🌙episode one 🌙

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Taehyung paced himself in his room where he remained in solitude. His eyes focused on the empty bed, coated by the sun, of his former roommate who had been adopted from the orphanage.

Being alone he didn't mind one bit, it was the thought of a new roommate invading his personal space. Asking him questions he wouldn't want to answer.

But of course fate would say otherwise to his desires. He knew in his head that one was coming soon, they had prepared him for the feeling of human contact again by small talk that anyone found boring.

He sat his legs that were covered in black skinny pants, paired with a bright yellow sweater at his desk. His clothing matched well with his blueberry hair. The sketchbook that brought many emotions to life sat in front of his chocolate orbs. The light graphite struck the paper, with the intention of drawing a gorgeous red rose.

Halfway through the process, not hearing the knock at the door, his social worker and an fiery orange haired young male, who appeared to only be a few months older than him walked into the space.

The younger spun his chair in the direction of the doorway. "Don't frighten me like that." He muttered aggressively. "This doesn't look anything like who you were describing as Hoseok."

"This is Jimin, Taehyung." Ms.Young was blunt in her tone. "You will show him around the orphanage as a way to help you prepare for Hoseok."

"Why are you acting like I'm some anti-social freak!" The male with blueberry locks snapped at the older woman. This took the fiery locked male by shock, his anxious globes looked to the ground.

"Taehyung, we want you to express yourself. It wasn't meant to do any harm."  Mrs. Young paced herself into the room, placing her pale hand onto the young boys shoulder.

The boy with blue locks removed her hand from his should let. "Don't touch me. You lied to me."

Mrs. Young did indeed promise the young boy Hoseok first, but she felt inside her head that it would be best for him to meet someone who is becoming apart of the small orphanage too.

The deadly stare drove her out of the room, taking the fiery haired male to be paired with someone different and less harsh.


Jungkook hummed to a familiar tune, his legs swinging back and forth on the swing in the backyard of the large orphanage, his chocolate hair with vanilla ends followed the wind. Despite his age of sixteen, he found comfort on the swings. Perhaps it reminded him of the home he once had.

His chocolate eyes saw a male covered in fiery locks make his way onto the courtyard. His face seemed recognizable, but he couldn't quite remember the reason why.

The young male hopped off of the swing, walking on the freshly mowed grass to Jimin who had left Mrs. Young in complete dust. "There's something familiar about you..." his eyes trailed off to the sky, then back to smaller "I don't think I can put the pieces together."

Jimin shrugged his shoulders in his baggy light blue hoodie. "It'll come to you one day. Just know I remember you Jungkookie."

A smile was plastered on the taller males face at the name. "A way to make my heart flutter." he let out a low chuckle. "I have the best guess that I'm supposed to show you around this place."

Jimin nodded, as he was lead into the first floor of the four story building. It was small for being in a city such as New York, but very few did exist. "That Taehyung guy didn't want to show me around."

Jungkook ruffled his own hair at the name. "Ah, he's had a bit of trauma in his life. Don't be taken back by his words."

"We're all in here because we've had something bad happen in our life. We've all lost our parents who birthed us after all" The younger put one arm over another as he looked at the group dining room.

"There's just something that have it worse in here." Jungkook looked around to make sure there were no others to poke in on the It conversation. "My friend, Yoongi, his parents passed in a car crash. He didn't choose this fate."

It began to click in his head at who filed this place, they were all broken into bits like glass shot by a gun.


The sun began to fall, no longer covering the spare bed in the room. Taehyung kept his stare at the door, knowing that another teenager named Hoseok would walk in.

Hence there was the expected knock at the door. The person behind it did not seem to get the hint that it was open. "Come in!" He yelled to who stood outside.

A male with blond locks looked at the walls as he creeped into the walls of the room. "Y-you're Taehyung-right?" There was no Mrs.Young, he furrowed his coffee brows a bit at that matter.

"I'm assuming your Hoseok." He kept his eyes on the older as he walked closer to the bed. He was draped in blue skinny jeans and a white sweater. The fellow male fell onto a bed with a nod.

"I-I don't want to be here." Hoseok inhaled and exhaled. "This isn't where I belong."

"None of us want to be here. It was only our fate to be out in this hell away from society." A fake chuckle fell from Taehyung's mouth, as he analyzed the behavior of the boy.

"You seem like you've been here awhile... you know a lot." Hoseok kept his focus on the male with light blue locks.

"Why does it matter how long I've been here?" His look formed from an unsteady to a harsh one at the blond boy. That refrained the other from speaking a single word. "I've been through thick and thin only to end up back here. I don't need your sob story to make up for it."

Silence, silence was what painted the room. The blond had no words for what came from the younger boys mouth. He seemed to be a handful, but as long as he had a place to eat and sleep he would learn to live with it.


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