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writing this chapter made me cry. i am SO sorry for this. to all my kirishima fans, im so sorry. i love kiri with all my heart so this chapter really hurt to write

Deku stared at me. I grew uncomfortable and looked away, feeling tears form. Of course. I was such a crybaby.

Suddenly, the door burst open and we both spun to the door. A doctor stood there, a somber look on her face. "Katsuki Bakugou?"

"Hmm?" I asked, annoyed.

"Can you walk? Because I'm going to need you to come with me"

I tried my best to swing my legs out of bed. I succeeded and started to pull myself up. I struggled until I felt Deku's hands touch my arm. I stopped, staring at them. This was the first time he's touched me. His hands were soft and warm. I never wanted them to let go. I nodded my head, allowing him to help me up. He helped me limp towards the doctor, following him down the hall.

We stopped in front of a door. I read the nameplate. Kirishima Eijirou. I smiled and watched the doctor push open the door. As she pushed it open just an inch, I could tell something was wrong. A weird sound was coming from inside, a beeping sound that went on forever, not stopping or faulting. My heart dropped to my toes. I pushed past the doctor, throwing open the door the rest of the way, hearing it slam against the wall. A lifeless body with red hair lay in the hospital bed.

I ran over to him and caressed his cheek, tears gushing down my face, landing on his neck. He seemed so calm and peaceful as he laid completely still. No breathing, no eyelids twitching, no nostrils flaring, no lips moving.

I screamed, throwing my head into his chest. I panicked when I didn't feel his chest rising and falling as he always did when we cuddled, although I expected it. But not feeling him breathe snapped me into the reality of death. Eijirou was gone. Expired. Lifeless. Deceased. Fallen. Dead.

I felt numb once again. A different time of numb, different from the time Deku announced his engagement. This was my fault. I fell in love with a boy I just met, a boy who wouldn't fall for me back. A strong passion grew in my heart, and with it grew vines, 'round and 'round my bosom, emerald green roses blossoming from them, the same color as his eyes. The disease hurt me, only reminding me how disgusting I was, liking someone who wasn't my boyfriend. I could only imagine how Kirishima felt, as he was actually trying to fix this mess. I didn't try though. Despite losing my best friend, despite the growing tension between my lover and I, I refused to make a change. I left us both in pain. I killed him. I was a murderer.

I felt a hand on my shoulder through the thin hospital gown I was wearing. I ignored it until a voice rung out. "I'm going to need you to step away from the body now. Return to your room, get some rest?"

"Fuck off" I growled, shoving her hand off me. I tried to grab onto Kiri's body again, but I pair of hands grabbed me and shoved me away.

"Sir. Away from the body", the doctor said again.

"FUCK OFF" I yelled, running towards the bed again.

"I'm going to need you to calm down. You'll disturb the other patients and I've already asked nicely"

"I said fuck off!" I sobbed. I was pushed away from the bed once more, this time falling backward into someone else. I didn't pull away as they wrapped their arms around my waist. Instead, I closed my eyes, turning around and sobbing into the person's shoulder. I felt their hands make little circles on my back, trying to calm me down as I soaked their shirt.

I heard more people come in, the rustling of some kind of plastic bag-like thing, four little clicks, and the sound of squeaky wheels. I pulled my face out of the person's shoulder, watching Kirishima leave me for the last time. His corpse being taken away from me. I would never hear his deep voice again, never hear the way it said the word 'kitten'. Never feel the warmth of his body as we cuddled or his strong hands against my waist. Never feel a tickle as he whispered some stupid sex joke into my ear, or the way his laugh rung out like little bells, cheerful and lively.

I felt the person's grip tighten and a tickling on my chin as they pressed their face into my chest. I look down and saw Deku, holding me tight, as if he was afraid he'd lose me like I'd lost Kirishima.

The same doctor came back in after the body was taken away, bringing me and Deku back to my room. She closed the door behind us, taking a seat in another chair on the other side of the room. She asked Deku to leave for confidentiality reasons. I sat on my bed, still crying

"So as you may have known, your fiance died of Hanahaki's disease. A disease that you also have. Do I stand correct?" I nodded, fighting the urge to correct her and say I never actually said 'yes'. But I pushed it away, thinking it was irrelevant.

"You know that it is caused when someone has feelings for someone but the feelings aren't returned. And that it can only be cured if the other person does fall in love or through surgical removal." I nodded again. She continued."Well after doing some tests on the flowers you coughed up at the bakery a few days ago, where you passed out, we found that the other person is actually Izuku Midoriya, the boy that has been visiting you. Am I right?" I sighed and nodded.

"After some questioning, we found Midoriya is happily engaged, meaning there's very small chance feelings will be returned."

"I know!" I snapped. This was only the second time I heard it yet it was still getting annoying. I fucking know. Shut up.

"Which is why we're suggesting surgical removal." the doctor finished.

I gasped. "What?!" I exclaimed.

If we don't perform the surgery, you will lose your life, Mr. Bakugou. Here how about this? I'll discharge you today. We set up an appointment next week and meet to discuss how this was going to work, the side-effects, the down-sides, yada yada yada. Sound good?" I nodded again, speechless. "Alright! How about Tuesday? 5 pm?" Another nod. "Ok, I'll see you then." She got up from her chair. A bit later, a nurse came into the room. He handed me a bucket filled with the clothes I'd been wearing, Kirishima's car keys, my wallet, my phone, all that fun stuff. I took them, putting the clothes on and took a taxi to the little cafe. I started to get into Kiri's car, looking into the bakeshop as I let the car cool down a bit.

Deku was inside, cleaning up and stocking shelves. He'd been with me the last few days so his store was basically empty. His fiance helped him, sneaking in little kisses every now and then. Each kiss made me gag, not even having to cough as a rose petal was thrown from my mouth. I spit each one out the window, not paying attention to the bitter taste of blood that came with it.

Surgery. I knew that surgery caused the victim to lose feelings. It sucked, realizing I would miss the way my stomach did flip-flops when he smiled. Miss the way my face heated up and turned a dark shade of red when he giggled. But Todoroki was obviously better for him. I could see that clear as day. I just wasn't the man for him. Maybe I could give this surgery thing a shot...

word count: 1347

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