>Hanahaki's Disease< noun.

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"He's kinda cute not gonna lie," Kaminari said, scoring a point easily in the game he was playing. "What was his name again?"

"Midoriya," I said

"Oh. Hey Sero, you think he's cute?"

"I don't know. He's not really my type" Sero said

"What is your type?"

"I don't know. Energetic. Funny. Optimistic. A total crackhead."

"I've known Midoriya for all of 10 minutes and I can tell you, you legit just described him. Except for the crackhead part. And I don't know about funny"

"I don't know Kaminari" I spoke up. "It kind of sounded like he just described you" Both the boys blushed and I laughed.

"Nah," Sero said. "Denki's a friend. If I liked him, I'd be coughing up bloody yellow petals" He let out a chuckle

"Pfft. What makes you think I wouldn't like you back?" Kaminari asked.

"Just a hunch. You seem like your into more of the introverted insomniac grapes on the vine"

I heard Kaminari say something but I couldn't hear it as I'd spaced off. What did Sero mean when he said he'd be coughing up petals? Like flower petals? What that some kind of metaphor? I decided to ask him. "Hey Ser? What did you mean by you'd be 'coughing up bloody yellow petals'?"

"You've never heard of hanahaki's disease?" Kaminari asked. I shook my head. "It's a disease where if you love someone and they don't love you back, you start coughing up petals. The color depends on the person though. It can be cured only if feelings are returned, by surgical removal, or death. If you get it surgically removed, however, the feelings are lost. And you can die from it. That happens if the other person falls in love with someone else. It gets worse over time, the harder you fall. At first, you just cough up flower petals, but eventually, the petals grow vines, which cut at your throat and insides, causing you to internally bleed. You could also die from drowning in your own blood if the other person doesn't fall in love with someone else first"

"Jesus Christ" I muttered.

Kaminari shrugged. "I used to have it. Before Shinsou and I started dating. He was a tough nut to crack. But he eventually fell for me. Hard. I actually never ended up coughing up blood, thank god."

"What the hell Kaminari?!" I exclaimed. He started dating Shinsou about a year ago, meaning w were friends when this was happening. "How come I didn't know this?"

"I don't know" he whispered. "It's just a little embarrassing I guess"

I slapped my forehead. He was such an idiot sometimes. He could've died. And we wouldn't have known why until it was too late. Fucking dumbass.

"Hey. Everythings ok now" Kaminari exclaimed. "We're happily engaged." He held up his hand, showing off the diamond ring on his finger.

Sero sighed. "How? I don't understand how Shinsou proposed to you. Katsuki and E have been dating for 3 years and they're not even engaged!"

Kaminari shrugged. "I guess we just love each other more"

"ALRIGHT YOU BASTARD" I yelled, tackling him. A few arcade employees rushed over, pulling me off him.

"Sirs, we can't have this kind of behavior here." One of them said. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave"

"Great job Bakugou!" Kaminari yelled as we left the arcade.

"Shut up. I didn't want to be there anyway." I muttered.

"Then why'd you agree to go?"

"To get out of that blasted cafe!" I said. "I didn't want to be there. Like, at all"

"Big oof," Sero said under his breath.

Kaminari dropped me back off at the bakery and drove off. I ran to my car, trying to get in before Midoriya saw me. Apparently, today wasn't my luckiest of days.

"Bakugou!!" a sweet voice yelled from across the street. I looked up and saw a man with messy green hair running towards me, a small object in his hand. "You left your wallet here," he said panting after he reached me.

I snatched it from his and thumbed through it, counting the bills. I sighed in relief when I realized he didn't take anything. "Thanks"

"No problem," Midoriya said with a stupid grin. "How was the arcade?" I mentally groaned. It was hot outside and I wanted to go home. Not stand in this parking lot and answer this dork's endless questions.

"It was fine!" I said aggressively. "Other than the fact that I got us kicked out"

Midoriya sighed and giggled. "What you do? Get into a fight or something?"

"Yep," He immediately stopped laughing.

"Oh," he whispered.

"Yea" I murmured. "Can I go now? I have somewhere to be"

"Oh yea sorry" he replied, stepping away from my car. I got into my car and he gave me a smile and a wave. I looked away, ignoring him as I drove off out of sight.

That night, at around 8:30, I lay in bed trying to fall asleep. Suddenly, I heard my phone go off. I looked at it to see a text from an unknown number. Just a simple "Hey". I responded with "who is this"

Unknown: Its Midoriya. From the cafe

Bakugou :): how tf did you get my number?

Unknown: Oh it was on a card in your wallet.


Unknown: I'm sorry! I was trying to figure out whos it was.

Bakugou :): what the fuck ever. what do you want?

Unknown: What are you doing?

Bakugou :): trying to sleep

Unknown: At 8:32?

Bakugou :): fuck yea. is that a problem?

Unknown: No no of course not! Sorry to bother you. I hope you sleep well. Good night

Bakugou :): yea

I threw my phone down, annoyed that the shitty bakery bastard was bothering me at this hour. I had almost been asleep. I changed his name on my phone to "Deku". I don't know why. It was the first thing that came to mind.

word count: 1000! (that makes me really happy idk why)

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