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"Ow-www" I groaned in pain as soon as I sat up. Fuck hangovers.

Double fuck!

I gasped in shock as I saw myself.




Good morning seoul.


After five full minutes of overthinking of all the millions or even billions?!? of possibility of what happened last night, I calmed myself...I guess.... I mean what if I get pregnant??? Wait that even possible?

Yeah let's just say that I was calm.

Huh? What's that? I saw an envelope on the table which made me curious.

"To Nini,

Wow. Haven't seen that nickname for so long.

"Good morning beautiful, First of all don't worry. Nothing happened after we made out."

I sighed. Was it because of relief or disappoint? But still. We kissed. No, we made out. With our tongue. Fuck.

I was touching my lower lip, remembering the thing we did yesterday. Ahh! Continue reading self!

"I left you medicine for your hangover and I prepared breakfast for you. They're your favourites, unless they changed... but yeah. I know how you hate hangovers so I hope those help. And what I wanted to talk about is...I hope you give me a chance to earn your trust again? Even as friends? I know that I might not sound sincere since it's not in person but I've figured that you might avoid me and not listen to me so I decided to write it. Anyways, that's all. Have a great morning, sunshine!


For some reasons, I felt guilty.


"Please....j-just let me explain...." she was crying, begging, asking for mercy, kneeling on my front door.

I did my best holding my tears but I couldn't.

"J-just..go!" I was mad. I pushed her away, and slammed the door.


I sighed again. 2 years already flew by huh.

I quickly put clothes and ate breakfast. It's the day after we arrived Seoul, so it's the first day of our work. I shouldn't be late.

I smiled at the food in front of me. Yum. I miss this.



Fuck! I'm late.

I quickly stood up from the bed, changing my clothes. I didn't notice that I napped too long after I showered.

I quickly dressed and fixed myself, then took the elevator.

15 missed calls from Chaeng. Shit.

Please don't tell me they left.

I ran as soon the elevator opened. But when I went out. Fuck. They're gone.

I looked outside and still there were no signs of them.

I was about to call Chaeng when suddenly,


I was startled. The window of the car slowly went down, and I saw the girl I didn't want to see. Lisa.

"Get in." She commanded but I ignored her.

I tried looking for Chaeng again but I got startled.



"I said get in. We're late." She said in a serious tone.

"Fine." I entered the car.

Damn. I forgot how serious she was when it was work related.

"You're late." She drove as soon as I had my seatbelt on.


She sighed.

"This is the last time this is gonna happen, Ms. Kim."

"Y-yes." I stuttered. Why am I even nervous??

After a while, the atmosphere was less serious.

"Anyways, did you read my letter?" She started.

"Yes." I shortly answered.

"Soo?" She was curious.

"We'll see."

I'm not ready to face you.

"Okay." She continued driving to our meeting place.




My eyes twitched and I forced a smile, glaring at Chaeng.

Me and Lisa were left alone together. And I'm sure she made this happen.

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