Green Rose Petals

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What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck. No, I didn't. I didn't fucking like Deku. I was in the car, on my way to work. After he told me this information, I immediately upped and left, leaving the rest of my muffins on the plate, the barstool still pushed out. Now I drove to my sorry excuse for a job, my knuckles white out of anger. I. Didn't. Fucking. LIKE. DEKU!!!

I got to work early and decided to sit in my car for a bit, avoiding my coworkers. I threw my head back, pressing my eyes shut running my fingers through my blonde hair. This whole thing stressed me out the hell out. Like Deku? Seriously?

I thought about yesterday, how his smile flustered me, the way his emerald green eyes matched the grin. The image flashed in my mind causing my stomach to flutter and my chest tighten up. It honestly made sense. But I'd only known him for a few days. But honestly... I liked him. I really did. It made fucking sense.

All of a sudden, I felt a scratching in my throat and a cough coming up. I let it out. But the tickling in the back of my throat didn't go away. I covered my mouth with my hand, hacking away. Then, I smelled something sweet. It smelled like flowers, roses to be exact. It was really odd but I shrugged it away, closing my eyes, coughing. Then, I coughed one last time and felt something come out of my mouth. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and opened my eyes. The sight in front of me practically made them bulge right of my head. A small pile of green rose petals sat in my hand.






"It's a disease where if you love someone and they don't love you back, you start coughing up petals. The color depends on the person though. It can be cured only if feelings are returned, by surgical removal, or death. If you get it surgically removed, however, the feelings are lost. And you can die from it."

I remembered Kaminari's words.

"And you can die from it"

I was going to die.

Deku wouldn't ever like me back.


What the fuck?

Suddenly my phone went off. I unlocked it and slowly brought it up to eye-level

Eijirou: Hey kitten. uh. i think somethings wrong

Kitten: whats up?

Eijirou: I'm coughing up

Eijirou: Rose petals?

Eijirou: Orange ones

Eijirou: Do you know what this means?

Eijirou: Hello?

Eijirou: Bakugou?

I stared at my phone in horror. Kirishima was coughing up petals too. Because of me. Because I liked someone else. But... I still love Kirishima... I think.... so why would he be vomiting flower petals? I felt the need to text Kaminari and ask. But he would grow suspicious. I could avoid telling him that I had it. But... My phone went off again. "Fuck" I muttered under my breath as I read it. It seems he already knew.

Pikachu: bro wtf?

Boom boom boi: what do you want dunce face?

Pikachu: uhhh your boyfriend has hanahaki's. wtf man. YOUR BOYFRIEND. i- what the hell happened? you guys were fine. in love. what did you do?

Pikachu: wait...

Boom boom boi: alright look kami. i have it too.

Pikachu: I knew it. Its midoriya isn't it?

Boom boom boi: kami

Pikachu: jesus christ bakugou. wtf. youve known him since saturday.

Boom boom boi: alright look. it isnt my fault. i dont understand how any of this works

Pikachu: just fuck off. dont talk to me until you get your shit together? got it? kirishima's life is on the line here. so drop midoriya and get your mf mans

Boom boom boi: kaminari!

Pikachu: FUCK OFF

I sighed and turned off my phone, feeling tears well up in my eyes. I lost a friend. Kaminari was my best friend after Kirihsima and knowing that I'd pissed him off enough to not talk to me hurt like hell. My phone buzzed once more and I looked down at my lap, hoping for a text from Kaminari. Instead, I had received one that made me feel slightly better.

Eijirou: Alright listen kitten. i talked to Denki. i know what going on. saturday plans are still on. i think that my surprise is going to fix this whole mess, ok?

Kitten: ok

I checked the time, seeing that it was 8:07, and got out of my car, heading up to my office before work started at 8:15. I didn't have much to do, so I just kind of sat there, staring off into space, not thinking about anything, in particular. I must've dozed off because the next thing I knew, my coworker Ojiou was shaking me awake. I groaned and stretched, the events of this morning flooding back to me, causing me to stress out.

"Is everything ok Bakugou?" Ojirou asked as we walked to the parking lot.

"Just tired" I muttered.

"Well if you need anything, give me a call. Alright?" he said. I nodded. "See you tomorrow" he waved and turned away, walking in the opposite direction towards his own car. I watched him go. He walked without worry, taking each step without a care in the world. I envied him. I wanted to be able to walk around without stressing out about literally eveyrhting. But no. I had fucking Midoriya in my way.

As I thought his name, an image of his freckled face giving me a grin flickered in my mind and I felt a tickling in my throat, the scent of roses filling my noses. I ran to my car, coughing and catching the green flower petals in my hand. After I got to my car, I let it out, hacking up the ugly flowers all over my car. When I finished, I leaned back in my seat. Suddenly, my phone buzzed as I received another mother fucking text.

Deku: Hey you rushed out of the cafe so quickly. I didn't get the chance to ask if you wanted me to come over again tonight?

Kacchan: whatever

Deku: Ok! Also, is everything ok? You seemed really upset this morning.

Kacchan: yea im fine. fuck stop caring so damn much

Deku: Sorry. Ok, I have to attend to a customer. I'll see you later!

I read his last text, imagining him saying aloud. It would probably be accompanied by an ear-to-ear grin, a tiny wave at the end. Fuck. I felt the flowers again, coughing them up into my hands. This was starting to piss me off. Something needed to change.

word count: 1115

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