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Eddy Brigewater | Double D

"Yeah I hear you bruh, shit happens. You can't get upset because she can't talk about it- I hear you Dom." Eddy nodded

Switching his phone from one ear to the other as he opened the door to his home.

"I get what you s-." He got cut off seeing a vase being thrown near his head. "What the f... imma call you back later." Hanging up the phone he walked deeper into the house

Shutting the door with his feet as he tossed his keys and phone on the coffee table.

"What the fuck is wrong with you Ashley?" He asked mugging her

She shook her head and scoffed. "Are you cheating on me?"

Eddy waved her off, chuckling to himself. "This why I don't do relationships. You being insecure for what?"

"Why are you flipping the script on me? Are you cheating on me or not? You know we've been together for a year and a half and you never told me you loved me. Ever since you met them you've been drifting away from me. We don't even go on dates anymore."

"You tripping." He looked down avoiding eye contact

"See you can't even look me in the eyes, Eddy just let me know if I'm wasting my time. I'll pack up and leave, no turning back."

Eddy looked up and frowned. "Why you doing this to me?"

"Why can you give relationship advice when your own relationship is failing?" She snapped

"Ashley gon' on now, I'm not in the mood for all this nagging right now. You stressing me the fuck out." He mumbled the last part as he walked passed her

"If I'm stressing you out let me know. Tell me to leave and I'll go." Ashley crossed her arms over her chest following behind him

Eddy stopped walking making her crash into his back. Eddy turned around and straight faced her.

"What do you want from me?" He snapped frustrated at all of the questions

"What do you want for us? Because I eventually want to get married and have kids with you." She said with a sad smile

Eddy scratched the side of his face and sighed. "It would be best for you to go find a man who's ready for that type of commitment."

"I guess so." She croaked

She played around with the necklace around her neck before taking it off and handed it to him.

"Have a nice life Eddy. I'll get my things tomorrow." She smiled wiping the tears from her eyes

Eddy clutched onto the necklace, sliding it in his pocket. She kissed his cheek before turning on her heels and walking out. He blinked wiping his face. He looked down seeing the tears on his hand. Smacking his lips he walked to the table to pick up his phone.

"Fuck." He mumbled walking towards the door

He opened it seeing Ashley still sitting in the driveway. Feeling eyes on her she looked up, she wiped her eyes and drove off.

"Don't go." He whispered

He closed the door and locked it. He shook his head sliding down to the floor and placing his head in his hands.

Later in the day

"Eddy I know growing up without a mother was hard for you but that don't mean you can go around being heartless."

"I'm not aunty, I didn't think she was going to actually leave me." He groaned wiping his face

"Well what did you think was going to happen?"

"Maggie- nevermind bye." He rolled his eyes hanging up the phone

He stood up grabbing his keys in the process. Sliding his slides on he headed out to the one person who he felt wasn't gon' judge him for the decisions he made.

"Nobody's relationship is perfect Eddy, think about it in a female perspective. She was fighting for your love and you just showed her that you don't care."

"She thought I was cheating on her, I ain't no simp ass nigga. Say I express the way that I feel and later on I do propose and shit. I don't want to be with no woman who gon' accuse me of cheating."

"Like I tell Kia think about the positives not the negatives. Like they say if you love someone let them go, if they come back that's how you know that y'all were meant to be. You'll run into her, if not let go of your pride and chase her like you chase money."

"Says the nigga who took forever to let down his walls and let my aunty help him." Eddy joked elbowing him

"Boy fuck you." Dom chuckled standing up from the couch

Coco came running from the back barking.

"I swear yo dog a damn crackhead." Eddy said patting Coco head. "Anyways how you and Kia doing since our conversation got cut off."

"I convinced her to get out of bed and go back to work. She wanted to quit but it was no reason to. As for me I'm fine, going with the flow. I hope Kia don't have to do any jail time because I wouldn't know how to handle it."

"How is your therapy going?" He asked standing from the couch

"I mean it's going, I feel lighter if that makes sense."

"Like a weight been lifted off your shoulders- I feel you."

"Pretty much. You want a drink or something?"

Eddy glared at him making Dom laugh. "Dumb ass nigga, I mean water or something."

"Mmcht. Ok whatever you say nigga, gimmie a water or something."

"Gimmie got shot nigga, you know where the refrigerator is." Dom mumbled walking back to the couch

Eddy sucked his teeth walking into the kitchen. Dom patted the seat next to him and Coco jumped up laying beside him.

"Aht get that dog out my seat." Eddy frowned looking over the island

"Shut that shit this my house, imma fuck around and let Coco shit on you."

"Word I thought we was better than this."

"Bye Double D go get yo girl back." Dom waved him off as he turned on the TV

Eddy waved him off, grabbing his keys. "Aight imma fuck with you."

》I'm so over life... im stressed asf
》I just wanted to do something a lil different. How y'all feel about Dom and Eddy friendship?

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