The Bakery Boy

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Bakugou's POV:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I groaned and shut it off, checking the time. It was 5 in the morning, the time I normally woke up for work. But today was Saturday, yet I still set the alarm. Why? Well, I had a date.

I got out of bed and took a steaming shower and then put on a pair of black skinny jeans and a black tank top. Normally, I dressed more formally for dates but Kirishima was just taking me to breakfast. Also, it was way too hot outside not to wear a tank top.

At about 7, I heard a car horn outside my apartment. I threw on a pair of black sneakers, grabbed my phone and wallet, and headed out the door. When I got outside, a red mustang sat in the parking lot. I climbed in and gave my boyfriend of 3 years a quick kiss before he drove off.

"So where are we going?" I asked him.

"Oh, nowhere special," Kirishima said. "Remember that little cafe downtown? The one where we met? It's in a small and secluded spot where no one ever goes so I'm pretty sure we'll be alone"

I nodded. I wasn't annoyed. I actually hated when he took me to fancy formal dinners. Mostly because he always insisted to pay. I would always argue with him about it but he knew how to win easily. All he had to do was threaten to punish me later and, boom, I was in line. It pissed me off most of the time. He was such a horny fuck and constantly made everything about sex. I gave in most of the time but still...

It didn't take long to get there. The cafe was down this small, one-way road that I didn't even know existed. He parked at the parking lot across the street, as the cafe didn't have its own, and we got out, heading inside.

When we stepped in, we were both immediately greeted with a blast of cool air. It felt amazing against our skin, as it was 200 degrees outside. The cafe was quite small. And empty. A few small tables sat in rows on the left side of the room in rows and a few couches and coffee tables on the right side. A TV was blaring on the wall, rather loudly. Across from the door, on the other side of the room, there was a counter with glass displays underneath it, filled with various bread and pastries. I followed Kirishima up to the counter where only one employee stood, watching the TV.

"What might I get for you?" the man asked when Kirihsima stepped up.

"I'll take 2 blueberry muffins, please. And an herbal tea." Kirishima spoke, pulling out his wallet. "What do you want?" he asked me

I shrugged. "The same thing I guess. Except make that tea a black coffee"

The man nodded and took Kirishima's money, putting it in his cash register. Kirishima wrapped an arm around my waist. "Why don't you go sit down at a table for us" he whispered into my ear. I nodded and did as he said.

I took a seat at a table, facing the counter. From there, I watched the man work, studying his features. He had messy greenish-blackish hair and green eyes. His had freckles, too, and a constant grin on his face. I couldn't help but think he was a bit cute.

He finished making our orders and handed it to Kirishima. Kiri strutted over to our table, giving me my muffins and coffee. I unwrapped one of the muffins, sinking my teeth into it. I hated sweet things but this muffin had just the perfect amount of sweet in it, it was almost to good to resist. I finished it in a flash, along with the other. I then chugged my coffee, finishing up before Kirishima even started his second muffin.

"Damn," he said, eyeing me. "You were hungry. Were they good?"

I nodded. "Uh, c-can I give him a tip?" I asked.

Kirishima smirked and pulled out his wallet, handing me a $5 bill. I took it and went up to the counter, hoping the tip resulted in more muffins. "Hey," I said to the man when I reached the counter. "Uh your muffins were really good and I wanted to tip you" I held up the bill and clenched my other fist, praying for more muffins.

He took the money with a smile, stowing it way in his pocket. "Thank you so much. I made them myself. I actually own this cafe."

"Oh really?" I asked, trying my best to sound interested. I really did not care at all. But a part of me.... forced me to keep talking to him. I couldn't figure out why.

"Yea" he sighed. "I'm also the only employee. No one comes here enough, so I don't exactly need workers."

Then I said something unbelievable. I had no idea where it came from. "Well your muffins were really good, and that's coming from someone who doesn't enjoy sugar," I said. "I would honestly come here more often" WAIT WHAT THE FUCK?! NO, I WOULDNT!!! WHAT MADE ME SAY THAT?!

"Oh that would be amazing!" the man said. Fuck. What had I gotten myself into? "I'm Midoriya, by the way. Izuku Midoriya. You are?"

"Katsuki Bakugou" I groaned. I was annoyed with myself. What made those words come out of my mouth? I didn't want to come back. This old empty cafe wasn't worth my time. I could easily just speak up and say that I wouldn't actually come back. What was stopping me?

"Nice" Midoriya said. "Here, take another muffin. On me"

I grinned taking the muffin. Jackpot. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Babe, are you ready to go?" a voice asked

I nodded and followed Kirishima out the door, giving one last wave to Midoriya. He waved back, a smile on his face like always.

Kirishima brought me home after that. "Bye kitten," he said to me, kissing my nose. "If you want, I'll come over later after work." He added, smirking. I rolled my eyes, knowing exactly what he was up to.

"No that's ok," I said to him. "I have things to do" I lied. I didn't actually. I was probably going to flop on my bed and sleep for the rest of the day. But I needed to be able to walk tommorrow, so I tried my best to avoid Kirishima's suggestion.

"Ok," Kirishima sighed. "I love you"

"Love you too" I muttered, slamming his car door shut. As I walked into my apartment building, I heard his car drive away. I headed upstairs, unlocked the door, and plodded into my bedroom, flopping onto my bed just as planned.

As I lay there, I thought about that day. I really agreed to go back. But why? I didn't even want to. Yet why did the words come out of my mouth? I sighed, knowing I had no choice. Well, I could easily just not go back. But then I'd feel bad. Midoriya was expecting me. Maybe I could go back just once. Yea. I'll do that. I'd go back tomorrow and then leave, never stepping foot in that tiny cafe again.

word count: 1233

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