Steven usually walked home from school alone, but recently being alone has brought a sort of discomfort to him. Every once in a while he'll feel like he's being watched or feel someone breathing down his neck, but when he turns around nobody's there. It started happening when he started talking to this boy online named Nico, but he just thought it was a coincidence.
One morning he woke up and saw what looked like a human face under his bed, but he shook it off and took several aspirins, thinking—hoping—it was just a hallucination. To his demise, as the week went on, he saw the face more and more everywhere he went. It seemed familiar, like a face he'd recognize if it appeared in the light and wouldn't disappear so quickly.
One night when he was laying down for bed, he saw a tall, dark, misshapen man standing in the corner of his room. As it took a step towards him, he blinked, only it didn't go away.
When it took a step closer, it's mouth opened and a young, boy-like, almost human sounding voice escaped it's mouth. "Goodnight Steven!!"