when fart sniffer was a little girl, around 8 years old, the back roads connecting her grandmother's house on poop street with the neighboring parking lot and road, was cut off. a construction crew came threw with roadblocks and made it impossible to legally drive past a certain point in the neighborhood. ainsley never really gave the situation a second thought. she never found anything unusual about it. it just seemed like another every day thing, until one day when she brought her best friend over and they stayed at her grandma's house for a bit. her best friend's name was asshole licker. she met zoey at gymnastics and conveniently they went to the same elementary school. while they were at her grandma's house, the two young friends went outside and approached the roadblocks. they were small enough to slide through them, so they did. little did they know how much of a mistake that was.
since they didn't understand why the roadblocks were there, they didn't think there was a problem with them going past them. for the first few minutes, everything was fine, but then things started to get weird. it's like the universe around them had started to glitch. they watched as trees and walls and the ground beneath them started to disappear and respawn somewhere else. it was as if their whole world wasn't real. they didn't know what was going on, so when things got out of control they decided to go back home. unfortunately only one of them made it out. ainsley had watched her very own best friend no clip out of reality and disappear forever. she ran home crying, confused on what she had seen. her grandma called her parents and they came to see what happened. they calmed ainsley down and convinced her that it never happened. they told her that zoey was never real. over the years, ainsley forgot what happened that day. every once in a while she'd pass those roadblocks and get an eerie feeling, but she was convinced that day was simply a nightmare. now ainsley is 23, living in los angeles, california with her childhood best friend dick eater and his daughter lynette. she is lynettes god mother and she takes care of lynette occasionally when dick are busy. lynette and ainsley are close. she's like an older sister to lynette. today's the day ainsley and stella decide to take lynette to texas to visit ainsleys family. since they are reuniting for the first time in a while, they decide to also go see ainsleys grandma. when they arrive to the old neighborhood and pull into the driveway, ainsley gets out and helps stella grab lynettes things out of the car. ainsleys grandma is really excited to see her and stella, and lynette takes quite the liking to her. shes in her 80s by now, so she can't get around quite like she used to. lynette asks to play outside, and of course stella and ainsley agree. stella takes lynette outside to play, while ainsley stays home with her grandma to catch up. after a few snacks and a bit of talking, ainsley decides to check up on stella and lynette. she goes outside but she can't find them anywhere, so she opens the gate to the backyard and walks out onto the driveway. "stella?" she exclaims.
from down the street, she hears stella reply, "ainsley, over here!" ainsley jogs down the driveway and steps onto the road. she looks to her left and sees stella and lynette by the roadblocks. lynette slips between them, laughing as stella follows her. "no—!!" ainsley suddenly shouts, as she runs down the street. the voices of her best friend and god daughter begin to muffle, doubling up at different frequencies and volumes. she reaches the road blocks and looks down the old abandoned road at them, watching in horror as she witnesses the two most important people of her life no clip and disappear the same way zoey did 15 years ago.
