C H A P T E R 34

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Kia Jones
A week later

Kia paces back and forth in her and her husband's bedroom as she tries to control her breathing. At nine months pregnant, her body has become accustomed to pain and contractions, but today it feels a bit like her baby is trying to yank her insides apart.

She gasps as another contraction hits and she doubles over in pain, her left hand shooting out to keep herself upright against the dresser. She groans as the pain continues for a while before slowly ebbing away. "Oh my." She panted, feeling a cold sweat form on her forehead.

"Dom." She called out her lips trembling. "Whew." She breathed out. At that moment, another contraction hits Kia like a freight train and she couldn't hold back the pained groan that escapes her lips.

Kia looked around the room and sniffled after realizing she sent Dom to the store. Hearing slight noises. Angela ran in, followed by Senior.

"Are you okay? Is it the baby? Is it coming?" Angela asked frantically

"Where's Dom?" She breathed out

"I don't know." Angela shrugged helping her stand up straight. "Let's get you to the hospital."

"But- aaaahhhh!" Kia shrieks as another contraction hits, this one a lot worse than the last. She inhales sharply and shakes her head as she rubs her stomach.

"Senior go grab her bag and go crank up the car."

"But Dom." Kia cried holding her stomach. Suddenly, she feels something wet and slippery run down her legs and she stares down at the floor

"Kia you pissed on the floor." Senior scrunched up his face

"I think my water broke." She cried harder looking down

Senior eyes widened and he ran out of the room. "I call Dom, come on baby."

"No I want Dom." She whined fear and panic spreads across Kia's face

"Stop being stubborn Kia, I'll call him." Angela huffed

Kia nodded and Angela helped her slide her shoes on.


"Angela where is he?" Kia sobs as the contractions continue. She's currently laying back on a hospital bed, waiting for her OBGYN to come back with something for the pain. Upon seeing Angela walk back in, she starts tearing up quickly. " Angela, I can't- I don't know if I can do this."

"Yes you can." Angela disagrees sternly as she comes to stand by her daughter in laws side. "You're the strongest woman I know. You-"

"No I mean I can't do this without Dom!" She snaps through gritted teeth. "Please call him again."

"Snappy much." Senior snickered from the corner of the room

"Senior shut the hell up and be useful, call Makai and Karen. I'll be back." She sighed walking out of the door

Dom's head whiped from side to side upon entering the hospital, trying to find a nurse or someone who can direct him to the right place. He found a nurse at the front desk, and she instantly asked him if he needed anything.

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