was
Tegan : fuck u

I get up going to the bathroom tunring on the shower and i have my shower i get in my pjs and i brush my hair and i walk out

Romeo : go to your room jonahs there
Tegan : ok

I turn around going to my room

Tegan : hey
Jonah : hi
Tegan : how was school
Jonah ; yh it was good
Tegan : good
Jonah : we need to talk
Tegan ; ok are u ok
Jonah ; yh just i don't wanna do this
Tegan ; do what
Jonah ; this us...i don't wanna be with u anymore
Tegan : your breaking up with me

He nods his head

Tegan ; is it because im moving and u don't wanna do long dictence is it me i have done something .
Jonah ; i don't wanna talk about it but we are over and i don't wanna see u again . Good luck with life or what ever u deisde to do
Tegan ; get out and take this because i want nothing to do with either

I take the necklace off

Tegan : go
Jonah ; i am

He walks past leaving and i slam the door and i break down crying and i cover my face

Romeo ; oh god what do i do i don't know what to do
Tegan : just go away
Romeo : no guessing he endeding things with u

I nod my head

Tegan ; he didn't even give me a reason why he ended things
Romeo : hes an idiot
Tegan ; stop
Romeo : no
Tegan ; yes he done it for a reason im ovisvaly not what he wants maybe he found someone else . I don't know
Romeo : hes dead
Tegan : no u leave it I'll be fine hes only a guy
Romeo : u loved him and hes not just a guy hes is your first love and im assuming u lost your virginty to him . So hes not just some guy and u won't just get over him it will take time and u need heal
Tegan : what did i do
Romeo : u done nothing hes just asking for a death wish which he will be getting
Tegan : no u leave him
Romeo : he hurt u
Tegan : and heart breaks happen its apart of life u leave him and u don't go near him...u hear me
Romeo : fine i won't but when i tell dad and if he wants to hurt him im not gonna stop him
Tegan ; dad won't touch him he saves lifes doesn't end them now leave me alone i want to be on my own
Romeo : fine I'll see u
Tegan : bye

He goes i lay down stearing at the ceiling for hours i didn't know what to do with myself

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