"You Can Come Back Tomorrow"

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The next morning, I woke up a bit later, at 7 this time. I didn't want to go in too early so that Midoriya didn't think I cared. I didn't. I didn't even want to go. All I had to do was withstand today and then I won't have to see that curly-haired nerd ever again. It was as simple as that.

I got dressed, putting on the same thing as yesterday, a pair of black skinny jeans and a black tank top. I then headed downstairs, got in my car, and drove off to the bakery. It didn't take long to get there at all, and good thing I remembered exactly where it was. Kirishima and I met there so I used to go a lot. Recently I havent, except for yesterday and today obviously.

I went inside, feeling the air condition bless my skin once more. The man at the counter immediately recognized me. "Oh hey Bakugou!" he exclaimed, holding up a bag. "I made you more muffins."

I walked up to the front and leaned over it, taking the bag. "Thanks," I said, peering inside. The smell of the sweet blueberry muffins filled my nostrils. "I don't have money on me right now."

"Oh no, it's ok. Those are on me" he said cheerfully.

"Uh, are you sure?" I asked. "You kind of need the money"

"No, its ok" Midoriya replied. "If you really want to pay me that bad though, you can come back tomorrow. If you bring extra money, I'll give you more muffins too"

"T-tomorrow?" I stuttered. No. No no no no. This was not happening. I wasn't coming back tomorrow. Say no. Say your busy or something. Come on! "Ok" FUCK!! WHY AM I LIKE THIS?!

Midoriya grinned and headed into a back room, coming out with a bar stool. He came around the counter and set it down. "Here. Have a seat" I reluctantly sat down and took out of one of the muffins, unwrapping and eating it. I closed my eyes in pleasure, chewing deeply on the warm pastry.

I heard Midriya giggle and my eyes popped open. He giggled with a big, closed-eye smile, his hand covering his mouth. The laugh reminded me of wedding bells, sweet and clear. I almost wanted him to never stop laughing. It was comforting, hearing his giggling. But, unfortunately, he stopped.

"I can see how much you like those," he said warmly, giving me a smirk. I nodded slowly, swallowing. "So. Are you and that red-head from yesterday dating?"

"Yea" I replied before taking another bite of the muffin.

"Mmh" he hummed, looking almost sad. What was there to be sad about? Suddenly, his face changed into his usual self and he started to bombard me with questions. "Are you guys married, or just dating? Do you guys live together? Where do you live anyway? You have a nice car, by the way, I saw it when you pulled up. Where'd you get it from? How much was it? I don't have a car but I would really like one. Oh! Are you rich or something?"

"Woah woah woah" I interrupted. "Slow down"

"I'm so sorry. You just seem like a really cool person. I want to get to know you" Midoriya apologized. "Ever since me and my ex, Todoroki broke up, I've been kind of distant with my friends. I would refuse to hang out and cancel plans with them and stuff. And when we did hang out, I was too depressed to have fun. Eventually, they stopped inviting me and now I don't talk to them anymore that much." Damn. This man was really just telling me his whole life story. I'm sorry, but I can't seem to find where the fuck I asked. I wish I could say that. But I was trying to be nice. Remember Katsuki, this is all for the muffins.

"I'm sorry" I managed to choke out. What the hell was I doing?

Midoriya smiled, happy to hear my words. "It's ok. I'm trying to get back on track with them, especially with Uraraka and Iida, they're my best friends. It's just hard is all." I nodded. Honestly, I wasn't paying attention to what he was saying that much. I was more focused on the delicious muffin in my hand.

"So what do you like to do. Like in your spare time" he asked me.

I shrugged. "Mountain climbing," I replied. "Or chilling with my friends."

"Oh that sounds fun," he said. "What are your friends' names?"

I sighed. Why did he need to know this? What was he possibly going to do with this information? "Kirishima, he's my boyfriend, Kaminari, Sero, Jirou, and Ashido. And this guy Shinsou. He's not really my friend but he's dating Kaminari so I'm kind of forced to get along with him. Oh, yea and Yoayorozu. She's not my friend either. But she's dating Jirou"

"Hmm" Midoriya responded. "Uh, let's see...." he paused for a moment and I hoped he would shut up. I didn't want to answer any more questions. "Wait so are you fully gay or something?" I nodded. "Cool! I'm bisexual actually." Ok? And? "It's so weird! I feel like everyone I know is part of the LGBTQ+ community! My friend Tsu is a lesbian and my friend Uraraka is pan. And you're gay! And your boyfriend... I don't know what he is. And then those Kaminari and Shinsou dudes. And Jirou and Yaoyorozu I don't know them obviously but you mentioned them so it counts." I nodded. Honestly, he was right. All of my friends were pretty fucking gay. Kaminari is a disaster of a bisexual, Sero is pan, Kirishima is BIG gay, Ashido is asexual, Yaoyorozu is bi, and Jirou is a huge lesbian. And then there's my gay ass.... wait what the fuck am I doing? Am I actually thinking further about this nerd's useless ranting? Don't give in!!

Suddenly, my phone went off. A text from Kaminari.

Pikachu: bro wya? i went to ur house but ur not there. u dont have wrk, wyd?

I sighed and typed in a response.

Boom boom boi: im at this rando cafe downtown. why?

Pikachu: i was gonna pick u up and bring u 2 the arcade. sero and i were there but it got boring so he sggted you join

Boom boom boi: fine whatever. ill send my location and you can pick me up. boom boom boi shared their location

Pikachu: ok!

"Hey, so my friend is picking me up in a bit," I said to Midoriya.

"Oh ok!" Midoriya exclaimed.

I honestly didn't want to go to the arcade. Especially with Sero and Kaminari's dumbasses. But I'll do anything to get out of this bakery.

Kaminari arrived shortly, parking his car in the road and coming inside with Sero to greet me. "You ready bro?" Kaminari asked. I nodded.

"Wait Denki, can I get food before we leave?" Sero asked.

"Sure go ahead!" Kaminari said. That's when he noticed Midoriya. "Oh, hi! I'm Kaminari! This is Sero. I see your friends with Katsuki?"

"Oh no we're not frie-" I started but Midoriya interrupted.

"Yea! He's told me about you" MIdoriya exclaimed. I groaned. "I'm Midoriya. Sero, what can I get for you?"

"I'll get a bagel. A plain one," he replied

"Do you want anything n the bagel?" Midoriya asked, a concerned look growing on his face.

"No," Sero said simply.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I muttered under my friend. Kaminari laughed.

Midoriya packed up his bagel and Sero paid, and finally, we left the bakery. As I stepped out of the cafe for the last time, I turned and waved at Midoriya. He waved back, another huge grin on his face. Stupid. Why did I do that? And why'd he have to wave back? He waved back, not sadly, but hopefully, as if he was expecting to see me again tomorrow. For some reason.... seeing him wave at me... made me want to return the next day.

word count: 1351

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