C H A P T E R 22

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I'll let you set the pace
'Cause I'm not thinking straight
My head spinning around, I can't see clear no more
What are you waiting for?– Love me like you do, Ellie Goulding

Kia Jones

"I'm fine." Kia told herself as she forced her legs to get out of the car and walk into the restaurant. Once she was inside, a lot of looks from men were on her and she ignored them. A host came up to her and asked if she was meeting anyone. "Yes." She  answered looking up his eyes met hers and she smiled at the host. "Found him." She said and walked away, smoothly making her way to him as he stood up to kiss her tenderly on the lips.

"Hey stranger." Dom said. She shivered at the sound of his voice, missing it so much.

"Hi." Kia said as they sat down. "What drink are you ordering?" She asked him

"I think I want to get drunk so champagne will work for me." He said with a smile.

Kia glared at him, making him laugh. "I'm kidding." Dom mumbled, they both just stared into each other's eyes, loving every moment of being together. This was something they definitely needed.

You know the feeling of being around someone yet at the same time your distant. That's how they've been feeling lately so a date night was very much needed.

"Have you decided?" A waiter suddenly came up to them and asked.

"Just a water for the both of us." She answered. The waiter looked confused for a moment but left none the less without hesitation.

"I miss you." She said, once he was gone.

The waiter set down their drinks and walked away swiftly when she told him they wouldn't be ordering anything right now.

"I'm sorry I've been so busy lately." She added

Dom shook his head and grinned crookedly. "Were both guilty of that. I've barely had enough time to process everything, let alone keep up with my therapy sessions." Dom grabbed Kia's hand intertwining them

"Everything's going to be alright. I t–." Kia got cut off seeing her phone ringing

"Who is it?" Dom asked looking down

"My mama it might be something important." Kia looked up at Dom

"Answer it." He mumbled sitting back some

Kia answered hitting the speaker button. Before she could say anything her mother started talking.

"Okay, so I'm thinking about having another baby with your father so expect a little brother or sister."

Kia looked down at her phone while Dom shook his head. He didn't know who was worse. Angela and Senior or Karen and Makai.

"Y'all old ass fuck that baby gone have one arm." She joked

"While your trying to be funny I was going to say April fools, but lemme tell you something. When I had you I threw you in the dumpster the next day because you looked funny... I should've left your funny looking ass. Goodnight bitch." Karen said hanging up the phone

Dom choked on his water from laughing so hard. Kia smacked her lips, placing her phone on silence before stuffing it in her purse.

"She didn't even need nothing and it's nowhere near April. Dom it's not funny." She said pinching his arm

"Chill, chill it was kinda funny though. Funny looking ass." He mocked cracking up

"You know what else funny? The balcony where you'd be staying if you keep it up."

Dom stopped laughing looking up. Waving the waitress back over.

"That's what I thought." She mumbled

Dom waved her off as the waitress made her way towards their table. "Were ready to order." He told her

She nodded taking out her pen and pad. She listened as they ordered. When they were finished she walked away.

"So how's the case going?" Dom asked her

"It's going." She mumbled softly looking down

Dom sighed grabbing her hand again. "You look beautiful baby." He said changing the subject


They sat in silence for a few, enjoying each other's presence before deciding to catch up on something's.

"Mr. Jones." She whispered, after a long a conversation about what the other has missed in the other's life.

"Yes?" He said just as lustfully, quickly picking up on her tone almost immediately. Her foot found his quickly under the table, and she slowly began sliding it up his leg with a look of lust in her eyes.

He tensed up at the feeling, closing his eyes and said. "Kia... don't." He almost moaned.

"I want to have your kids." She said placing her legs down

"After everything clears up we will." Dom mumbled closing his eyes

"Good to know that I still have that affect on you. Just think about saggy grandma drawls."

Dom frowned, gagging in his mouth some. Kia chuckled sipping her water. The waitress came back with their food and placed it in front of them.

"Let me know if you guys need anything else." They nodded saying thank you as the waitress walked away

"You ever thought about any names?" Dom asked after awhile

"Hmm?" Kia questioned looking up

Dom shook his head, grabbing a napkin he wiped her face making her smile.

"Uniqua." Kia chuckled seeing Dom straight face her

"I'm kidding I haven't really thought about it yet." She shrugged as she continued stuffing her face

"When was the last time you ate properly?" Dom asked feeling bad that he never noticed

Kia shrugged again. Dom nodded waving the waitress over again.

"Can I have another chicken alfredo with extra sauce?"

"Coming right up." The waitress said placing a gallon of water on their table 

She walked away and Kia looked up blushing in embarrassment.

"Don't be embarrassed I always got you. I know you got a lot going on but don't go around forgetting to eat, I don't need my baby getting sick."

"I hear you." She mumbled 

Dom slid his plate to her noticing that she was eyeing it.

"I ate before I left, fill up you need the strength." He told her seeing the hesitation in her face

Kia slid her plate to the middle and smiled before digging in. Dom smiled seeing the smile he haven't seen in awhile.

(I wanna write another love story.)

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