Stomach Flutters and Burning Faces

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The next day, Tuesday, something really fucking weird happened. I went to the bakery in the morning, as promised, and sat down at the barstool that basically had my name on it at this point. Deku handed me a plate of blueberry muffins, along with a black coffee. After he set down the beverage, he gave me his signature smile. That's when shit really started happening. With the smile came a skip of my heartbeat. I felt my stomach churn up and my face heat up. It was only a split second, but it was still long enough for me to notice it.

He offered to come over after he closed up shop again tonight and to my surprise, I agreed. It was really unlike me. I had no idea where this niceness was coming from. But Deku. Seeing Deku. I felt this urge to be kind to him. I wasn't nice to anyone, even my own friends. Yet Deku was different somehow. I could tell why. Something about his stupid grin, his constant enthusiasm, and the fixed glint of happiness in his emerald-green eyes. The way his dimples formed on his cheeks and the way his freckles shifted to fit his smile. He was just so... pure. Innocent. Wholesome. Caring. A naive boy who kept to himself inside of his tiny bakery downtown. He was too good for this world, too considerate and generous. Offering me my favorite muffins and coffee for free every morning and night.

I felt myself feeling bad for the way I was thinking. Kirishima wouldn't be too happy with me for thinking about these types of things about another man. Besides, Deku was probably just bribing me into being his friend. He said that his own friends don't talk to him much anymore and how he needed new ones. I know for a fact that I was very reluctant to be nice at first. He's using free food against me. And my fatass is falling for it. But I gave in anyway, agreeing to let him come over after work in hopes of muffins and coffee.

Work went by slowly today too. All I did was rewatch the Eraserhead episode 10 thousand more times before handing it off to the boss. He finally let it pass, meaning I could do something else tomorrow.

After work, I drove home quickly, almost speeding, so that I would have time to cook katsudon for Deku again. As the rice cooked, I vacuumed the carpet in the living room and cleaned off the tatami table. At 7:09, earlier than yesterday, a knock came at my door and I opened to see the familiar freckled face. He smiled and gave me my muffins and coffee. I returned the favor with a pork cutlet bowl.

We sat and ate our food in silence until he spoke up. "I enjoy your company." he suddenly said calmly. I looked at him. "You're really nice to have around." He looked up to and we locked eyes. He gave me a soft smile. All of a sudden, I felt that flutter in my chest against and my face burn up. I quickly looked away, causing the sensation to stop. When I turned back to him, his smile had disappeared yet he still stared at me, waiting for me to respond.

I hesitated, thinking of how to reply. "You too I guess" I ended up saying. Deku's face changed, looking disappointed. I felt bad. I wasn't the best at being nice. Or talking in general. I straightened my body, trying to fix myself. "I'm sorry," I said. "I don't really know how to talk to people. But I enjoy your company too" That's better. It wasn't true... I don't think it was at least. But I wasn't too sure.

He ended up staying longer than last night, leaving at about 9. His friend Tsu picked him up again and I found myself feeling sad about his departure. He gave me a little wave and I smile before he left, just like last night, and I waved back, quickly putting my hand down when I felt yet another flutter in my abdomen.

It was stupid. What was causing this feeling? The sensation in my stomach the burning of my face, the way my heart skipped a beat. Its been happening all day, every time Deku beamed that toothy simper or waved his stupid hand. Just seeing his excited face set my body off. It was disgusting. And annoying. Mostly disgusting. There was no reason my body should be doy this to me. Only around Deku. It kind of reminded me of when I first fell in love with Kirishima. The smallest things he did got me all flustered until eventually, we started dating and I got used to it. It mostly happened when he touched me or called me my favorite nickame, 'kitten'. But Deku knew that if wanted to live to see tomorrow, he better not fucking touch me. And his nickname for me is Kacchan. It was a dumb nickname, making me feel annoyed more than flustered. So why. The fuck. IS THIS HAPPENING??!!

I didn't sleep that night, staying up trying to debunk the situation. It backfired. I found nothing. The only thing I got out of it was eyebags and a tremendous need for coffee. After my alarm went off at 5, I got up from my couch and took a hot shower to keep my heart beating and blood pumping. I got dressed into yet another pair of black jeans and a tank top, getting into my car and barely making it to the cafe. I stumbled inside, hearing the little bell ring, feeling like I was going to pass the fuck out.

I sat on the barstool and instead of taking a bite of a muffin first like usual, I grabbed the steaming java and started chugging, not even caring about the pain as the hot liquid burned my tongue and throat. I finished the cup, feeling the rest of the beverage pass through my system. I gasped for air, throwing down the cup, squeezing my eyes shut as I finally felt the burning sensation. When I opened them, Deku was just standing there, a look of pure horror and a hint of amusement on his face.

"Can I help you?" I snapped. His staring pissed me off. It made me uncomfortable and claustrophobic.

He laughed. "Sorry I didn't mean to gawk. Are you ok?" His face changed to concern.

I shook my head. "I didn't sleep last night" I replied.

"Aww coffee isn't going to help," he said. "Here there's a small futon in the back room. Take a nap before work. I wake you up at about 7:50, sound good?"

"I don't think I would be able to fall asleep even if I tried," I said softly. He gave me a confused look and I sighed, giving in by explaining. "Something's been on my mind. I don't know. It's stupid." I hesitated. "Say that there is this person. And every time they do something specific, your body starts being weird. Like-"

"Um wait hold on" Deku interrupted. "What do you mean specifically? Like... give me an adjective"

"I don't fucking know. Cute I guess. But not really. Like.... let's use cute. It's not actually cute but just pretend"

Deku laughed. My stomach churned. "Go on"

"So a person does something cute. But not just any person. Say you have this special person. And they do something..... cute..... and you feel this weird feeling in your stomach. As if there are butterflies down there. And your face burns up and your hearts feel as if its skipped 10 million beats. Like what the fuck does that mean? Its been happening recently. With that special person. Every time they smile and laugh. It's not fucking Kirishima either, which is terrifying. Its somebody else. I know who. I'm not fucking telling you though so don't ask" I said the last sentence quicker, knowing that it would be the first thing his nosy ass asks.

Instead, his response was different. Not a question like I thought. But an actual answer. "K-Kachan" he stuttered. "I think you like this person"

word count: 1381

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