"I love you"

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I was surprised at first but soon I realized what was happening and I kissed him back. The kiss ended almost as quickly as it started though as Deku pulled away. He looked at the ground, balling his hands into fists.

"I shouldn't have done that. I'm so sorry," Deku said softly, his voice cracking. I could hear the pain and tears in his voice. I felt really bad. I decided to do something.

I reached forward and grabbed his chin, picking his head up. We met eyes and then, ever so slowly, I leaned forward. As I grew closer, I felt his warm breath against mine. I closed my eyes, taking it in, growing closer and closer. All of sudden, I felt his soft lips touch mine lightly. We stayed like that for a moment until he returned the kiss, our lips melting into one.

I wrapped my hands on his waist, pulling him closer and he moved his arms around my shoulders, standing on his toes. I turned my head to the side a bit to that I could kiss him deeper. He didn't object.

After a bit, I pulled away, our breath turning back to our own personal space. We let go of each other and I noticed a slight blush on Deku's still-tear-streaked face. I reached forward, caressing his cheek and wiping a tear away with my thumb, when all of a sudden, there was a knock at the door.

Deku sighed and opened it, revealing a certain multi-colored hair man. His face lit up at the sight of Deku.

"Hey. Is everything ok?" Todoroki asked.

Deku nodded, pushing past him and picking his clothes off the floor, setting them on the bed.

"Do you want to get back to the ceremony?"

Deku shook his head, hugging himself as he stared at his toes. "I want to call off the wedding," he replied in a small voice.


"I'm sorry. Bakugou lets go. See you later Todoroki," Deku said as he walked around the room, gathering his things. He gave me a hand gesture to follow him and I did, giving Todoroki a little wave before we stepped out of the lounge.

When we got back to the ceremony, everyone stared as Deku went up to his mom, pulling on her sleeve.

"What's up, honey?" she asked in a sweet tone.

He bent down and whispered in her ear. She purses her lips again, nodding. "Everyone!" she yelled to the crowd. "The wedding is called off. We're so sorry for the inconvenience." Everyone groaned and she turned to Deku, lowering her voice for him. "Izuku, go to the car, I have to attend to some people."

He nodded and grabbed my arm, walking away with me as Deku's family members and Todoroki's sister crowded around her, yelling out questions. He brought me to a confused group of people, a tall man with blue hair and glasses, a girl with short brown hair, and another girl with long green hair. He told them to follow us and I motioned for my friends to follow too. We all walked to the parking lot in silence before piling into Inko's car.

"Izuku, is everything ok?" the girl with brown hair asked.

"Yea," he replied simply.

We sat in silence, waiting for Inko to get back. As soon as she did, she got settled in her seat and clapped her hands together. "How about we all go to dinner?" she asked, trying to be enthusiastic. We all groaned but agreed. We drove to a small restaurant, sitting around a circular table.

We mostly ate without communication, either confused or solemnly, depending on the person. It wasn't until Inko spoke that conversation struck.

"So, Kaminari, is that lightning bolt in your hair natural?"

He stopped chewing, looking up with a look of confusion on his face before slowly nodding.

"Wow, that's cool. There are so many weird things that happen but are just completely natural. Like how Izuku has exactly four freckles on either side of his face," she ranted on. I looked over at Deku. His face was tinted pink as she talked about him. I zoned out, focusing all my attention on him. Until he looked up and we met eyes.

His eyes widened and he stood up, his chair falling back behind him. People stared as he ran off in the direction of the bathroom with his hands on his mouth, his chopsticks rattling in his almost-empty pork cutlet bowl before falling still.

Inko sighed and turned back towards us. "He's been doing that a lot recently. Coughing up flower petals. It's so weird. He refuses to go to the doctor though," she said. I looked down, staring at my food as I felt Kaminari's eyes boring into me.

"I'll go check on him," I said quickly, getting up and heading to the bathroom without waiting for a response. When I got there, a man was washing his hands. He looked at me with scared eyes when I stepped in, the echoing of Deku's cough filling our ears.

I knocked lightly on the stall door. It flung open and Deku grabbed me into a hug. I hugged him back, feeling him shake as he cried into my chest. I stroked his hair, trying to calm him down. It worked faster than expected, his tears slowing until they finally came to a stop.

"K-Kacchan?" I heard him whimper.

"Hmm?" I asked, turning around and eyeing the man who was staring at us through the mirror.

"I-I love you," Deku whispered. I heard the man immediately turn the sink off behind me, leaving the room without drying his hands.

"Deku," I started but never finished. Instead, I grew silent, letting him hold me.

After a bit, we returned to our seats and finished dinner. Then Inko drove us each home, one by one, until me and Deku's friends were the only ones left.

"Thank you so much," I said to Inko before I got out. "Deku?"


I hesitated. Did I want to say it?.... No. Not yet. "Good night," I replied getting out of the car and slamming the door behind me, walking up to my apartment without a glance back.

I immediately headed to my bathroom and filled a paper cup with water before opening the medicine cabinet. I hadn't taken my meds today. I opened it up, about to pop one in my mouth, when my phone rang. With a sigh, I put the pill down to answer.

"Bro. Midoriya has Hanahaki's."

"You think I don't know that?" I asked harshly.

"That's why he called off the wedding! Brother, do you know what this means? He could die! Bakugou, I can't live to see you that way again. When Kirishima died and you got depressed and started drinking and all this other stuff. It hurt."

"Yea," I said simply, picking the bottle up, reading the label.

"We need to figure out who it is. Maybe one of his friends. Like that tall guy. Iida was his name I think. Or maybe... Does he like women? Maybe it was one of the girls. Like the one with the brown hair. She was really ho-"

"Kaminari!" I interrupted. I gripped the bottle tightly, my knuckles turning white. "I know who it is."

"Wait really? Oo oo tell me!"

I sighed. "It's me," I replied before turning the bottle upside down over the toilet, the pills emptying into the basin.

word count: 1257
sorry this chapter was also a bit short. but i did post two chapters today so i guess its ok. btw the story is almost overrrr. i think that im going to have to constantly be writing a bakudeku story no matter what because most of my followers follow me for my bakudeku stories but i think i have an idea on what it will be so its ok. also, even though bakudeku isnt my favorite ship its still a really good one so im honestly not complaining

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