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Déjà-rêvé is a generic term for three distinct entities: it can be the recollection of a specific dream ("episodic-like"), reminiscence of a vague dream ("familiarity-like") or experiences in which the subject feels like they are dreaming (literally "a dreamy state").

Steven lived a simple life. He got up, ate, went to school, came home, and went to sleep. Every single day. It was routine.

Sometimes he'd have trouble falling asleep at night because he watched too many horror movies or even because he's just not tired.

However, one night he couldn't sleep at all, he stayed awake, staring at the ceiling, completely still.

It was 6 am. He expected the sun to come up in about 30 minutes, but when 6:30 came, the sun didn't show.

7:00 came, no sun.




No sun.

Steven began to panic. He peeked out of the window and saw that the moon was still up. His focus shifted to the pair of eyes staring back at him through the window.

He jumped back from the window, screaming, and locked his bedroom door; jumping onto his bed and slipping into the very corner. He covered himself with a blanket, pulling his knees to his chest and making sure every part of hid body was covered by the blanket except for his eyes.

Steven had just started to gain comfort in the small room he waited in when he heard a loud thud down the hall. Then another, and another, all getting closer to his bedroom door.

His stomach leapt into his chest when the door knob jiggled once, then twice, then the lock popped off of the knob, and the door creaked open—

Steven jerked awake when they heard the loud crash of something falling off of their dresser.

He looked around. It had just been a dream.

He looked out of the window. No eyes...but also no sun.

It must still be night.

He checked the time and froze when it read 10:30.

He heard a loud thud from across the hallway.

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